Monday, January 27, 2020

Coronavirus cases are exploding in China, up 50% in a day

Coronavirus has killed 106 and infected 4,193 in China, state newspaper says

Just updated:

Coronavirus has killed 106 and infected 4,515 people, Chinese health authorities say


Blue check mark in Japan reporting coronavirus deaths in China at 106: Looks like updating this will be full time job

56 total dead of coronavirus in China yesterday, then 81, now today 100 dead just in Hubei Province alone

China’s Hubei province says 100 people dead, 2,714 total cases in coronavirus outbreak



John Bolton and The New York Times already stirring the impeachment pot to create buzz for the book on Jan 6

The New York Times doesn't have a single John Bolton statement in quotation marks

John Bolton in Doha at height of impeachment and book coming out because . . . getting paid?

Prince Andrew once handed Hillary . . . an indecent proposal?

The US Senate hears the case it is given by the US House, too bad House Democrats rushed to impeachment and then sat on it for weeks: Senate not gonna save their sorry ass

Politico Chief Washington Correspondent everyone.

The comments are devastating to this boob.

Hey Doc, sue the mofo

America's best US Senator is from the Show Me state

New Genghis Khan preparing to conquer China and world decimated by disease

Pocahonky firestick malfunction

Free trade hastens the revolution

John Bolton, Republican furry

John Bolton saved Trump's high crime for a book because, as everyone well knows, his ginormous mustache prevented him from blowing the whistle

Deadbeat dad Hunter Biden spotted with latest baby mama and Porsche lunching at Waldorf Astoria

The guy has been ordered to appear in an Arkansas court January 29 on contempt charge.

This looks like his answer to that.

Bernie bump continues, surging to within 0.6 points of his previous high in the polls as Pocahonky flatlines

Sunday, January 26, 2020