Saturday, February 20, 2016

Larry Kudlow will NOT run in Connecticut for US Senate

Reported here four days ago.

January 2016 was warmest January in satellite record since 1979 but warming pause extends to 18yrs & 8mos

So says Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, here:

The sharp el Niño spike is just about to abolish the long Pause in global temperatures – at least for now. This column has long foretold that the present el Niño would be substantial, and that it might at least shorten if not extinguish the Pause. After all, theory requires that some global warming ought to occur.

This month, though, the Pause clings on. Though January 2016 was the warmest January in the RSS satellite record since 1979, the El Niño spike has not yet lasted long enough to end the Pause. That will happen by next month’s report. The RSS data still show no global warming for 18 years 8 months, notwithstanding record increases in CO2 concentration over the period.

America's metropolitan elite expresses nothing short of naked disdain for the working class

Clive Crook, here:

I'm a British immigrant, and grew up in a northern English working-class town. Taking my regional accent to Oxford University and then the British civil service, I learned a certain amount about my own class consciousness and other people's snobbery. But in London or Oxford from the 1970s onwards I never witnessed the naked disdain for the working class that much of America's metropolitan elite finds permissible in 2016.  

Limited government: One Supreme Court justice down, two to go

The wrong one is down, mind you, but the Founders' Court had only six members, not nine (eight) as now, according to The Weekly Standard in "Eight is Enough (for Now)".

A Donald Trump administration, in addition to closing the Department of Education, could easily save some dough and restore some probity to the court by not appointing a ninth justice, nor an eighth nor a seventh should the opportunity arise, er .... fall:

"An even-numbered Court seems to be more conducive to judicial restraint."

He'd just have to make sure to appoint if another justice with common sense dies.

As polls open in South Carolina, Real Clear Politics poll average projects Trump in first with 31%

The massive SC House GOP poll, incidentally, has an MoE of 2.0, not 2.9: With its 4% undecided, look for Trump to win it with 28-30% at worst

Marco Rubio's treatment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement is nothing short of disgraceful

The ugly details are reported here.

Trump reiterates opposition to Obamacare and individual mandate

Friday, February 19, 2016

The term "conservative" has become nearly meaningless in South Carolina

Moderate Republicans tonight perceive Trump and Rubio more like themselves than the other candidates

The division in the Tea Party between religious conservatives and libertarians is starkly evident in South Carolina

Data from the SC House GOP poll of 3,500 likely voters shown tonight at Real Clear Politics indicates the Tea Party in South Carolina is evenly divided between religious supporters of Ted Cruz and nationalist supporters of Donald Trump (establishment candidates Bush and Kasich hardly register):

In South Carolina Trump is capturing the libertarians and independents Rand Paul once hoped to bring together

Data from the latest SC House GOP poll of 3,500 likely voters shown at Real Clear Politics:

Rush Limbaugh tries to undermine Trump emphasizing today that Trump backtracked on the-Bush-lied charge

But examine the transcript at length from last night's townhall when Trump addressed the Iraq war and you'll see Trump is sticking to his guns:

QUESTION: So - so do you think - do you think the president of the United States, George W. Bush, lied to the American people? 

TRUMP: Well, look, I'm not going to get your vote, but that's OK. Let me just (inaudible). QUESTION: I'm just giving you another shot at it. 

TRUMP: Let me - let me tell you something. I'll tell you it very simply. It may have been the worst decision - going into Iraq may have been the worst decision anybody has made, any president has made in the history of this country. That's how bad it is, OK?

Limbaugh's been under a lot of pressure from callers this week accusing him of stilted coverage which has showcased Trump at the expense of Cruz and the others. The last couple of days have suddenly featured more self-conscious attempts to show Rush's independence by including less than flattering coverage of Trump. It's not very convincing.

Limbaugh knows Ted's a losing proposition, but isn't all-in for the popular and undoctrinaire conservative Trump, whom Limbaugh customarily calls a non ideological candidate. The absence of that is what is holding Limbaugh back.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't get it that Trump turned the idea of a healthcare mandate on its head in last night's townhall remarks

When Trump said last night (transcript here) "Well I like the mandate" he didn't mean the individual mandate in Obamacare. Trump may not even have been aware that that's what Anderson Cooper was talking about.

