Tuesday, July 16, 2019

New name for WaPo is WyPipoPo

I mean, Ralph Northam still writes there, amirite?

Squad member Ayanna Pressley has really let herself go since effectively winning her seat in Congress just 10 months ago

September 2018
July 2019

Joe Biden word salad on The Squad: They are really smart, but they're the exception in the Democrat Party!

No kidding.

Somebody broke the OFF button on the gaffe machine.

Kamala Harris is the snake Trump warned you about in 2016, biting the hand that feeds her

The police win one for the counterrevolution, refreshing the tree of liberty with the blood of anarchists

Wypipo wrote the code to go to the moon in 1969

Incredible footage of Joe Biden in Iowa repeating the same lie Obama repeated: If you like your plan you can keep it

Millions of Americans lost their private plans because of Obamacare and were forced to choose more expensive plans, in effect forcibly subsidizing the poor through their higher premiums. They were mostly self-employed, entrepreneurial and small business people, singled out for punishment.

To this day they have no voice in Washington, not in Congress, not in the Judiciary, and not in the White House.

And not in the Democrat Party.


Barack Obama 2014: Coming from a bad neighborhood, poverty and economic need are not a basis for asylum claims, which should be made in their home country, not at our border

Monday, July 15, 2019

Liberals used to call conservatism a collection of "irritable mental gestures", now progressives elevate racism to "authentically reactionary impulses"

Wow, racism is now an authentic impulse. You heard it here first, courtesy of progressivism.


Apparently Joe Biden's not really upset about the deportations themselves, just the terror announcing them causes

Better to sneak up on them like his boss did over the Christmas holidays in 2015.

"Merry Christmas! This is an ICE raid! Pack your shit, it's time to go!"

LOL POLITICO January 2016: Opponents of family deportations under Obama leaked raid info to WaPo

Obama administration kicks off family deportation raids:
Johnson said the batch of deportees were among immigrants who crossed the southern U.S. border illegally since May 2014. That's when the U.S. began experiencing a surge of families and unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Officials say such crossings decreased by early last year, but began to pick up again in recent months. ...

The proposals to increase deportations appear to have stirred some dissent within the Obama administration. Just before Christmas, unnamed "people familiar with the operation" disclosed the plans to the Washington Post — a highly unusual leak about planned law enforcement actions. ...

Both Earnest and Johnson said DHS remains focused on deporting "felons, not families" — a curious talking point given that families were the targets of the weekend sweep. ...

Democrats in Congress — which is currently in recess — have been mostly quiet on the raids.

On the opposite end of the political spectrum, GOP poll leader Donald Trump — whose candidacy has been characterized by hardline rhetoric against immigrants here illegally — took credit for the raids in his typical flair.

“Wow, because of the pressure put on by me, ICE TO LAUNCH LARGE SCALE DEPORTATION RAIDS,” Trump tweeted when news of the planned raids broke. “It's about time!”

The fact that Trump was proudly taking credit for the raids wasn’t lost on advocates, who used that point to draw comparisons between the real estate billionaire and Obama’s immigration policies."The president's actions are far more harmful than Trump's demagoguery,” said Pablo Alvarado, the executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. “While Trump's dangerous rhetoric stigmatizes our loved ones, President Obama actually deports them.”


I'd love to go back to my home country, except things have kind of gone downhill since Neanderthal remains were discovered in 1856

Merkel muss weg!

See how this works, folks? Biden creeps left, Biden crawls left, he's the epitome of moderation!

In 2009 the public option was toxic leftism. In 2019 it's the epitome of moderation compared to the other radicals running for president. Every. Damn. Election.

Creepy Uncle Joe reveals BFD 2.0

BFD 1.0 wasn't such a BFD after all then, now was it?

His proposal sounds an awful lot like the public option plan passed by Nancy Pelosi's US House in 2009, which the US Senate rejected in favor of its plan, which is what we have now, Obamacare.

The problem with the public option plan was that it threatened to undercut private insurance through unfair competition with its immediate access to the limitless deep pockets of the Federal Treasury.

Joe's a Fabian socialist, not a revolutionary, slow walking the country to the guillotine.

LOL HuffPo August 2015: Hillary defends her position to deport migrant children

Hillary Clinton Defends Call To Deport Child Migrants:

“Specifically with respect to children on the border, if you remember, we had an emergency, and it was very important to send a message to families in Central America: Do not let your children take this very dangerous journey,” Clinton said.

