Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Revulsion Election 2016 update, two weeks out


2016: 133.3 million
2012: 129.2 million
2008: 131.5 million

Popular Vote

Trump/Clinton: 62.0m/63.7m
Romney/Obama: 60.9m/65.9m
McCain/Obama: 60.0m/69.5m
5.8 million who turned out for Obama in 2008 didn't for Hillary in 2016

Hillary Loses to Trump in 2016 Underperforming Obama 2008 by

424,000 in PA
623,000 in OH
606,000 in MI
294,000 in WI
1.947 million votes out of total underperformance of 5.8 million, or 33%; another 1.9 million didn't bother showing up for Hillary in California (800K), New York (700K) and Illinois (400K).

Trump Margin of Victory in

PA: 66,000
OH: 455,000
MI: 13,000
WI: 24,000

From Trump's 306 Electoral College votes peel off MI, he'd have been at 290.

Peel off WI he'd have been at 280.

Peel off PA he'd have lost with 260, despite winning OH handily and also FL.

This election really came down to those 66,000 votes in Pennsylvania, and the hundreds of thousands of people in the Rust Belt who were alienated from the Democrat Party.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

And just a reminder: Wikileaks told us "journalist" Jessica Let's Shame 'em Valenti "worked with" the Hillary Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders, using her Guardian column so there'd be no "fingerprints"

Because Bernie had the temerity to call Planned Parenthood part of the establishment, an offense against the holy sacrament of abortion.

Wikileaks here and here and Valenti here (the column she was "writing . . . as we speak").

Sha sha sha shame, but it is The Grauniad.

Jessica Valenti, feminazi wife of Talking Points Memo publisher, has her work cut out for her shaming Trump voters

. . . Oh well, goodbye
One down in Mike Pence, only 61,898,583 to go, as of this morning.

Story here.

Weekday newspaper print circulation continues to tank in New York

Seen here:

The New York Daily News: 207,680

The New York Post: 230,634

The New York Times: 551,579.

Famous last words: "Mr. Trump will not be president"

Heh heh here last February.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I got your climate change right here in Grand Rapids, fella

Yesterday at 1453 hours we hit the high for the day at 70 degrees F.

Today at 1453 hours it was 33, less than half that.

And we had our first snow of the season, high winds and an 18-hr power outage.

1000 libertarians + one room = 499,500 disagreements (I think), aka WAR!

The irony.

The irony.

The Democrats use super-delegates but think the Electoral College is unfair

Seen here.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Trump interviews with the likes of Cruz and Romney are designed to do just one thing

Keep him in the headlines.

You'd think they'd catch on by now.

But no, this is serious, right?

DNI James Clapper the Lying Bastard resigns

This guy paved the way in 2013 for Hillary's lying to Congress with impunity in 2015.

The bastard should be keelhauled on the USS Enterprise, put back into service specially for the purpose.

Story here.

USS Enterprise: longest ship in the US Navy

Once again Rush Limbaugh is full of it about the late, great recession

Here's Rush on November 15th:

In the first place, this so-called recession, the worst since the Great Depression 2008, I don't care, folks, it wasn't! ... Democrats have lived off of this economic collapse narrative for eight years now, and it's horse hockey. The truth of it is that there hasn't been a recovery from it. ... Hell, the recession that Reagan inherited in 1980 dwarfs this one. I mean the thing that Reagan inherited when he became president in 1980, this doesn't even get close to touching it, how bad it was. ... This has really been a sore spot for me for all these eight years, is how supposedly bad that was and how Obama single-handedly rescued us from it, and it was all the Republicans' doing, and it all happened because of the Iraq war. ... We haven't replaced these jobs that were lost. They keep talking about the employment rate being way down, record lows, what a crock.

Rush doesn't remember the 1980s very well, when he was in his 30s. Without a college education and a long enough personal history to compare things to while experiencing the hard knocks of life trying to get his radio career going, those years understandably seemed worse to him than they really were. Honest people everywhere recognize it was that way for them, too. Unfortunately Rush still doesn't seem to be able to measure the 1980s properly let alone put them in their proper perspective economically.

Take first time claims for unemployment. Reagan's weekly average 1981-1988 was 406,000. Obama's  weekly average 2009-2016 (still unfinished) is 373,000, 8% less severe overall. But the averages around each recession peak are much closer in severity. First time claims 1981-1983 averaged 491,000 weekly, while claims 2009-2011 averaged 477,000 weekly, the latter only 2.85% less severe overall. Peak claims in 1982 averaged 30.1 million, in 2009 only 2% lower at 29.46 million.