Instead, Trump has his own idea in his head which means that there ought to be a mandate which applies to the government, not to the individual, which states that it is government's responsibility to provide healthcare to people who can't afford it and would die without it:

"I don't want people dying on the streets and I say this all the time."

"The Republican people, they're wonderful people. They don't want people dying on the streets."

"[T]here's going to a group of people at the bottom - people that haven't done well. People that don't have any money that won't be able to be care of [sic]. We're going to take care of them through maybe concepts of Medicare."

"You cannot let people die on the street, OK?" 

"That's called heart. We gotta take care of people that can't take care of themselves."

That's all that's going on there, folks, despite what Ted Cruz partisan Rush Limbaugh is telling you in the show opener today. The mandate's in the "we're going to" and the "cannot" and the "gotta" in those statements.


Ralph Peters (ahem) rips Tim Cook a new one (ahem) for being such a queen (double ahem)

There's gotta be at least four in-you-endos in there.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

"Tim Cook is acting like Hillary Clinton - above the law, better than the rest of us."

Patrick J. Buchanan: Trump is rising because he's repudiating the Bush clan's anti-conservative policies

Patrick J. Buchanan, here:

“In the GOP nomination race, the chickens of a quarter century of Bush Republicanism have come home to roost,” Buchanan told Breitbart. “Trump’s triumphs to date are due to his recognition of, and identification with, the Middle American revolt against Bush family ideology and policy, and what it has produced.” ... “After the judges and tax cuts, what is there about Bush that is conservative? His foreign policy is Wilsonian. His trade policy is pure FDR. His spending is LBJ all the way. His amnesty for illegals is Teddy Kennedy’s policy… In smearing as nativists, protectionists and isolationists those who wish to stop the invasion, halt the export of factories and jobs to Asia, and stop the unnecessary wars, Bush is attacking the last true conservatives in his party.”

The True Born Sons of Liberty called on Republicans to repudiate the Bushes in July 2011 here:

A Credible Republican Candidate For President in 2012 . . . will be first and foremost the one who forthrightly repudiates the legacy of George W. Bush.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Governor Nikki Haley, not a natural born citizen who took down the Confederate flag, endorses not a natural born citizen Marco Rubio for president

Or: anchor baby endorses anchor baby, which won't fly.

From another story here:

Haley’s parents moved to South Carolina in 1969; she was born in January 1972. In those days, it took at least five years to be naturalized.  So it’s evident Haley’s parents weren’t U.S. citizens at her birth.  Thus she is ineligible to the offices of president and vice-president.  For both, the Constitution says one must be a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, a deliberately higher standard than simple citizenship. ... Haley doesn’t make the cut. Neither do Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, and nor did—yes—Barack Obama. My question for the future: was Columba Bush a U.S. citizen when George P. was born?

Marco Rubio was frequently absent for high profile Florida 9/11 committee meetings just like he's absent in the US Senate

It's not a bug. It's a feature. Expect that also if elected president.

WaPo reports here:

Rubio did not give the job the attention that legislative leaders expected. He skipped nearly half of the meetings over the first five months of the panel’s existence, more than any of his colleagues, according to Florida legislature records. He missed hours of expert testimony and was absent for more than 20 votes — prompting the state House speaker who had given him the assignment to express concern, the committee’s chairman said.

South Carolina House GOP poll conducted daily is massive with 2.0 margin of error and looks to be predictive

Would Apple unlock Hitler's phone?

Laugh of the Day: It used to be just a rhetorical question to ask "Is the pope catholic?"

Now it's a legitimate one.

Rush Limbaugh, just now.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

ICE officer calls Laura Ingraham show to say immigration officers are for Trump all the way, hate Paul Ryan, her next guest!

Just now on the show!

When Marco Rubio was city commissioner of West Miami in 1998 he voted for Honduran amnesty

Reported here:

While serving as a city commissioner in West Miami, Marco Rubio voted in favor of a city resolution urging the federal government to give Honduran illegal immigrants permanent resident status and free them from risk of deportation, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller.

