Thursday, August 15, 2019

The left-wing Dayton, Ohio shooter should have just skipped the alcohol and anti-depressants, which cancel each other out, and stayed with the cocaine

Hey wait a minute, aren't drugs illegal in this country?

Notice how five of the seven 30-year bond yield dives are a feature of the recent period since the 2000 bubble

And notice how all the episodes of great stress are post-1986 tax reform.

The chickens . . . are coming home . . . to roost!

Former PIMCO wheeler-dealer is against freedom of the financial press: Why, you might sell before he does

This is shocking: Yield on 30-year US Treasury officially falls below 2% for the first time

Says the guy who already signed First Step bill which is letting guys like this go

Israel practices a little reverse BDS, Boycotts Dumb and Stupider by barring Tlaib and Omar from visiting

Jobless claims through 8/10/19 pop above year ago levels in both seasonally-adjusted and not-seasonally-adjusted

That's now the third time in recent months (May, June, August), a concerning sign given that full time employment usually peaks in 3Q. It's not encouraging to see such weakness at the strongest time of the year. 

Insane DOT under Trump allows mini horses on planes as service animals, ratifying devolution of air travel into Third World country bus ride

The yield on the US 30-year Treasury dipped below 2% for the first time ever this morning

Obama's minions in Philly, where in 2008 he talked about bringing a gun to a knife fight, laugh at cops being shot

Obama Goes One on One, Battling ‘Just a Speechmaker’ Label:

He has also been showing a more pugnacious side, commenting at a Philadelphia fund-raiser Friday that he was prepared for a fight with Republicans, saying, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” That line, from “The Untouchables,” led the campaign of his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona, to cry foul and to suggest that hopes for an elevated dialogue were in danger.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Jeffrey Snider: The whole global economy is in trouble, and it isn't because of a few billion in US tariffs on Chinese goods

Rather it is because hundreds of billions of dollars worth of liquidity keep disappearing since the Great Financial Crisis.

Treasury bonds are the most expensive they have been in over sixty years

All "asset" classes are near-record expensive: bonds, stocks, gold, housing, college education, health insurance policies . . .. 

Cliff Asness, here:

So, the bottom line is, as measured by real bond yield, U.S. Treasury bonds are really frickin’ expensive. Measured by the slope of the yield curve they are really frickin’ expensive. But, measured by the average of these two simple variables, they are 60+ year just about record-low frickin’ expensive. This result is not caused by, but is certainly exacerbated by, the (perhaps) surprisingly uncorrelated nature of slope and real bond yield, thus making both so low and at the same time considerably more surprising.

Now that's what I call bipartisanship: China attacks the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House

Notably missing from the attack is President Trump. None dare call him Quisling.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

#Freda: Stupid conservatives went to the mat for Sen. Rick Scott, now he supports red flag laws

Same old same old GOP, same as the same old same old Democrat P.

Trump isn't a revolution because there isn't a deep bench, but because there isn't a bench at all

Rush Limbaugh tries to sandbag his audience, claims guy FILMING himself calling Cuomo Fredo really believed his name was Fredo because Rush calls Cuomo that

If that's true, then Rush's audience is dumber than a million Fredos, which makes Rush pretty stupid for not thinking of that.

Obviously the guy didn't believe that Fredo was Cuomo's real name, otherwise filming the set up would have been completely beside the point. The point was to get the reaction on film.

Rush didn't invent the Fredo meme for Chris Cuomo. It's been out there at least since 2010 in New Yawk City, thanks to Curtis Sliwa.