While the Obama jobs recession was not quite as severe in terms of the persistence of high first time claims for unemployment, full-time jobs took forever to recover under Obama. Under Reagan they had bounced back almost immediately. In 1981 the pre-recession peak in full-time averaged 83.243 million. By 1984 that level had been recovered with 86.544 million full-time jobs on average. Three years, that's it. In 2007, by contrast, the pre-recession peak in full-time averaged 121.091 million, but it took EIGHT YEARS to recover that level. Full-time finally averaged 121.492 million in 2015. That's why it hasn't felt like things are looking up until this year, in 2016.

If you were an adult in the 1980s, you probably remember the Savings and Loan crisis from 1986-1995, but you probably don't think of the Reagan era as a period of widespread bank failures comparable with what we recently experienced in the Great Recession, and you would be right. Losses from such failures as estimated by the FDIC for the period 1981-1988 total $8.9 billion. But for the period 2009-2016 estimated losses from bank failures soared to $57.3 billion, 544% higher. Even adjusted for inflation the recent losses were well in excess of 200% higher than in the 1980s. 

Or take housing. The Case-Shiller Home Price Index fell at most about 14% from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s through the Reagan recessions. I remember my dad was pretty unhappy about it because he retired in 1980 and was sitting in a house he hoped to sell for more money one day, but the value kept declining. But that was nothing compared to what happened between 2006 and 2012 when the index tanked over 36%. The foreclosure rate averaged just 0.5% in 1980-81, but soared to 3.8% in 2008-09, an increase of over 600% in the rate. Many millions of people lost homes in the Great Recession, but they are nameless and faceless to Rush Limbaugh because to him things were much worse in the 1980s. But not in reality. I saw homes in foreclosure in my own middle class neighborhood in 2007 that I never saw back in 1980 in my dad's hometown.

Perhaps the best way to visualize how much worse the most recent recession was compared with the early 1980s is to examine quarterly current dollar GDP. You had one tiny blip in quarterly current dollar GDP between December 1981 and March 1982 when it declined all of $0.01 trillion, 0.3% that's it. The truth is GDP recovered the next quarter ending June 1982 and never looked back.

Fast forward to 2007-09. There were four quarterly declines: A decline of $0.02 trillion between 12/31/07 and 3/31/08; a decline of $0.29 trillion from 9/30/08 to 12/31/08; a decline of $0.17 trillion from 12/31/08 to 3/31/09; and a decline of $0.04 trillion from 3/31/09 to 6/30/09. The previous peak level in quarterly current dollar GDP wasn't recovered until a year later, in June 2010. It took almost two years, not one quarter as in 1982. All told GDP fell from peak to trough by $0.5 trillion or 3.37%. 

The recession of 1982 was child's play compared with 2007-2009. Rush just can't see it because he was already rich during the Great Recession.

Your guiding light in this time of tumult he is not.   

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

You'll know we're in trouble when . . .

. . . everyone suddenly starts speaking well of Donald Trump.

A sayings snack from Stephen Bannon that makes sense

Hillary Clinton lost to Trump in OH, MI, PA and WI because 1.949 million Obama voters from 2008 didn't vote for her

OH: 623,000
MI: 607,000
PA: 424,000
WI: 295,000

Figures one week on show almost 300,000 Wisconsinites in 2016 withheld their vote from Hillary, allowing Trump to eek out a victory by 25,000

Clinton polled 1.382 million in 2016 vs. 1.677 million for Obama in 2008, a deficit of 295,000 votes. The Hillary deficit from Obama 2012 was 238,000 votes.

Overall turnout in 2016 was flat at 2.98 million, the same as in 2008. Turnout had climbed in 2012 to 3.07 million.

Turnout for Trump 2016 is currently 1.40703 million vs. 1.40797 million for Romney in 2012, indicating no surge in support for Republicans.

Democrats elected Trump in Wisconsin in 2016.

