Wednesday, May 1, 2024

California fast food now more expensive since minimum wage hike

California fast-food prices are up as much as 8% since minimum wage hike

Helen Jeong, Amber Frias

Since California’s new law went into effect to raise the minimum wage of fast-food workers, who are employed by chains of 60 restaurants and more, from $16 to $20 an hour, some fast-food chains have raised their food prices, according to a new study.

Kalinowski Equity Research said that menu prices at some restaurants have gone up as much as 8% since April 1. 

Wendy’s is leading the price hikes at 8% while Chipotle’s food prices have gone up 7.5%. 

As Starbucks’ food items are now 7% more expensive, customers at Taco Bell and Burger King are now paying 3% and 2% more respectively.

Starbucks confirmed its price increase, saying it was largely due to the minimum wage increase in the state. 

Wendy’s, Chipotle’s, Taco Bell and Burger King did not respond to NBC Los Angeles’ request for comments and confirmation. 

In response to the price increases, the California Restaurant Association said they were the “entirely predictable” results of the minimum wage increase. 

“Since it took effect, job losses, reduced working hours, restaurant closures and higher prices for California’s inflation-weary consumers have been ongoing,” the group said. 

Southern California who frequented fast-food restaurants for convenience and affordability said they are feeling the squeeze.

“I used to pay $10. Now it's $13. Over time that’ll be like $6 more or  $9 – it just keeps going,” Owen Peralta, a Chipotle customer in Brea, said. “If I'm going to start paying restaurant prices, then I'm going to have to go somewhere else.”

Specifically in the case of Chipote, its chicken burritos are now 8.3% pricer while steak burritos will cost customers 7% more.

Other customers hinted the rising food prices are changing the way fast food is perceived and consumed.

“[The rising prices] probably won’t stop me, but I’ll probably eat out less,” Cindy Tran, a Brea resident, said. 

“I’ll decide not to eat out probably a couple of times a month,” Mike Larson added.

The anti-semitism is all on Joe Biden's watch, under his leadership, during his presidency


Anti-semitism runs wild on the nation's college campi and Joe Charlottesville Biden and his administration is silent


 Cruz on Anti-Israel Protests: "This Is America In 2024"; Where Is Biden? The Attorney General? FBI? Schumer? Jeffries?

You can vote for the Party of Anti-Semitism, Child-Mutilation, Abortion, War, Illegal Immigration, the End of Women's Sports, Unaffordable Energy and Housing, and Inflation, or you can vote for Orange Man Bad


Trump: "Biden Has To Do Something," Anti-Semitism Is Pervading Our Country

 Trump: "Biden Has To Do Something," Anti-Semitism Is Pervading Our Country

Emerson polling shows third party candidates helping Trump, hurting Biden, or making no difference in the perhaps two most libertarian states Michigan and Arizona

In Michigan and Arizona at least, libertarianism is . . . polarizing!


Meanwhile, Trump has NO coattails in these states. Democrats are favored to win US Senate races in most of them.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Trump: Biden Says He Ran Because Of Charlottesville, "Charlottesville Is Peanuts" Compared To Campus Protests For Gaza


Immigration Named Top U.S. Problem for Third Straight Month


Immigration has been the most politically polarizing issue mentioned in past 24 years


Victims of the permanent psychedelic trip demand accommodation

 From the LA Times here:

“This disorder has stigma and shame attached to it. People often dismiss people with HPPD as druggies,” he said. “We deserve the same amount of caring and attention as people with any serious life-altering condition. … For that to happen, doctors need to know this is a thing."

I'd be more sympathetic if there were even one word in this story suggesting that drug liberalization laws have been a big mistake, but no. There isn't the slightest hint of remorse.

We've known since at least the 1960s that psychedelics can cause permanent harm, removing users from productive society and making them a burden on us all.

There is no excuse for this sorry state of affairs.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Drudge spent most of April showing headlines with Biden supposedly surging in polls while Real Clear Politics polling averages show Trump has climbed out of less than single digit leads to higher spreads

 The new "No Toss Up States" move above 300 in the Electoral College for Trump is particularly noteworthy.

