Thursday, September 3, 2015

Syriza youth wing declines to support Alexis Tsipras and Syriza in upcoming election

That could well signal it's already curtains for Syriza with less than three weeks to go to new elections.

From the story here at the Greek Reporter:

"On Monday, his speech writer Theodoros Kollias resigned stating that SYRIZA has lost its founding ideals. On Tuesday, the SYRIZA Youth issued a statement saying they withdraw their support to the party in the upcoming elections. Also, the same day, another part of the SYRIZA coalition, the Communist Drift, left the party and will join new SYRIZA offshoot Popular Unity. ...

"In social networks the party and its leader are ridiculed for the 180-degree turn from militant leftists to a more conservative, pro-euro political entity. The 20-24 percent the party gets in opinion polls is nothing compared to the 45-plus percentages they were getting just three months ago."

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Obama's red line in Syria washes up on shore in Turkey

The refugee crisis in the Mediterranean is the direct result of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton policies to destabilize Libya, Egypt, Syria and more.

Everything they have touched has turned to death for thousands upon thousands of innocents.

Best news yet from Donald John Trump: tells libertarians "no way"!

Bret Stephens imagines the American creed is a sonnet lately written and adorning the Statue of Liberty from 1903

'[W]e may soon have a conservative movement in which the American creed of “give us your tired, your poor” could yield to the Trumpian creed that America must not become a “dumping ground” to poor immigrants from Latin America, as if these millions of hardworking and God-fearing people are a specimen of garbage.'

The Trumpian creed is that we must not become a dumping ground for illegal immigrants or the world's criminals. But for admirers of French statues and exploiters of cheap foreign labor like Stephens and The Wall Street Journal it is necessary to erect straw men the more easily to knock them down.

Jorge Ramos sends his kids to an elite private school in Miami, not the public schools illegal immigrants are stuck with

Story here.

Grand Rapids, MI, had average temperature in August 2015 1.2 degrees F BELOW normal

The string of negative temperature anomalies continues in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in August 2015 with average temperature 1.2 degrees F below normal.

That brings the cumulative anomaly for 2015 from -21.4 degrees F last month to -22.6 through August.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Trump firmly in first in latest Real Clear Politics poll average with 26.5% , 17 points ahead of Bush who's now calling Trump a jerk

That's what Trump gets for calling Jeb "low energy". Sounds fair to me, for a loser.  Story here.

Hillary for Prison 2016 signs reported stolen in The Hamptons

Souvenirs? Story here.

Since Obama was elected in 2008, wise investors in firearms have become fabulously wealthy

$100K invested in Sturm Ruger & Co. has become $979K, in Smith & Wesson $787K.

Way to go Brownie!

up 879%
up 687%

Monday, August 31, 2015

Trump in first with 25.7 in latest Real Clear Politics GOP presidential poll average, 14.7 ahead of Carson, 16 ahead of Jeb

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley pulled a Clinton, made off with furnishings from the mansion before leaving office

Martin O'Malley is right. The Democrats need more debates so that he and Hillary can argue over who got away with more.

The Clintons, as you remember, were dirt poor when they left the White House and tried to make off with about $190K in goods, The New York Times reported at the time.

The Baltimore Sun reports here that Marty O'Malley had $62K worth of furniture in the residence declared "junk" and then bought it for less than $10K while he was still in office, and then took it with him when he moved out.

That there's a law against that in Maryland tells you everything you need to know about Maryland Democrats.

The Orange County Register is wondering why it's taking the Justice Department so long to decide whether to indict Lois Lerner

Indeed, we think there is ample evidence to indict Ms. Lerner, who has acknowledged “absolutely inappropriate” actions by her division, while casting blame upon low-level “front-line people” who worked for her.

The answer to why it's taking so long is that it's run by the Obama Administration, which intends to stall justice, get around justice, and actually commit injustice, not expedite justice, as in put a Holder on justice, and then Lynch it.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

If Ben Carson wins the Iowa Straw Poll, he'll be remembered like . . .

Meanwhile speaking of perverts, The Donald calls Anthony Weiner "one of the great sleazebags of our time"

Weiner is very popular with some people.

"Who is Huma married to? One of the great sleazebags of our time: Anthony Weiner."

Michigan has two top 10 universities . . . in the Ashley Madison hack

Story here, which twice calls the hack a "data leak".

Syriza goes from "hope is coming" to "only ahead" just as Obama went from "hope" to "forward"

Is this a shameless rip-off of a 2011 hit by Greek pop star Demy or what?

The vote of the young and the dumb, as always, is key to the advance of socialism.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Jeb Bush has a big expensive campaign, and you know what that means

He'll have a big, expensive government.

Seen here:

But Bush’s fundraising pace has slowed in the late summer months. Still, he’s likely to remain the GOP campaign’s top fundraiser, but Bush is also spending more than other candidates because he has a mammoth operation.

“Jeb has a big army, and that army needs to be fed,” said one campaign consultant familiar with the campaign’s internal numbers. “Jeb might not have a fundraiser problem. He might have a spending problem.”

Peter Morici says Trump's ideas really do make sense

Peter Morici of the University of Maryland, quoted here:

"One of the reasons he is winning votes is he's talking about the macro issues that so frustrate many Americans and seem so blatantly unfair," says Peter Morici, a professor of economics at University of Maryland's Robert Smith school of business. ...

"The big issues he talks about do make some sense," says Morici. "The question there really much substance there or is this just a few phrases?"

Friday, August 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton has taken the red arrow out of her logo: looked too much like the Cuba flag I guess


Flashback January 28, 2013: Obama called Hillary "one of the finest secretary of states"

To its credit, CBS preserved in "print" the supposedly smartest president ever flubbing the English language yet one more time. But then again how could they not preserve it? It's on tape.

Occidental? Columbia? Harvard? Still hard to make a purse out of a sow's ear, as my mother used to say.

President Obama: "Well, the main thing is I just wanted to have a chance to publicly say thank you, because I think Hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we've had. It has been a great collaboration over the last four years. I'm going to miss her. Wish she was sticking around. But she has logged in so many miles, I can't begrudge her wanting to take it easy for a little bit. But I want the country to appreciate just what an extraordinary role she's played during the course of my administration and a lot of the successes we've had internationally have been because of her hard work."

Maybe if Obama had had more attorneys general Hillary would have been indicted by now just by luck.

h/t Chris Plante