Election 2016 turnout update in the 14 largest states by population compared to 2008, one week later: Hillary underperforms Obama by 1.654 million votes in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania

CA: -2.9 million
TX: +0.8m (Hillary outperformed Obama 2008 by 340,000 votes but still lost to Trump)
FL: +1.1m (Hillary outperformed Obama 2008 by 219,000 votes but still lost to Trump)
NY: -0.5m
IL: flat
PA: +0.02m/flat (Hillary fails to get 424,000 Obama voters from 2008)
OH: -0.34m (Hillary fails to get 623,000 Obama voters from 2008)
GA: +0.2m Hillary outperformed Obama 2008 by 33,000 votes but still lost to Trump)
NC: +0.4m (Hillary outperformed Obama 2008 by 21,000 votes but still lost to Trump)
MI: -0.22m (Hillary fails to get 607,000 Obama voters from 2008)
NJ: -0.1m
VA: +0.3m
WA: -0.1m
AZ: +0.2m (Hillary outperformed Obama 2008 by 89,000 votes but still lost to Trump)

Total turnout down in six states: 4.16 million
Total turnout up in seven states: 3.02 million
Turnout net down: 1.14 million

Hillary states: turnout down 3.3 million
Trump states: turnout up 2.16 million

Total Hillary outperform Obama, still loses in five states:   702,000 votes
Total Hillary underperform Obama, loses in three states: 1,654,000 votes 

7 years later IRS tells Albuquerque Tea Party FU after federal judge orders action

The story is here.

Friday, January 20, 2017 can't come soon enough.

With a 2-seat margin in the US Senate, Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions should stay where they are and not join the Trump administration

There'll be time to promote them later.

Trump needs Sessions to carry the water on immigration, and Cruz needs to prove himself to us on the issue.

Trump also needs Cruz to keep the Freedom Caucus in line in Congress to get the agenda passed.

If Cruz loses in Texas in 2018, he can always be rewarded with a post as a consolation prize. 

The narrowness of the Trump victory in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

Trump's narrowest wins:

Michigan: 13,000 votes
Wisconsin: 24,000 
Pennsylvania: 66,000

The next three:

Arizona: 95,000
Florida: 115,000
North Carolina: 177,000

For Donald Trump, 103,000 votes in the three narrowest states meant the difference between winning with 306 Electoral College votes and losing with 260 despite winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida.

The win in Michigan looks entirely due to lower (Democrat) turnout in 2016. As of this hour turnout is down 220,000 from 2008. In Wisconsin turnout is identical. In Pennsylvania turnout is up only 20,000.

Compare Trump's win in Ohio, which was by 455,000 votes. Turnout there was down by a whopping 340,000 from 2008. Trump's net from that is 115,000 votes. Recall Romney lost Ohio by a similar sum: 167,000 votes.

Democrats in Rust Belt states look like they abandoned the field. Turnout was either down big or stagnant from 8 years ago despite population nationwide increasing 20 million.

It was revulsion for Hillary. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

George W Bush kept his yap shut during the entire Obama regime, but feels free to open it now . . .

. . . to criticize Trump.

He said anger shouldn't drive policy, or something, whatever that's supposed to mean.

When there's government of the people, by the people and for the people, you get anger once in a while.

Otherwise you just get failed presidents like George Bush and Barack Obama.

STFU, George.

I'm so old, everytime I see "BLM" I have to remind myself it stands for Black Lives Matter . . .

. . . not Bureau of Land Management.

Revulsion Election update, one week after the election: Hillary missing 7.6 million Obama voters from 2008, Trump on the verge of outperforming Romney


2016: 130.0 million
2012: 129.2 million
2008: 131.5 million

Population has increased about 20 million over the period.

Popular Vote


2016: 61.9 million
2012: 65.9 million
2008: 69.5 million


2016: 60.9 million
2012: 60.9 million
2008: 60.0 million

Trump has now matched Romney's popular vote in 2012 and bested McCain by about 1 million votes.

Hillary now undershoots Obama 2008 by 7.6 million votes and Obama 2012 by 4.0 million votes.

Vote totals remain significantly incomplete in Washington state (12% out) and Utah (11% out).

Here's my big idea for Trump's Supreme Court appointments

Don't appoint a replacement for Scalia . . . appoint three.

Self-hating liberal elitist appalled how little rural America travels to experience other cultures . . . on America's coasts

The guy's a boob . . . from Ohio:

"When you are in the white bubble, you just don’t know it."

The guy's so ignorant he doesn't even know that Americans are the second most traveled people IN THE WORLD, right behind #1 Finland. And they actually do most of their traveling within the country, contrary to the thesis.