Trump now leads again in all the Battlegrounds.

Nancy Pelosi, The Queen of Inflation, had the worst record of any speaker for deficit spending

 Pelosi Accuses MSNBC's Katy Tur Of Being An "Apologist" For Trump: "He Had The Worst Record Of Any President"


Pelosi spent 210% of revenues in 2009

Pelosi spent 196% of revenues in 2010

Pelosi spent 216% of revenues in 2020

Pelosi spent 176% of revenues in 2021


This guy can't imagine that "civilization" was just fine in 1956, when there were only 2.8 billion people in the world instead of 8 billion

 Kevin Dolan: If Birth Rates Continue To Plummet, Civilization Will End

 Birth rates inevitably decline for the economic reasons with which Mr. Dolan says he's primarily concerned. But he himself doesn't seem to reckon with the fact that the spread of prosperity has produced population growth to the point of its current natural limit. Years ago already it was predicted that global population would peak around 9 billion before falling. It falls because that's what prosperity does. Prosperity dulls the natural response to want, which is reproduction.
Meanwhile Mao killed his millions by the tens from 1949 and America killed its millions by the tens from 1973 and few have been the wiser.

Oddly, we still call this civilization.
Be that as it may, failure to reproduce eventually will necessitate a gradual and huge redistribution of wealth from the older population to the younger population, involving sometimes quite dramatic repricing of goods and services in the process because of the law of supply and demand.
And then at some point the natural response to reproduce will reassert itself "after the money's gone".
Once in a lifetime.


Did you know that the effects of the 1.1 degree F increase in global temperature since 1880 have been devastating?

That's where I stopped reading lol.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Where's Radioactive Nerd lol?

 Schiff's luggage stolen!



Drudge works the weekend, spells "millennial" correctly

 New class war between millennials...

Governor Noem shot a bad dog but Biden/Harris use theirs to protect them from unhinged DEI hires in the Secret Service

 Vote Democrat!

Columbia Univ. Hamas leader Khymani James, NOW banned for comments made way back in January: ISRAEL DID 10/7


This crackpot had said "Zionists do not deserve to live", but Columbia was OK with that and let him stay anyway, until now.

Because now everybody knows he's what's wrong with Columbia, along with the rest of 'em.

Joe Biden's daily whopper


Scott Adams says DEI = Didn't Earn It


Republic First Bank of Philadelphia: First bank failure of 2024 costs the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $667 million

Fulton Bank, N.A. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Assumes Substantially All Deposits of Republic First Bank, Philadelphia

WASHINGTON — Philadelphia-based Republic First Bank (doing business as Republic Bank) was closed today by the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver. To protect depositors, the FDIC entered into an agreement with Fulton Bank, National Association of Lancaster, Pennsylvania to assume substantially all of the deposits and purchase substantially all of the assets of Republic Bank.

Republic Bank’s 32 branches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York will reopen as branches of Fulton Bank on Saturday (for branches with normal Saturday hours) or on Monday during normal business hours. This evening and over the weekend, depositors of Republic Bank can access their money by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on Republic Bank will continue to be processed and loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual.

Depositors of Republic Bank will become depositors of Fulton Bank so customers do not need to change their banking relationship in order to retain their deposit insurance coverage. Customers of Republic Bank should continue to use their existing branches until they receive notice from Fulton Bank that it has completed systems changes that will allow its branch offices to process their accounts as well.

Customers with questions about Fulton Bank’s acquisition of Republic Bank may call the FDIC toll-free at 1-877-467-0178. The FDIC’s Call Center will be open this evening until 9 p.m. Eastern Time (ET); on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET; on Sunday from noon to 6:00 p.m. ET; on Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET; and thereafter from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. Interested parties may also visit the FDIC’s website.