Now that the border crisis has largely passed, however, Clinton said U.S. immigration authorities should focus on expediting the deportation cases of children and people locked in family detention.

“Now I think we have a different problem,” she said. “Because the emergency is over, we need to be moving to try to get people out of these detention centers, particularly the women and children. I think we need more resources to process them, to listen to their stories, to find out if they have family in this country, if they have a legitimate reason for staying. So I would be putting a lot of resources into doing that, but my position has been and remains the same.”


NRO's David French is no conservative and no American, doesn't give a damn about us, the founders' posterity

"We the People of the United States, in Order to . . . secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity . . .."

Nothing shows the impoverishment of the middle class better than the decline in owning your own home since the year 2000

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Farmers' market pest Abby Ang worries her picture's on 8chan when it's already on Twitter

While the city deliberates, locals like Ang plan to keep handing out “Don’t Buy Veggies from Nazis” buttons in the market. But those activists know there’s a risk. On multiple recent weekends, Schooner Creek Farm supporters passed out flyers of their own at the farmers’ market.

“We had a couple people counter-flyering,” Ang said, “saying we were just defaming [Dye and Mackey’s] good name.”

Since penning an open letter condemning Schooner Creek Farm this spring, Ang has received an email with racial slurs, and had her picture posted on the troll hotbed 8chan, along with suggestions of violence against her, she said.

Thomas Homan takes AOC to immigration school

Axis of Shevil: I think this editor for the Newspaper of Blackface just called Donald Trump a girl

And you thought white men couldn't get along.

LOL: Papist John Zmirak fired by arbitrary power blames anybody but the arbitrary power

American history is complicated, especially for a Canadian

When there are so many Democrat candidates, it's almost impossible to tell who picked whose pocket

And #MeToo is aptly named.

Climbers gonna climb.

So fragile are they, one little word can fell them

Police kill rifle-toting antifa attacking Tacoma, WA, ICE facility, who left behind manifesto, but you wouldn't know it from the headline

Armed man attacking Tacoma’s ICE detention center killed in officer-involved shooting :

Police said Van Spronsen tossed lit objects at vehicles and buildings, causing one car fire, and unsuccessfully tried to ignite a propane tank. ... Deb Bartley, a friend of Van Spronsen’s for about 20 years, described him as an anarchist and anti-fascist, and she believes his attack on the detention center was intended to provoke a fatal conflict. “He was ready to end it,” Bartley said. “I think this was a suicide. But then he was able to kind of do it in a way that spoke to his political beliefs … I know he went down there knowing he was going to die.” She and other friends of Van Spronsen got letters in the mail “just saying goodbye.” He also wrote what she referred to as a manifesto, which she declined to discuss in detail but predicted would be taken by authorities.

The Seattle Times really shtruggled with the headline:


Power outage Manhattan: 42 is the answer to everything

It comes exactly 42 years to the day - and very nearly to the hour - since a famous blackout plunged New York into darkness on July 13, 1977.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

I'm only calling you "they" if you have multiple personality disorder

I mean, it only stands to reason.😏

WOW, good thing the House Democrats preserved this picture of the Capitol before they decided to burn it down last night, shows they really are conservatives at heart

LOL: You are NOT on the team unless you spell "goombah" correctly

LOL: Justice Democrats sniff out injustice wherever it may occur

LOL: AOC achieves immortality, becomes a goomba

LOL: House Democrats tell AOC chief of staff to shut the hell up

Protesters manufacture fake news at Biden event, claim there were deportations during the Obama Era of NO Scandals

The New Republic deletes homophobic satire, breaks the great democratic experiment

One of the rare instances in human experience where the answer to everything isn't 42

Ah yes, the Mazda RX-7, well known preferred vehicle of pharmacists everywhere

Happy Nathan Bedford Forrest Day to our countrymen down in Tennessee

Gomer Pyle, USMC, expert on the Armalite series of rifles

You know Armalite, the famous inventors of the AR-7, the .22 Long Rifle semi-automatic survival weapon designed for downed pilots to fend off invading hordes of squirrels at 50 yards.

Assault that, mutherfuckers.