Besides, if Americans want to visit a third world hellhole, they already know they don't have to travel abroad. They can just head over to Chicago's Chatham neighborhood, or West Englewood.

Just bring a gun.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Trump laid out 28 policy prescriptions in his Gettysburg address which repudiate Obama, but Obama still says Trump has few hard and fast proposals

Obama always has had trouble with math. And denial.

"I think he is coming to this office with fewer set hard and fast policy prescriptions than a lot of other presidents might be arriving with. Do I have concerns? Absolutely, of course I've got concerns. He and I differ on a whole bunch of issues," Obama added.

From Gettysburg:

  1. Propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.
  2. Institute a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health).
  3. Require for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.
  4. Institute a five year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.
  5. Create a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
  6. Institute a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
  7. Announce intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205.
  8. Announce withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  9. Direct Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.
  10. Direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately.
  11. Lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
  12. Lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward.
  13. Cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure.
  14. Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama.
  15. Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.
  16. Cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities.
  17. Begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back.
  18. Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
  19. Work with Congress on a Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act. An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.
  20. Work with Congress on a End The Offshoring Act. Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
  21. Work with Congress on a American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.
  22. Work with Congress on a School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to gives parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.
  23. Work with Congress on a Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.
  24. Work with Congress on a Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act. Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-site childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.
  25. Work with Congress on an End Illegal Immigration Act. Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.
  26. Work with Congress on a Restoring Community Safety Act.Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.
  27. Work with Congress on a Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values.
  28. Work with Congress on a Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.

Obama "you didn't build that" takes credit for $2 per gallon gasoline when he said $2.50 per gallon goal of Newt Gingrich in 2012 was a pipe dream

What a schmuck.

The progress we made with respect to carbon emissions has been greater than any country on earth. And gas is $2 a gallon. 

The best headline of the day addresses outgoing Sen. Harry Reid and the horse he rode in on, but they can hardly give the paper away

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Half of the US population lives in the blue counties . . .

What do 3 Republicans, a Democrat and a lesbian have in common in Wisconsin?

Low information voters.

And Sally Kohn said Trump supporters would be angry

Like Trump's a Muslim or something

Washington State is a pain in the ass: 5 days after the election only 83% of the vote is in because they mail it in

Tina Brown asks us to imagine the agony experienced by Hillary Clinton having to endure 15 months of "grandstanding and gladhanding"

The horror. The horror.

Liberal death wish: 8.2 million Obama voters repulsed by Hillary stay home and Democrats lose everything

Republicans could have run Incitatus and won.

My wife just told me a friend of ours never heard of Wikileaks and voted for Hillary

Well, he does work in Chicago.

I think I'm going to need therapy for many years to cope with this devastating development.

Democrats blame their own Bernie Sanders left for not showing up at the polls to elect Hillary, ignore that she was a horrible candidate

It's like Rush Limbaugh blaming 4 million phantom conservatives for not showing up to elect Romney, who bested McCain by a million votes, when the Democrats can point to 4.6 to 8.2 million actual Obama voters who abandoned Hillary.

When it comes to the establishment in the two political parties not getting it, the Democrats do it better as usual.

In an election determined by enthusiasm, some blame Bernie Sanders supporters for either not showing up or for suppressing turnout by refusing to rally behind Clinton at an earlier date.

“The Sanders people should be mad at themselves,” said one well-connected Democratic strategist. “If they had come out to vote, Donald Trump wouldn’t be president. If they were trying to prove a point, all they’ve done is further damage everything they claim to be fighting for. It’s somewhat typical of that crowd.” ...

“Progressives showed up,” [Jacob] Limon said, noting that the election in Texas was closer than it has been in 20 years. The problem, he said, was Clinton’s trustworthiness.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Communist supporters of the Trotskyist Socialist Alternative Party are NOT MY COUNTRYMEN

Of course they hate Trump. They hate America and everyone who loves it.

Seattle, WA, 11-9-16

Back-out California (LaLaLand) from the election totals and Trump wins by 2 million votes

Clinton: 61.15 million total minus 5.86 million in CA = 55.29 million votes

Trump: 60.48 million total minus 3.15 million in CA = 57.33 million votes

Trump wins by 2.04 million votes everywhere else (America)

Democrats never take responsibility for anything: Hillary blames FBI's Comey for her loss

Wah, wah, wah.