So that pushes back the timeline of his pro-amnesty sympathies to before 2006 when he was Speaker of the Florida House all the way to 1998.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rush Limbaugh oversleeps and asks "Where's the conservatism?" when it's wherever Trump holds a rally

Here, today:

But there are a lot of people who have been donating to Republicans, and a lot of people who think they've been giving money to conservatives and conservative causes, and they've started asking themselves, what are they getting for it? Where is all this conservatism? People solicit money in Washington to keep conservatism alive, in Washington, in the Republican Party. "We're the guys that can do it. We have the contacts. We help 'em write policy. We help 'em understand policy." Great, great, that's fabulous, but where is it, a lot of people are asking.

Where is all the conservatism? Is it on Fox News? Is it National Review? Is it over at the American Spectator? Where is it? It isn't in the Republican Party. That is for darn sure, and so many people are livid about that. I'm talking about the party establishment. Yes, Ted Cruz. Look, what more do you want me to say? Ted Cruz is the closest living thing to Ronald Reagan we're ever gonna have in our lifetimes. I don't know what more I can say about Ted Cruz.

Trump's BASE is 40% of the country

After that he doesn't need very much more to win it.

From Mark Cunningham, here:

From the start, Trump targeted the (mostly) white working class, which happens to be 40 percent of the country. And he’s done it not just with issues, but with how he talks — the ball-busting, the “bragging,” the over-the-top promises.

George Bush in South Carolina looks more and more like . . .

George Bush hasn't criticized Obama in 8 yrs. but suddenly attacks Trump to help his little brother

Monday, February 15, 2016

Frank Luntz finally admits he worked for Marco Rubio in Florida: FOX would fire him if they had any integrity

Quoted here:

Pollster Frank Luntz acknowledges that he took money to help shape Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) political career, a fact that he did not disclose while praising Rubio on Fox News and on social media. ... Luntz admitted to Breitbart News that he once accepted payment to work for Rubio. “Yeah, nine years ago,” Luntz admitted. “Nine years ago.” Luntz defended the supposed impartiality of his post-debate focus groups.

Ten Senate Republicans got Loretta Lynch confirmed as Attorney General, maybe to SCOTUS too?

Without these ten Republican traitors, Loretta Lynch never would have been confirmed to the post of Attorney General (Roll Call Vote: 56-43 here, April 23, 2015):

Ayotte, New Hampshire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cochran, Mississippi
Collins, Maine
Flake, Arizona
Graham, South Carolina
Hatch, Utah
Johnson, Wisconsin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kirk, Illinois !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
McConnell, Kentucky
Portman, Ohio !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: vulnerable to defeat in election 2016)

Ted Cruz was too busy to vote, but Marco Rubio did.

From a story about Lynch here:

Lynch would be the first black woman ever nominated to the nation's highest court — and the GOP would have a political problem during an election year if the Republicans refused to even consider her nomination, Goldstein wrote.

"I think the administration would relish the prospect of Republicans either refusing to give Lynch a vote or seeming to treat her unfairly in the confirmation process," Goldstein wrote. "Either eventuality would motivate both black and women voters." 

Mock Trump and Code Pink all you want, Pat Buchanan still asserts we found no WMD in Iraq, no connection to 9/11, and Bush lied about it

Here, as recently as March 19, 2013:

Of the three goals of the war, none was achieved. No weapon of mass destruction was found. While Saddam and his sons paid for their sins, they had had nothing at all to do with 9/11. Nothing. That had all been mendacious propaganda.

Where there had been no al-Qaida in Iraq while Saddam ruled, al-Qaida is crawling all over Iraq now. Where Iraq had been an Arab Sunni bulwark confronting Iran in 2003, a decade later, Iraq is tilting away from the Sunni camp toward the Shia crescent of Iran and Hezbollah.

What was the cost in blood and treasure of our Mesopotamian misadventure? Four thousand five hundred U.S. dead, 35,000 wounded and this summary of war costs from Friday’s Wall Street Journal:

“The decade-long (Iraq) effort cost $1.7 trillion, according to a study … by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University. Fighting over the past 10 years has killed 134,000 Iraqi civilians … . Meanwhile, the nearly $500 billion in unpaid benefits to U.S. veterans of the Iraq war could balloon to $6 trillion” over the next 40 years. ...

