Monday, May 21, 2012

Boris Johnson, The Only Man Talking Sense In Britain

Hell, he's the only man talking sense in Europe, except for that hippie in Sweden, Anders Borg. Alexis Tsipras, call your office.

From the Mayor of London's column in the UK Telegraph, here:

[T]he euro ... has been a catastrophe for Greece and pretty bad (with one notable exception) for the rest of the continent. ...

We are told that the only solution now is a Fiscal Union (or FU)[!]. We must have “more Europe”, say our leaders, not less Europe – even though more Europe means more suffering, and a refusal to recognise what has gone wrong in Greece.

The euro has turned out to be a doomsday machine, a destroyer of jobs, a killer of growth, because it entrenches and exacerbates the fundamental and historic inability of some countries to compete with Germany in making high-quality goods with low-unit labour costs. Unable to devalue their way back into the game, these countries are forced to watch industry wilt under German imports, as the euro serves as a giant trebuchet to fire swish German saloon cars and machine tools across the rest of Europe. ...

Europe now has the lowest growth of any region in the world. We have already wasted years in trying to control this sickness in the euro, and we are saving the cancer and killing the patient. We have blighted countless lives and lost countless jobs by kidding ourselves that the answer to the crisis might be “more Europe”. And all for what? To salvage the prestige of the European Project, and to spare the egos of those who were wrong and muddle-headed enough to campaign for the euro.