Tuesday, March 22, 2016

In 2013 Ted Cruz wanted 1.35 million green cards issued per year, 325,000 H-1B visas per year

Plans pushed by GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz under the immigration reform debate in 2013 would have jumped the number of immigrants, including those from Muslim nations, by doubling green card caps and boosting temporary worker visas five-fold.

Read the rest here.

Sanders hits new high 43.8% nationally in Real Clear Politics poll average

Your choice America: Donald Trump and The Wall or open borders and a Brussels-style police state

Trump hits new high 40% nationally in Real Clear Politics poll average

Trump never shared the lead with anyone except Ben Carson last November.

John Kasich voted for the assault weapons ban in 1994

The Roll Call is here.

click to expand

By the way, Queen Noor of Jordan never renounced her US citizenship

Discussed here.

This perfect running mate for Ted Cruz will be 35 in June, so he's just as qualified too, no?

Prince Hashim of Jordan
Educated at St. Mark's, Fay School and Maret School, he's probably got the needed residency of 14 years. Throw in his time at Duke and Georgetown if there's any doubt, and I'd say he's a lock.

Monday, March 21, 2016

If true Politico story means Ted Cruz is soft enough on illegal immigration to unite with Gang of Eighter Marco Rubio

Politico reports here that Cruz' people have been pursuing an alliance with Marco Amnesty Rubio for weeks, and more than that:

Over the last week, according to a person familiar with the Cruz team's internal deliberations, the campaign has conducted polling in forthcoming contests — including ... the one on Tuesday in Utah — in which questions are posed about the two running side-by-side.

Trump delegate total rises to 680, which is really 692 at minimum with 12 from Missouri not yet distributed

That means Trump now needs 52.2% of the remaining 1044 delegates to get to 1237. See the latest Missouri delegate story here.

A number of other delegates also are not yet distributed from races already held, among them:

Oklahoma: 3
Louisiana: 5
Mississippi: 3
Illinois: 2.

With 424 delegates, Cruz now needs almost 78% of the remaining 1044 to get to 1237.

Conservative talk radio won't tell you Cruz is finished, but he was finished already a week ago.

John Kasich, Supreme Court squish, would consider Obama's nominee Garland

Quoted here:

"As someone who's talked about unity, would you take a look at Mr. Garland...if you were elected president?" host John Dickerson asked Kasich.

"Well, you know, he received you know overwhelming support, I think even from Senator Hatch, so of course we'd think about it," Kasich replied.

In other words, expect more liberals on the court from President John Kasich.

So winter's over . . . where are the indictments of Hillary Clinton?


If Ted Cruz joins a Donald Trump ticket, Erick Erickson says he won't vote for it!

In the last segment on the Laura Ingraham Show.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sean Hannity will never live down his endorsement of a pathway to legalization after Romney's loss in 2012

He gives forgiveness to Marco Rubio for the Gang of Eight Bill because he wants forgiveness for this:

Dark pools of money spew out bluenoses against Trump

Registered Democrat Obama voter Michael Goodwin, writing here:

For his chutzpah, tens of millions of dollars are being poured into attack ads against Trump, and the urgent blue-nosed concerns about dark pools of money in politics have vanished. As long as he’s the target, all is fair.

Often, the avalanche of sludge against Trump looks and sounds like a reactionary confederacy fighting to keep its power and privileges. Naturally, the mainstream ­media is slashing away.

A Washington Post editorial claims that stopping Trump is the only way to “defend our democracy.” In other words, those troublesome voters are the problem.

A New York Times columnist raised the prospect of assassination. Sure, it was a joke. Make that joke about Obama or Clinton and see who laughs.