We are not known as a reflective people. But a question has to weigh upon us. If Saddam had no WMD, had no role in 9/11, did not attack us, did not threaten us, and did not want war with us, was our unprovoked attack on that country a truly just and moral war?

Laugh of the Day: Unnamed Politico SC Republican "insider" robot repeats "Rubio is back. Rubio is back. Rubio is back."

Reported here, where the "insiders" agree Donald Trump lost the debate badly:

“Rubio is back. Rubio is back. Rubio is back,” said a South Carolina Republican of Rubio, who last week was criticized for repeating the same lines. “He dismantled Cruz without getting too entangled with Trump. If South Carolina voters were paying attention tonight, this could be a huge boost for him.”

Ted Cruz was all in for John Roberts in 2005, but Ann Coulter, who now supports Trump, wasn't. Any questions?

Ann Coulter, July 20, 2005, here:

But why on earth would Bush waste a nomination on a person who is a complete blank slate when we have a majority in the Senate! 

We also have a majority in the House, state legislatures, state governorships, and have won five of the last seven presidential elections -- seven of the last 10! 

We're the Harlem Globetrotters now. Why do we have to play like we're the Washington Generals every week? 

Conservatism is sweeping the nation, we have a fully functioning alternative media, we're ticked off and ready to avenge Robert Bork ... and Bush nominates a Rorschach blot. ...

Maybe Roberts will contravene the sordid history of "stealth nominees" and be the Scalia or Thomas that Bush promised us when he was asking for our votes. Or maybe he won't. The Supreme Court shouldn't be a game of Russian roulette. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Trump was right: While solicitor general of Texas Ted Cruz wrote on behalf of John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court

You know, on behalf of the guy who TWICE had the chance to deep six Obamacare, but didn't.

Here, in National Review, July 20, 2005.

Timeline of the 7-month Lewis Powell vacancy

Justice Lewis Powell retired June 26, 1987.

President Reagan nominated Robert Bork on July 1, but he was not confirmed by the Senate on October 23.

Douglas Ginsburg was nominated in turn on October 29, but subsequently withdrew.

Anthony Kennedy was nominated on November 30, and confirmed on February 3, 1988, with just under a year left in Reagan's presidency.

Fake conservatives Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both voted to confirm Sri Srinivasan AFTER he led the charge against DOMA

Freshman Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio both voted to confirm Sri Srinivasan, the most likely successor to Antonin Scalia, to the DC Circuit in May 2013 JUST TWO MONTHS AFTER Srinivasan helped lead the Obama regime's charge against the Defense of Marriage Act in March 2013 (US v Windsor) as Deputy Solicitor General. Cruz and Rubio are both fake conservatives.

From the discussion here:

As deputy solicitor general, Srinivasan led the Obama administration’s case against the Defense of Marriage Act, which resulted in same-sex marriage becoming constitutional throughout the country, as well as cases in favor of affirmative action policies and opposing restrictive voting laws. ... Srikanth “Sri” Srinivasan would not be the first Supreme Court justice to be nominated in an election year. In 1988, the last year of his second term, President Ronald Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy to the court.

And that didn't work out so well, either, did it: Kennedy led the charge overturning sodomy laws in 2003 and wrote for the majority making same sex marriage legal nationwide under Obama in 2015.

Here's Marco Rubio lying in the South Carolina debate about marriage:

If you elect me president, we are going to re-embrace free enterprise so that everyone can go as far as their talent and their work will take them. We are going to be a country that says that, "life begins at conception and life is worthy of the protection of our laws." We're going to be a country that says. "that marriage is between one man and one woman."

And here's Ted Cruz lying:

And today, we saw just how great the stakes are, two branches of government hang in the balance. Not just the presidency but the Supreme Court. If we get this wrong, if we nominate the wrong candidates, the Second Amendment, life, marriage, religious, liberty - everyone of those hangs in the balance.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both voted to advance our enemy, but claim to be on our side.

They're both fakes whom conservatives shouldn't trust as far as they can be thrown.

David Assholerod claims Scalia requested Kagan be nominated

Story here.