As of January 31, 2024, Republic Bank had approximately $6 billion in total assets and $4 billion in total deposits.  The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) related to the failure of Republic Bank will be $667 million. The FDIC determined that compared to other alternatives, Fulton Bank’s acquisition of Republic Bank is the least costly resolution for the DIF, an insurance fund created by Congress in 1933 and managed by the FDIC to protect the deposits at the nation’s banks.  Republic Bank is the first U.S. bank failure this year; the last failure was Citizens Bank, Sac City, Iowa on November 3, 2023.

We have Berkeley Law School dean Erwin Chemerinsky on video admitting and advocating "unstated affirmative action" in faculty hiring and student admissions, which is illegal, but when it comes back to bite him he's all upset

You reap what you sow, Erwin.


Listen here.

Rufo's right. Guy should have been fired last year.

It doesn't get any funnier than failing local newspapers seeking a federal bailout

The last gasp of a defunct business model which no longer appeals to consumers. If people kept more parakeets and ate more fresh fish these papers would sell better.

Oh yeah, these commies also want "collective bargaining".

And I want a pony.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Speaking of 13 quarters of Joe Biden inflation

 Biden's 13th-Quarter Approval Average Lowest Historically

Averages 38.7% job approval

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Joe Biden averaged 38.7% job approval during his recently completed 13th quarter in office, which began on Jan. 20 and ended April 19. None of the other nine presidents elected to their first term since Dwight Eisenhower had a lower 13th-quarter average than Biden. ... From a broader historical perspective, Biden’s most recent quarterly average ranks 277th out of 314 presidential quarters in Gallup records dating to 1945. That puts it in the bottom 12% of all presidential quarters.

Ford Lightning review by Scotty Kilmer: Not Suitable For Towing on a trip, takes 3 days to charge at home, range plummets when cold, battery exposed to the elements will corrode, yada, yada, yada

 But it comes with a Frunk!

Core pce inflation still 2.8% in March 2024, still 75% worse than under Trump for a second consecutive month

 Biden's 1Q2024 average is 2.86% year over year, making thirteen quarters averaging 4.20% average yoy inflation vs. Trump's 1.6%, 163% worse.

Trump never had a single quarter higher than 1.97% yoy.

Ford lost $132k on each EV: Joe Biden mandating electric vehicles will simply bankrupt the car companies and require huge future bailouts


Ford’s electric vehicle unit reported that losses soared in the first quarter to $1.3 billion, or $132,000 for each of the 10,000 vehicles it sold in the first three months of the year, helping to drag down earnings for the company overall.

Ford, like most automakers, has announced plans to shift from traditional gas-powered vehicles to EVs in coming years. But it is the only traditional automaker to break out results of its retail EV sales. And the results it reported Wednesday show another sign of the profit pressures on the EV business at Ford and other automakers. ... And that means this is not the end of the losses in the unit - Ford said it expects Model e will have EBIT losses of $5 billion for the full year.


Ford really, really, really doesn't want to go down that path lol, or that other one.

I mean, who wants to be the butt of every truck joke when electric ones literally can't pull their weight, giving new meaning to Found On Road Dead?

Trump's presidential immunity: Democrats want you to forget, for one, that Obama played the tyrant when he assassinated an American citizen in Yemen in 2011 by drone without due process of law


And it wasn't just Anwar al-Awlaki, born in New Mexico.

Obama assassinated three other American citizens, in the same and two other strikes.

Y'all just let that slide because you liked Obama.


 . . . the Obama administration never charged al-Awlaki with a crime or even presented concrete evidence of his guilt . . . his targeted killing left American citizens with little more than the proposition that we are supposed to simply trust the president and the executive branch when they use secret intelligence to accuse an American citizen of terrorism and then claim the right to kill that individual without judicial scrutiny. 



The New York Times, May 2013, after Obama was safely re-elected:

In his letter to Congressional leaders, Mr. Holder confirmed that the administration had deliberately killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim cleric who died in a drone strike in September 2011 in Yemen. Mr. Holder also wrote that United States forces had killed three other Americans who “were not specifically targeted.” . . . Mr. Holder confirmed the government’s role in the deaths of Samir Khan, who was killed in the same strike, and Mr. Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, who died in another strike. The letter disclosed the death of a fourth American named Jude Kenan Mohammad but gave no further details.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

I'm so confused: Cervical cancer screening in Australia is received by 65% of lesbian women and 79% of gay women

Has there been a new development that I need to know about lol? And what does "meanwhile while" mean?