Mayor of Carbon Hill, AL, has the line of the week

Friday, July 12, 2019

58% of total increase to employment level since Trump election has gone to minorities, level for whites up just 2.5%

4.2 million jobs for minorities, 3 million for whites, not seasonally adjusted.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Roll Call vote for H R 1044 had just 57 Republicans worth a damn, Amash votes with Democrats

The Republicans in Congress prove once again that they are the enemy, too

Hot damn I'm proud of Tennessee's Tim Burchett! He was one of the few, the proud, the 65 who voted against HR 1044

Way to go, Congressman Burchett. You are the man.

Hm, guy born to Jewish parents but raised on a poultry farm notes quadrupling of anti-Christian attacks in France since 2008, where taking census data by race or religion has been against the law since 1872


Anti-Christian Attacks in France Quietly Quadrupled. Why?:

Still, the available evidence shows that attacks carried out by Muslims, both in France and elsewhere in Europe, account for a small fraction of anti-Christian crimes. Indeed, one reason alleged “Christianophobia” is being downplayed by the French government is the fear of stoking Islamophobia – the concern that some people would instinctively blame Muslims for the attacks and retaliate (which has not happened).

“For the majority of the attacks, we have no idea of the perpetrator,” Ellen Fantini, a former federal prosecutor in New Hampshire who heads the Observatory on Discrimination and Intolerance in Vienna, said in a telephone interview. But, Fantini continued, “it's safe to say that there are many attacks that have nothing to do with extremist groups.”


This has to be Bernie bots trolling What's The Matter With Kansas? as silly season ramps up

Millennial couple in Kansas needs help making ends meet on $500,000 a year:


Monday, July 8, 2019

Republicans nationwide (red on the map) set to join Democrats tomorrow handing out 300K green cards to foreigners to take your jobs

Rush The Ridiculous must be reading online again, claims Aristippus of Cyrene was the first to say "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die"

The line quoted here is not actually attributed to Aristippus as a quotation, but rather as a conclusion of his philosophy, which in its turn goes too far. As usual Rush reads the first hit on Al Gore's amazing internet, reads it badly, and believes it.

Skull full of mush much?

Epicurus is traditionally credited with the idea because we have an actual line which is similar, but it is so widespread in antiquity it is difficult to know who first came up with it.

At any rate the ethical hedonism taught by both Aristippus and Epicurus involved self-mastery, not license.   

Not that the licentious sense was unknown in antiquity.

The Greek geographer Strabo (64BC-24AD) knew it, purportedly from an Assyrian inscription on the tomb of Sardanapallus, legendary last king of Assyria, who was legendarily decadent:

Sardanapallus, the son of Anacyndaraxes, built Anchiale and Tarsus in one day. 'Eat, drink, be merry, because all things else are not worth this,' meaning the snapping of the fingers. -- Strabo, Geographica, 14.5.9f.

Isaiah the prophet knew it in the 8th century BC, antedating any Greek knowledge by hundreds of years:

And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die. -- Isaiah 22:13.

And of course Paul of Tarsus knew it in the middle of the 1st century AD, which is how most of us in the Christian West know the lines:

If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.  -- I Corinthians 15:32.

Here endeth the lesson.

Next stop, a basement in Westchester?


Give me love, give me love, give me peace on earth . . . give me hope, help me cope, with this heavy load

Good Lord, Christian Nancy French, wife of David, is a small sea of confusion

French breakfast, or English?

She clearly does not understand C.S. Lewis, but no matter. The Christians don't read WaPo anyway.

The term “nationalism” carries with it ominous echoes of blood and soil, unsuitable for a nation composed of people from many different ethnicities and many different soils. ... As C.S. Lewis wrote in The Four Loves, patriotism asks “only to be let alone. It becomes militant only to protect what it loves. In any mind that has a pennyworth of imagination it produces a good attitude towards foreigners. How can I love my home without coming to realise that other men, no less rightly, love theirs? Once you have realised that Frenchmen like cafe complet just as we like bacon and eggs — why good luck to them and let them have it. The last thing we want is to make everywhere else just like our own home. It would not be home unless it were different.” ... This Sunday, it is great for Christians to show gratitude for a country that respects our liberty, but we should also extend incredible love and courtesy to people who differ from us.

Yeah, in their own countries. Yes, leave us alone! Don't come here and try to make this like your old home. If you come here you adopt our ways, our loves, our values. Otherwise, it's not really your home. Get out! This is our home. We speak English, honor the Christian God, revere the original constitution and the English common law, require self-sufficiency and self-restraint, reward individual merit, punish individual misconduct, and practice equality before the law (well, unless you're a Democrat).

She literally says in closing she's in the nation, but not of it.

No kidding.