Of course, if we don't let Obama get a nominee confirmed a president Hillary could nominate HIM!


Three Supreme Court vacancy precedents have averaged 550 days: We need only 340

From the story here:

President John Tyler had a particularly difficult time filling vacancies. Smith Thompson died in office December 18, 1843. His replacement, Samuel Nelson, was in office starting February 14, 1845. That’s a vacancy of 424 days. Henry Baldwin died in office April 21, 1844. His replacement, Robert Cooper, was in office starting August 4, 1846. This vacancy lasted 835 days because Tyler could not get the Senate to work with him. During Tyler’s presidency, the Senate rejected nine separate Supreme Court nominations!
Most recently, Abe Fortas resigned May 14, 1969. His replacement, Harry Blackmun, was in office starting June 9, 1970, making the gap just longer than a year.

Jeb Bush deserved everything he got from Trump at the SC debate

In the run-up to this South Carolina debate, Jeb Bush said Donald Trump would make a worse president than Barack Obama.

And now Little Jebbie is surprised The Donald won't shake his hand after the debate?

Jeb deserved everything Trump said about him and more (debate transcript here). This is a war for the soul of the Republican Party, and it's high time someone had the balls to tell the Bushes to go to hell. They've been anti-Reagan from the beginning and never defended his legacy, and 41 and 43 were terrible presidents who raised taxes (41 gladly accepted the Democrats' Profiles in Courage Award for raising them), fumbled three wars, grew the size of government, actively worked against those trying to stem the tide of illegal immigration and shipped America's jobs to China by the boatload.

Under George's watch the World Trade Center came down to kick off his presidency, and to end it he proudly announced that he had abandoned free market principles in order to save the free market system!

Republicans need to be rid of the Bushes once and for all.

Laura Ingraham tweets the Valentine's Day massacre: Trump launched preemptive first strike v GEORGE Bush in debate

Sharp cookie that Ingraham is.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

In 2000 debate, George W. Bush was more concerned about racial profiling Arabs than preventing terrorism

The Boston Globe, October 17, 2000, reported what Bush said in the second debate with Gore here:

"Arab-Americans are racially profiled in what's called `secret evidence.' People are stopped and we've got to do something about that."

There's FOX News' Frank Luntz, promoting his candidate Marco Rubio during the debate just now

Everything's fine one minute . . .

. . . and the next you're in the car on an errand and suddenly hear on the radio that Antonin Scalia has died.

When you get home you learn your kid has just come down with a cold.

Then you go into the bedroom to get something and discover the cat has barfed up a hairball on the bed!


Paw said there'd be days like this.

Jeb Bush, the Obamacare pot, calls the kettle John Kasich black for expanding Obamacare in Ohio

Tenet Healthcare stock while Jeb Bush was a director

The Hill reports here:

The “telling thing” about Kasich, Bush said, is that “when he had a chance, he expanded ObamaCare through Medicaid. Governors across this country had a chance to take a stand against ObamaCare, many did. In Ohio it was expanded, and he’ll have to explain that down here, where ObamaCare, people want it repealed, they don’t want it expanded,” Bush added. 

Bush made a small fortune as a Tenet Healthcare director from 2007-2014, a company which profited from increased utilization of hospital services under Obamacare. He conveniently sold the bulk of his stock near its peak during his tenure, at the beginning of October 2014. The stock has more than halved since then. 

Future Trump voters in Indy react very negatively to Carrier Air Conditioner plans to relocate their jobs to Mexico

Video here, story here.

Independent HVAC businesses appear to be dumping Carrier in protest.

The libertarian Investor's Business Daily: Conservative talk-radio is in favor of Ted Cruz but it's too late

Naming Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck, here in "Are The Right’s Pro-Cruz, Anti-Trump Moves Too Late?":

Rush Limbaugh and other big names in conservative talk radio have come out in favor of Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, but the support comes late in the game.

IBD doesn't mention Laura Ingraham, who is favorably disposed toward Trump because of the illegal immigration problem in the United States, nor Michael Savage, who has actually endorsed Trump, nor Sean Hannity, who pretends like Limbaugh to be non-partisan during the primaries but repeatedly asserts that Marco Rubio will be president one day.

