Monday, May 28, 2012

In 1944, Christian Men Made The Best Soldiers

Dear Friend:

Pvt. V. L. Meyer was with us in our Field Service last Sunday afternoon. The men of his Battalion and attached units are on maneuvers in the Wichita Mountains near Fort Sill for two weeks. Since the men cannot come to the Chapel on Sunday, we take the service out to them.

We take our Field Organ and small books with familiar hymns in them. The men are usually brought by truck to a place set for the service. It is entirely up to the men whether they attend.

We meet them at the appointed place and have an informal outdoor service. The men choose the hymns and we have a short message, scripture readings and prayers.

The outstanding leaders of our armed forces are convinced that Christian men make the best soldiers, sailors and marines. With their fine cooperation, we do our best to help the men be real Christians.

Sincerely yours, 

Lawrence C. Upton
Chaplain (Capt.)

Jan. 3, 1944