Monday, March 14, 2016

Like Mussolini, Trump breathes air

Die you hypocrites, die.

It's hard to overstate what an ignoramus is Mark Levin about tariffs and trade

Mark Levin is a lawyer, not an historian, and not an economist, and not much of a hail fellow well met, either. Always seeking approval at others' expense, he should rather seek to convince without spite than to confound without understanding.

His tariff rant this evening ignores that the America of his precious founders was a tariff regime until the dreaded income tax of 1913.

The America of the founders was also a limited government for that reason until that very day.

But open wide the avenue for revenue, and you open the maw of the Leviathan and crawl into it.

We haven't been the same since, slowly dissolving in its mandibular juices on our way to the shit pile of history.

If Mark Levin had any brains about the founding, he'd know this.

There's that 47% figure again: The percentage of Muslim-Americans who consider themselves Muslim first

Ted Cruz' many flip-flops: Obamatrade, foreign workers, illegal alien amnesty, birthright citizenship, Edward Snowden, crop insurance

Nicely detailed with links by Laura Ingraham, here.

John Kasich would legalize all illegals within the first 100 days of his presidency, which would open the floodgates to millions more

Noted here in a list of all Kasich's extreme positions on illegal immigration:

In last Thursday’s CNN debate, Kasich told voters that he would enact the largest amnesty in U.S. history within his first 100 days in office. “For the 11 and a half million who are here, then in my view if they have not committed a crime since they’ve been here, they get a path to legalization. Not to citizenship. I believe that program can pass the Congress in the first 100 days,” Kasich said.

Hillary's jobs plan: We are going to put a lot of coal miners out of business

Last night, video here.

Defectors from Cruz to Trump are getting through to talk radio this morning

To both the Laura Ingraham Show and the Chris Plante Show, citing the failure of Cruz to stick to principle over the left's attacks on Trump rally attendees in Chicago.

John Kasich spotted supporting Trump

OK, maybe it's his twin brother.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Donald Trump appeared in Boca Raton, Florida tonight in a scene right out of Patton

Cruz doubles down on tactics of the left, weds Trump to Obama (who might as well be Hitler) as divisive

Like Benedict Arnold John Kasich learned nothing by being present at the founding

David Horowitz, here.

Trump: The man without a compass goes from racist to violent ideologue in one week

The hysteria continues.

And if that doesn't work, they'll try something else next week.

Prediction: Marco Rubio will become a Democrat after his US Senate term expires

Yeah, I know, whattayamean after.

Losing the propaganda war: Foolish Rush Limbaugh's big Lewandowski problem

Rush Limbaugh let his partisanship for Ted Cruz show on Friday when he prematurely ejaculated all over the Corey Lewandowski non-story here and here before it became clear here and here that Michelle Fields is just trying to sell her boobs new book.

Friday was a very bad day for Rush Limbaugh and the other Ted Cruz propagandists.

None of them dared touch the radioactive bombshell Drudge stories showing Ted Cruz has been faking his Southern Baptist bona fides. ("If we don't cover it, it doesn't exist").

Limbaugh's attempt to make the Carson endorsement of Trump the story of the day instead of Cruz' lies about his background utterly failed.

And now the Lewandowski story falls apart.

But expect no mea culpas from Limbaugh or any of the others.

They're just a pack of weasels.

Who's the worse liar, Obama or Cruz?

Obama lied (among many other things) about his mother's health insurance, but Cruz lied about his religion.


Legal immigrant for Trump expresses outrage that illegals try to cut in line when his family complied with the law

This morning in Bloomington, Illinois at a rally for Trump.

Constitutional law prof featured in WaPo argues Ted Cruz is ineligible to be president

Mary Brigid McManamon, constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School.

Here on January 12th:

Donald Trump is actually right about something: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States.

Trump: News cameras zoom in on rally disruptions, never pan to show the thousands supporting him

Interruptions have become so common that they fit into a part of Trump’s familiar talking points. He complains that news cameras won’t pan a venue to show the breadth of his following when he asks. But, he insists, those lenses will peer into the crowd if a protest breaks out. “The dishonest, disgusting media,” he said at The Midland. Saturday night, he pledged to press charges against anyone who disrupts his speeches. “They have to explain to Mom and Dad why they have a record!” he said. The crowd hooted in appreciation.

Good idea!

Flashback: 20% of self-identified conservatives voted for Obama in 2008*

*Tony Blankley, American Grit (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2009), 185.

And it looks like they'll be voting for Hillary in 2016.

John Kasich also has too few signatures to run in Illinois, but no one cares!

Ain't democracy wonderful? John Kasich doesn't care about the rules, and neither does anyone else!

CHICAGO, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Despite not receiving the minimum number of signatures required in all congressional districts in Illinois, Ohio Gov. John Kasich will remain on the ballot.

Last week was the deadline for candidates to submit signatures to appear on the ballot in the state's March 15 primary. Kasich did not have enough valid signatures in the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th congressional districts, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections. In the 14th district alone, he is short by 779 signatures.