Laugh of the Day: Libertarian Charles Murray says only business elites, the Republican establishment and New Dealers remain true to the American creed!

In The Wall Street Journal, here:

For the eminent political scientist Samuel Huntington, writing in his last book, “Who Are We?” (2004), two components of that national identity stand out. One is our Anglo-Protestant heritage, which has inevitably faded in an America that is now home to many cultural and religious traditions. The other is the very idea of America, something unique to us. As the historian Richard Hofstadter once said, “It has been our fate as a nation not to have ideologies but to be one.”

What does this ideology—Huntington called it the “American creed”—consist of? Its three core values may be summarized as egalitarianism, liberty and individualism. From these flow other familiar aspects of the national creed that observers have long identified: equality before the law, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and association, self-reliance, limited government, free-market economics, decentralized and devolved political authority. ...

Who continues to embrace this creed in its entirety? Large portions of the middle class and upper middle class (especially those who run small businesses), many people in the corporate and financial worlds and much of the senior leadership of the Republican Party. They remain principled upholders of the ideals of egalitarianism, liberty and individualism.

And let’s not forget moderate Democrats, the spiritual legatees of the New Deal. ... But these are fragments of the population, not the national consensus that bound the U.S. together for the first 175 years of the nation’s existence. ... Operationally as well as ideologically, the American creed is shattered.


Of all the objections to the essay which leap to mind perhaps the most important objection is the way Murray glosses over the religious interpretation of the formation of the American character in favor of the modernist preoccupation with ideology.

The English Dissenters who helped establish our country from the beginning did so finally out of a frustration born of being treated as second class citizens, for whom the chartered rights of Englishmen were denied on specifically religious grounds. The desire for equal status has to be understood from its Christian setting, not from the arid point of view of a seminar in political philosophy. These Dissenters went on to populate our country along with other Christians who set about erecting a society, not a libertarian paradise where everyone did as he pleased. Built on agrarianism and the local Protestant church, it is hard to imagine a place less conducive to letting people be all that they could be.

The Richard Hofstadter reference is telling. A former communist, the liberal historian was a life-long anti-capitalist who had a reputation as an historian as something of a hack because he relied on secondary sources, ignoring the primary.

As every ideologue knows, when the evidence doesn't support your view, just ignore it.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Liberals say Pussy OK if you're Bubba, but not if you're Trump

Little Jebbie Bush's March to the Sea: We will be worse off with Trump than we are now with Obama

Quoted here, destroying whatever possibility there might have been for a truce between the Establishment and Trump:

“We will be worse off than we are now” with Trump as president, Bush said.

That's rich coming from someone who profiteered off of Obamacare while the rest of us were trying to stop it.

Emerson poll, touted as most accurate in Iowa by brain surgeons Limbaugh and Hannity, was 33% more inaccurate in New Hampshire than average

The Real Clear Politics poll average on the day of the Republican New Hampshire Primary was off on average by 14.2% compared to the actual results.

But the Emerson poll was worse, off 18.9%, which was 33.1% more off the mark than the average miss.

Emerson underestimated Trump by 12.2%, Kasich by 17.7%, Cruz by 6% and Christie by 18.9%. It overestimated Rubio by 13.2%, and Little Jebbie by a whopping 45.5%. Average miss: 18.9%.

Republican New Hampshire Primary polling was off on average by 14%

Final New Hampshire result v Real Clear Politics poll average:

Trump 35. 3 v 31.2, underestimated 11.6%
Kasich 15.8 v 13.5, underestimated 14.6%
Cruz 11.7 v 11.8, overestimated 0.9%
Bush 11.0 v 11.5, overestimated 4.5%
Rubio 10.6 v 14.0, overestimated 32.1%
Christie 7.4 v 5.8, underestimated 21.6%

Average miss: 14.2%

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Carly Fiorina also dropped out today

Noted here.

Chris Christie dropped out of the race today, notably on friendly terms with Donald Trump

Reported here:

“I think that Chris did an amazing job in terms of the debate, as a prosecutor, and he’s a friend of mine,” Donald Trump said Wednesday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “And he actually called me last night, and we had a long talk, and he’s a little disappointed because he really did do a great job, he did an amazing job during that debate,” he added.

