Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Barocky Road: Ice Cream of the Obama-Spread-the-Depression-Around

"Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow. The cost is $82.84 per scoop . . . so out of a hundred dollar bill you are at least promised some . . . CHANGE! 

"When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but after you pay for it, the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you . . . at no charge. You are left with an empty wallet, staring at an empty cone, and wondering what just happened to you. . . . Are you stimulated?"

Not quite the original Rocky Road, invented in early 1929, given that name subsequently in the ensuing economic depression of the 1930s, the name being an in your face demonstration of the pluck in the American character, as if to say, "Depression? What Depression? We'll eat your Depression and enjoy it, too!"

Today, we can't bring ourselves even to call what we're going through by its proper name.

h/t Chris