Hillary's horrible candidacy aside, Republicans should be worrying about stagnating popular vote totals

Bush 2004: 62 million
McCain 2008: 60 million
Romney 2012: 60. 9 million
Trump 2016: 60.5 million

Republican average: 60.85
Democrat average: 63.88 (John Kerry and Hillary Clinton 60.1; Barack Obama 2x 67.7)

Republicans are just one more articulate, bright, clean, nice-looking minority person away from another slaughter.

Ya think? WaPo: "It's possible that Clinton supporters did not show up on Election Day"

The latest tally shows Hillary not getting 8.361 million votes in 2016 which Obama got in 2008. No matter what Trump's coalition was in 2016, its size shows little variation from 2008 and 2012. There was no sea change of support for his candidacy.

The answer for Clinton's loss is in the disarray among Democrats because their candidate was so horrible, which is why the media have portrayed Trump that way. It's liberal projection syndrome all over again. Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate for president in at least a generation. "More sooty baggage than a 90-car freight train" was how Camille Paglia put it 3 years ago. Democrats should have listened to her.

WaPo, recognizing that the proper comparison is with 2008, not 2012:

Absent final turnout numbers, it is still too early to assess whether these shifting vote patterns are the result of differential turnout among Clinton and Trump supporters or the result of genuine voter conversion. It’s possible that a sizable chunk of Latino Clinton supporters, in addition to white women, African Americans, and Asian Americans, did not show up on Election Day. It’s also possible that a significant portion of these voters were willing to overlook Trump’s incendiary remarks and vote for him based on other factors, like the need to shake up “politics as usual.”

Friday, November 11, 2016

As usual, the stupid party doesn't even know why it won

8.748 million Democrat voters who voted for Obama in 2008 didn't vote for Hillary in 2016.

It was a battle of the midget titans, a swordfight between fleas.

That's all.

News reports headline over and over a mere 100 protesters in downtown Grand Rapids last night whining that Trump is not their president

And on election night 148,160 said he was, 48.3% of all Kent County, Michigan voters.

Back in the good old days, construction workers would have beaten up anti-Trump protesters, but not now because they're all illegal aliens

The New York Times, May 9, 1970:

Hey Ann Coulter: Republicans lost only 2 of 25 US Senate races because 4.1 million Democrats didn't turnout in 2016, 4.8 million voted for somebody else

Turnout 2008: 131.5 million
Turnout 2016: 127.4 million

Obama 2008: 69.5 million
Hillary 2016: 60.6 million

Law and order progress in Nebraska: Death penalty restored 61% to 39%, overturning legislature's 2015 ban


The week's biggest winner is Jeb Bush, because he can still hope someday to become America's first woman president

#NeverTrump Liberal GOP Sen. Mark Kirk defeated in IL

See ya!

Trump victory in WI in 2016 is explainable by decline in turnout relative to 2012

Trump beat Hillary in Wisconsin in 2016 by just 24,081 votes.

With turnout from 2012 down by 91,000, one could explain Trump's victory by saying Wisconsin Democrats stayed home in enough numbers in 2016 to help elect Trump. And since of the last three presidential elections turnout in Wisconsin was highest in 2012 at 3.068 million when the state helped return the incumbent Democrat to office, the argument possesses considerable plausibility.

Compared with 2008, however, this explanation fails since 2016 turnout undershot 2008 by just 6,000, not enough to account for Trump's victory over Hillary.

Both Iowa and Wisconsin were slow to the trend of turnout peaking in 2008 when the popular Democrat Obama won in an election with still unequaled turnout of 131.5 million nationwide.

Trump victory in IA was genuine and not attributable to turnout changes

Trump beat Hillary by 146,182 votes in Iowa in 2016.

The 2016 turnout was only 25,000 lower than in 2012, but 20,000 higher than in 2008.

In the last three presidential elections the turnout high in Iowa was in 2012 at 1.582 million.

#NeverTrump Sen. Kelly "Free Condoms" Ayotte defeated in NH by 743 votes

Poster girl for the muddled message.

On the third day after Election 2016 the totals remain incomplete in five states

IL 1% out
WA 24% out
NJ 1% out
UT 18% out
OR 1% out

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Revulsion Election update: Trump got lucky, underperformed Romney by 1.4 million votes, McCain by 450,000 votes

Hillary underperformed Obama 2012 by 6.2 million, Obama 2008 by . . . 9.8 million.