The current El Nino now qualifies as a very strong one, but not as severe as 1997-98

The current El Nino now qualifies as a very strong one because there have been three consecutive measuring periods at 2.0 or greater on the Oceanic Nino Index: 2.0, 2.2 and 2.3.

This is the third very strong El Nino since 1950.

For the current three month measuring period it averages 2.166, in the middle between the similarly measured 1982-83 El Nino averaging 2.033, and the 1997-98 episode averaging 2.266.

The latter event was 11.5% more severe in the current three month period than the '82-'83 episode, and the current event is only 6.5% more severe.

The 1982 episode lasted fifteen months and averaged 1.3 on the index, the 1997 episode lasted thirteen months and averaged 1.56, and the current episode is now ten months in duration averaging 1.41.

Marco Rubio blames poor New Hampshire showing on his debate performance, saying that will never happen again

Little Jebbie spent $36 million in New Hampshire to come in . . . fourth

Reported here:

Cruz’s third-place finish also reflected badly on Rubio and Bush. Cruz spent less than $600,000 in the state yet finished ahead of fourth-place Bush who, between his super PAC and campaign, spent as much as $36 million on television. Rubio spent about $15 million and finished in a close fifth.

Trump buries #2 Kasich by almost 20 points in New Hampshire, Sanders staggers Clinton by 22

The race was called at 8:05 PM last night with just 4% of the vote counted.

Here are the results this morning with 88% of the vote counted.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Supreme Court decision staying EPA power emissions rule means states likely to win in court

So reports The Hill, here:

The decision means that the EPA cannot enforce the rule until the litigation against it is finished.

It also means that the court believes that the states, companies and groups suing the EPA are likely to win their case when its merits are considered.

A big victory for electricity from coal and for Laurence Tribe: Supremes stay EPA rule implementation shutting down 53 plants

The New York Times reports here:

WASHINGTON — In a major setback for President Obama’s climate change agenda, the Supreme Court on Tuesday temporarily blocked the administration’s effort to combat global warming by regulating emissions from coal-fired power plants. ... “We are thrilled that the Supreme Court realized the rule’s immediate impact and froze its implementation, protecting workers and saving countless dollars as our fight against its legality continues,” said Patrick Morrisey, the attorney general of West Virginia, which has led the 29-state legal challenge. ... In a second filing seeking a stay, coal companies and trade associations represented by Laurence H. Tribe, a law professor at Harvard, said the court should act to stop a “targeted attack on the coal industry” that will “artificially eliminate buyers of coal, forcing the coal industry to curtail production, idle operations, lay off workers and close mines.” ... Mr. Tribe added that the plan “will cause the closure of 53 coal-fired plants in 2016 and another three in 2018.”

Laugh of the Day: Marco Rubio partisan Frank Luntz says Trump has to win New Hampshire by a minimum of 15 points

Rush Limbaugh here:

Frank Luntz is the guy bandying it about, that if Trump does not win by a minimum of 15, that he may as well consider it a disappointment.  

As usual Rush Limbaugh gets it wrong, this time on the Emerson poll in Iowa and in New Hampshire

Here today:

There's an Emerson poll.  The Emerson poll has... What does the Emerson have?  Emerson poll has a shock. Find the Emerson poll.  Emerson poll.  Bush in second place and Rubio slipping to fourth, and everybody says, "Emerson poll? What the hell is the Emerson poll?"  It's a student poll.  Okay, so why does it matter?  Well, because they called Iowa.  Yeah.  Emerson was the only polling outfit that said Trump was not gonna win Iowa.  It had Trump and Cruz finishing in a tie.

No. And No.

Emerson had the Iowa race tightening to nearly even, but Trump was still +1 in the Emerson. Three major polls showed Trump reversing Cruz' lead, and all the polls after the first Emerson poll showed Trump winning. Even the Des Moines Register got it wrong. And of course Rush never mentions Cruz' cheating in Iowa against Carson and how the math involved mentioned by Karl Rove easily could have made the difference to Trump winning instead of Cruz.

