Thursday, May 3, 2012

Between October 2006 and October 2011, US Real Estate is Down $7 Trillion

See here for the data.

The decline measured by the Federal Reserve's Z.1 Flow of Funds Release, B.100, shows the peak value of US real estate in October 2006 at $25 trillion. As of October 2011 the metric has fallen to $18.1 trillion.

Note the dramatic new uptrend in valuation which began in the late 1990s coincident with tax law changes permitting tax-free capital gains up to $500K in some circumstances to owners who occupied their homes for two years. Prior to that the gains were tax-free only once in a lifetime.

Call it housing commoditization.

Can you imagine returning to the trend line status quo ante? Hell to pay: at least another $2 trillion in declines coming.