Democrats elected Trump by not voting for Hillary.

James Pethokoukis, permanently added to the Enemies List

Sean Trende at Real Clear Politics is some expert on elections

Rush Limbaugh is repeating stupid from National Review, that Trump could have beaten Obama in 2012

This will become the new factoid to replace the "94 million not working but eating" myth and the "4 million stayed home in 2012" myth and the 99ers myth.

Heavy sigh.

Revulsion for Hillary: Some Trump victories wholly dependent on turnout undershooting 2008 levels in four high population states

TX: turnout up 0.8 million, Trump beat Hillary by 0.814 million
FL: turnout up 1.0 million, Trump beat Hillary by 0.12 million

PA: turnout down by 100 thousand, Trump beat Hillary by 68 thousand
OH: turnout down by 400 thousand, Trump beat Hillary by 454 thousand

GA: turnout up 0.1 million, Trump beat Hillary by 0.231 million
NC: turnout up 0.4 million, Trump beat Hillary by 0.177 million

MI: turnout down by 200 thousand, Trump beat Hillary by 12 thousand
AZ: turnout down by 300 thousand, Trump beat Hillary by 84 thousand

The revulsion for Hillary election: In the top 14 states by population, 2016 turnout undershot 2008 by 5.4 million net

CA: down 4.7 million
TX: up 0.8 million
FL: up 1.0
NY: down 0.5
IL: down 0.1
PA: down 0.1
OH: down 0.4
GA: up 0.1
NC: up 0.4
MI: down 0.2
NJ: down 0.7
VA: up 0.2
WA: down 0.9
AZ: down 0.3

Back out CA and the net down is 0.7 million from 2008.

Trump states had turnout net up 1.3 million from 2008. In the traditionally Democrat states Trump won, it appears to be partly due to Democrats not turning out for Hillary. Only in VA did Trump lose where turn out was up from 2008.

Clinton states apart from CA had turnout net down 2 million from 2008. 

Trump did it his way and isn't about to stop now

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Has anybody checked on P. J. O'Rourke to make sure he's OK?

Maybe John Kasich knows.

National Review contributor tries to make the case that Trump 2016 would have beaten Obama 2012

The author repeatedly mentions that he knows he's comparing apples to oranges but never adjusts his figures for population growth over the period.

As of this morning, Trump is underperforming Romney by 1.9 million votes, but the country has grown by 9 million since 2012.

The Trump performance figure in 2016 presupposes having so much more to work with from the increased population growth but still comes up short of Romney who had so much less to work with because of a smaller population. 

Trump toyed with the idea of competing in 2012 but wisely left Romney to do that and fail, knowing instinctively that the shiny, happy and clean novelty incumbent was going to be very hard to beat.

Obama was beatable in 2012, had fewer than 500,000 votes in four states east of the Mississippi gone a different way, but Romney possessed insufficient charisma compared to Obama, too few boots on the ground to make up for that, and the formidable problem of Obama's incumbency.

And on top of all that, Romney was a lousy candidate. His wife had to reassure us that "Mitt doesn't change positions".

As with all fortunes from Chinese cookies, always add "in bed" for maximum amusement. 

Trump estimated to have spent about $5 per vote to win, Clinton $10 per vote to lose

Story here.

Polling in Wisconsin was the poster boy for polling failure in 2016

From the story here:

There were no surveys released this year from Wisconsin that showed Trump with a lead. 

Clinton held a 6.5 point lead in the Badger State heading into Election Day, and the state was not even discussed as on par with Michigan or Pennsylvania as a potential blue state pick-up for Trump.

Trump’s victory in Wisconsin — a state that has not gone for the GOP nominee since 1984 — helped him seal the deal.

In Michigan and Pennsylvania, deep blue states the GOP candidate has not won in decades, polls showed the race tightening in the home stretch, but only one poll, from Trafalgar Group, showed Trump with the lead.

The revulsion election, Obama vs. Hillary, shows 10.25 million missing Democrat voters, and Trump underperforming both Romney and McCain

Obama garnered 69.499 million votes in 2008, so far in 2016 Hillary has just 59.245 million.

Trump is underperforming Romney by 1.912 million votes, 59.022 million to 60.934 million, and also McCain, who collected 59.950 million votes in 2008, by just shy of 1 million votes.