And in New Hampshire, as we pointed out yesterday, Bush was second in the Emerson over a week ago but has DROPPED 2 points. Even Hannity is repeating similar drivel today about the Emerson poll. Bush in second according to the Emerson poll isn't news.

And there ends this episode of Dumb and Dumber.  

Iowa polling

Red Lobster joins the dark side

RNC and Marco Rubio linked to law firm thought to be behind New Hampshire voter shaming letters

From the story here: dug through publically available records, and found the group is linked to a well-known DC lobbying/election law firm, which as recently as 2012 had ties to the Marco Rubio campaign.... Federal Election Commission records reveal that as recently as 2012, the Marco Rubio campaign paid this law firm for services. Bloomberg reports that in 2011-2013 election cycle, the Republican National Committee and Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign, spent $1.7 million for the firm’s services. reached out to the Rubio campaign as well as the law firm for comment, but have yet to hear back. It is unclear if Rubio made any recent payments to the firm or any of their LLCs this election cycle.

The real polls are open in New Hampshire, but the pollsters were still furiously polling up to the last second

Trump was last +15.9 in the Real Clear Politics average, but rose to +16.3 last night and now +17.2 this morning.

Enough already!

as of 9PM Monday night
as of 9AM Tuesday morning

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jeb Bush is a total hypocrite about eminent domain, taking an old man's home from him in 2005 when he was Florida Governor

As Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush in 2005 used eminent domain to take 70 year old Jesse James Hardy's house and 160 acres he built and owned since 1976.

From the stories here and here:

It was harsh, unlovely land, miles from anything, with rocky ground, slash pines, swamp cabbage and sand gnat swarms so thick he had to hold his breath. No electricity or sewer or water. Hardy built a shed, then a house. Dug a well. For 30 years, nobody bothered him. Now they won't leave him alone. ... 

Hardy spits fire when he talks about having to move next month to his new $750,000 house that has just a few more amenities than the rustic cabin he built in the Everglades with his own sweat more than a quarter-century ago.

Here's Bush in last night's New Hampshire debate:

But what Donald Trump did was use eminent domain to try to take the property of an elderly woman on the strip in Atlantic City. That is not public purpose, that is down right wrong. And here's the problem with that. The problem was, it was to tear down -- it was to tear down -- it was to tear down the house...

If Drudge had paid attention to the Emerson poll he'd have known Bush has DROPPED in it

The story here from Emerson which Drudge links to reports Bush in second with 16%. The trouble is a week ago he was second in the Emerson poll at 18%, so he's fallen!

Actually Bush has dropped in the latest Emerson poll to 16%, tho still in 2nd
Bush was in second with 18% previously in the Emerson poll

With voting in New Hampshire to begin in just hours, Real Clear Politics has Trump winning by +15.9 points in the polling average

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Trump claims he had just 20 tickets for his New Hampshire Debate audience: Is the RNC treating him fairly?

"I had supporters," Trump responded. "I had 20 tickets. They gave me 20. All of those people in that crowd, 90 percent of them, were people that gave to the various candidates, and mostly to Bush."

John Hart says the pro-legalization of illegals Sen. Ben Sasse is the real conservative, not Donald Trump

Of course, Hart never mentions Sasse is pro-legalization.

The last thing we need is another Rubio posing as a conservative.

Like pornography, Donald Trump may not be able to define conservatism, but he knows it when he sees it.

Do you think National Review's candidate is Marco Rubio or what?

Headlines about Marco so far today at The Corner are 50% of the fourteen since the debate began last night at 8:00 PM (the other 50% are mostly about Hillary):

"Rubio Better Buckle His Chin Strap" 

"Rubio vs. Christie and Bush on Life" 

"Rubio's Tough Night"

"On Marco Rubio and Chris Christie's Brutal Exchange" 

"Christie Bests Rubio in GOP debate while Cruz and Trump Coast" 

"How Much of a Stumble?" 

"What a Bad Debate Night Means for Marco Rubio". 

Don't blame the Flint River for Flint's water problems

So says the Flint River Watershed Coalition, here:

"It was improper treatment of the water, rather than the health of the river itself, that sparked the suite of issues with Flint’s drinking water."

clear waters

diverse habitat
thriving wildlife