Saturday, April 24, 2010

Limited Government Presupposes Social Conservatism

Phyllis Schlafly for explains how limited government can't exist without social conservatism:

If limited-government conservatives are dreaming of taking back America for fiscal sanity in the November elections, they should study how the unprecedented decline in marriage and the increase in illegitimacy are the major causes of our bloated government and gigantic welfare spending.

In 2008, 40.6% of children born in the U.S. were born outside of marriage; that's 1,720,000 children. This is not, as the media try to tell us, a teenage problem. Only 7% of those illegitimate babies were born to girls under age 18, and over three-fourths were born to women over 20. The problem is the collapse of marriage as the social institution responsible for the costs of child care.

The fiscal conservative faction of the Republican Party should also study why Republicans won their big congressional majority in 1994 and what has happened since. The Democratic Party's welfare boondoggle was a major reason for the GOP victory.

Go here to read the full argument.