Expect changes to these spreads as the 2016 numbers finalize. 

The revulsion election update: turnout down 3.6% from 2012

So far 124.6 million have voted in 2016, down 4.6 million from 2012 when 129.2 million voted.

Expect revisions in this space in coming days.

That useless rag USA Today says turnout was up 4.7%, missing the revulsion election

"Voter turnout up 4.7% around the country", says that useless rag USA Away. 

The data in the upper Midwest says otherwise.

In Michigan, turnout was 4.7 million, a little lower than in 2012 when 4.8 million showed up. In 2008 5 million did.

In Wisconsin, turnout was 2.9 million vs. 3.1 million in 2012 and 3 million in 2008.

In Pennsylvania 6 million turned out yesterday, the same as in 2008, up slightly from 2012's 5.8 million.

In Ohio there's been a steady decline since 2008 when 5.7 million turned out. In 2012 it fell to 5.6 million and just 5.3 million in Election 2016.

When the final numbers come in, I'll bet we'll see this phenomenon of suppressed turnout in other places as well. And generally speaking, suppressed turnout favors Republicans because Republicans are often more energized, more scrupulous and more dutiful, as was the case yesterday.

What we had here was a revulsion election. People stayed home because they couldn't vote for either candidate. And because the voters found Hillary more intolerable than The Donald, Mr. Trump is our new president. The smoke generated by the ugliness of the battle on the field obscured the fact of troops staying behind in camp.

In the end America chose the rake over the robber, which was the right choice.

But don't confuse it with a sea change.

Polling on the morning of Election 2016 in the toss-ups vs. the outcome

Florida: Trump wins by 1.4, vs. 0.2 predicted
Maine CD2: Trump wins by 9.8 with 90% counted vs. 0.5 predicted
New Hampshire: Clinton wins by 0.6 vs. 0.3 with 97% counted (!)
Nevada: Clinton wins by 2.4 vs. Trump predicted by 0.8
North Carolina: Trump wins by 3.8 vs. 1.0 predicted
Pennsylvania: Trump wins by 1.1 vs. Clinton predicted by 1.9
Colorado: Clinton wins by 2.2 with 88% counted vs. 2.9 predicted
Iowa: Trump wins by 9.4 with 99% counted vs. 3.0 predicted
Michigan: Trump winning by 0.3 vs. Clinton predicted by 3.4
Ohio: Trump wins by 8.6 vs. 3.5 predicted
Arizona: Trump wins by 4.0 with 98% counted vs. 4.0 predicted (!)
Maine: Clinton wins by 3.0 with 91% counted vs. 4.5 predicted
Georgia: Trump wins by 5.7 vs. 4.8 predicted
Virginia: Clinton wins by 4.7 with 99% counted vs. 5.0 predicted
New Mexico: Clinton wins by 8.3 vs. 5.0 predicted
Wisconsin: Trump wins by 1.0 vs. Clinton predicted by 6.5 (arguably the biggest upset of the evening)

Trump tells the nation Hillary called him to concede

Fox reports Hillary has called Trump to concede

VP elect Mike Pence is taking the stage.

The numbskulls on Fox are still debating whether Trump can claim victory on stage

Trump shocked by taking Wisconsin in addition to Florida and Ohio, then Pennsylvania put him over the top, and Michigan and Arizona will put the nails in Clinton's coffin.

Over an hour ago the New York Times projected Trump to win with 305.

All this talk at Fox is just jibber jabber.

Thanks to Mitch McConnell the Scalia seat will be filled by Donald Trump

Jonathan Turley is saying right now that Trump is going to make almost unprecedented changes to the make-up of the Supreme Court.

Hillary hasn't gone to bed

She's bleaching every memory device in sight.

Asian stocks plunge on Trump victory

The Nikkei 225 is down over 5% at this hour. The Hang Seng is down over 3%. Smaller losses elsewhere in Asia.

Trump is coming for you, Asia.

Hillary won't appear tonight to concede, Podesta says she's not done yet

Hillary was done a half hour ago.

Pennsylvania puts Donald Trump over the top at 0140 hours: The 45th president of the United States

Trump on verge of presidency

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bob Dole votes for Trump, George Bush doesn't vote at all

That, my friends, is the difference between the greatest generation, and the generation to which it gave birth.

Last night Mark Levin almost sounded like the anti-immigration Pat Buchanan he has so often derided

Tonight he's worried the conservative panhandle of Florida isn't turning out for Trump. The guy has spent most of 2016 railing against Donald Trump. What the hell does he expect?

The fact of the matter is Donald Trump doesn't have a ground game, and the Republican Party hates the guy and isn't working for him in the absence of that. It could, but it isn't.

Meanwhile the vicious infighting among Republicans which has continued since Trump was a fait accompli has simply demoralized the rank and file, the base of the party.   

October 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan: 17th warmest on record and 8th wettest

October 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan

Average temperature was 54.7 degrees F. Normal is 51.3. The month ranked 17th warmest October since 1892.

The YTD average temperature was 54.2. The normal YTD average temperature is 51.1. The YTD average temperature in the hottest full year on record in 2012 was 55.8.

The lowest temperature in October was 33. The normal lowest temperature is 28. The highest temperature in October was 79, which is also the normal highest.

October 2016 was the 8th wettest on record with 6.15 inches of precipitation. Normal is 2.92 inches. YTD precipitation is 40.09 inches, normal 29.23.

There were 10 Cooling Degree Days in October. Normal is 8. YTD there were 936 CDD, the 15th warmest on record so far. Normal CDD is 694.

Heating Degree Days totaled 44 in September and 324 in October, for a total of 368 for the season so far. Normal HDD seasonally is as follows: July, 6, August, 14, September, 132 and October, 440 for a seasonal normal to date of 592.

Actual lower HDD were indicative of the warmer conditions prevailing after the end of the El Nino this summer. The Very Strong El Nino of 2015-16, averaging 1.43 on the index and 15 months long, was longer but weaker than the 1997-98 episode, which averaged 1.56 on the index and was 13 months long. The 1982-83 VSE averaged 1.3 on the index and was 15 months long.

The Michigan GOP just called me from Lansing

They asked me to vote Republican today in order to "make America great again", but couldn't bring themselves actually to mention their presidential candidate's name, Donald John Trump.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Trump has left the stage in NH and now travels to the last stop of the campaign right here in Grand Rapids, MI

But I am old and tired and to bed I must go.

You, however, can watch him here.

Trump in NH: Massachusetts is represented by Pocahontas

In NH Trump mentions Obama is using Air Force One to campaign for Hillary . . .

. . . but never mentions it's at your expense.

Obama is illegally using tax dollars to electioneer.

Mike Pence told NH tonight it could decide the election tomorrow

And he's right: Just 4 Electoral College votes in NH could put Trump at 270 tomorrow.

Trump in NH: Restore honesty to government by getting rid of Clinton

Lock her up! they yell.

On the eve of Election 2016, Trump now needs just 4 Electoral College votes to win this thing tomorrow

Here is the No Toss-Ups map from Real Clear Politics, at 1940 hours.

As you can see, Trump just needs NH (Clinton +0.6) or PA (Clinton +1.9) or VA (Clinton +5) or MI (Clinton +3.4) or CO (Clinton +2.9) or NM (Clinton +5) to win this thing.

Come on people. Say No! to the establishment on both sides. Give Trump the chance to turn America around! Take the country back for the people!

This is undoubtedly your last chance. If Hillary is elected, your guns will go away, along with your ammo, freedom of speech will be curtailed, law and order will continue under assault as liberal appointees fill the judiciary, you will become dependent on government for healthcare, foreigners will flood the land even worse than before, your good paying jobs will fly away to cheaper markets abroad, taxes will soar, economic growth will continue to stagnate, and you'll be lucky to inherit your parents' house because you won't be able to afford one of your own. All because of "pussy". 

The Michigan Kent County Republicans just interrupted my posting with a recorded call from Mike Pence asking me to vote for Donald Trump

It's about time.

It's the only call I've received AT ALL asking me to vote for Trump.

It's called CYA, covering your ass.

Yeah, well, I'll be voting for Trump happily, but not for that prick Justin Amash, or any other Republican where there's a US Taxpayers Party candidate to vote for. Republicans don't care about me, only about themselves.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the Republican Party is finished. You don't nominate someone and then betray him.

Vote Trump: Government work usurped real manufacturing work under liberal Republican George H. W. Bush in 1989

Bill Clinton's killer of 76 at Waco in 1993 Janet Reno has died at 78

She was diagnosed with Parkinson's already in 1995, two years after the infamous deed.

She did not reproduce.