Well, let me tell you a little sumthin: Your average Roman Catholic nun lives anywhere between 82-89 depending on education vs. 79 for the average American female.

If you really want to live a long time, you know what you have to stop doing lol.


Lesbian women die 20 percent younger than straight women due to stress of 'toxic' social stigma, according to new study

  • Bisexual women die 37 percent younger than heterosexual women
  • Meanwhile while lesbian women die 20 percent sooner, the Harvard study found


Petronella Wyatt, 54, is single, childless, and depressed, and blames her feminism on Protestantism lol

 It was among Protestant communities that feminism first emerged, and it is in Protestant countries such as America and Britain in which feminist beliefs have been at their most vocal and strident in tone, like a religion with no dilution of agnosticism. Margaret Thatcher, though she would have denied it, was a feminist de facto, and no Catholic country could have produced her like.
No one dares blame the crazy old Pharisee. That would be a bridge too far.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.  
-- Galatians 3:28

Ilhan Omar: Someday anti-semitism will triumph again, and it will be right

 Import Somali hatred of Jews to Minnesota, and hatred of Jews is what you will get.

Ask yourself why the state's Norwegians Quislings are OK with this and you are on your way to understanding.

Diversity is their strength, not America's.



Maybe New York's open borders Governor Hochul should shut up already and start dismantling that statue in her harbor first


DEI means the Secret Service hires a nutjob, hands her a gun, and puts her on the VP's security detail

 Herczeg showed up at the terminal and began acting erratically, grabbing another senior agent’s personal phone and deleting applications on it, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The other agent, a shift leader, was able to recover his phone and then acted as if nothing had happened.

But Herczeg’s bizarre behavior didn’t stop. She then began mumbling to herself, hid behind curtains, and started throwing items, including menstrual pads, at an agent, telling him that he would need them later to save another agent and telling her peers that they were “going to burn in hell and needed to listen to God,” a source told RealClearPolitics.

Herczeg also screamed at the special agent in charge (SAIC), rattling off the names of female officers on the vice president’s detail and claiming they would show up and help her and allow her to continue working. At that point, other agents on the scene believed Herczeg was suffering from a mental lapse, and the superior officer, SAIC, approached her to tell her she was relieved from the assignment.

“That’s when she snapped entirely,” one source recounted.


Like there weren't signs.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tax Foundation tax calculator shows EVERYONE'S personal taxes going UP if Biden lets Trump tax cuts expire

 A married couple with 2 kids and a modest combined income of $85k would realize a $1,661 tax increase if the Trump tax cuts are allowed to expire under Joe Biden. 

The tax calculator is here.

If you LOVED Joe Biden's inflation, wait til you enjoy his tax increase!


US Chamber of Commerce intends to sue Democrat-controlled FTC for passing rule 3-2 banning noncompete agreements

Congress has not given the agency explicit authority to ban noncompetes. ... The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest pro-business lobbying group in the country, has said it will sue to block the rule. ... While the dissenting commissioners said they did not support noncompete agreements carte blanche, they did not believe the agency had the authority to issue the rule without an express directive from Congress.


It's a BFD, as Joe would say.

Millions of American workers are not completely free to work where they may because of noncompete, nondisclosure, and confidentiality agreements they must sign as a condition of employment or as a condition of severance on termination of employment.

The FTC vote covers only the noncompete issue and represents an end run around Congress which has failed to pass appropriate legislation.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Drudge is obsessed with Elon Musk, who stole the eyeballs of the right from Drudge like Obama stole the Democratic nomination from Hillary

Look at all these stories this month screenshot this morning, and he's still at it this evening:


Kamala Harris, the biggest phony to ever hit the big time, and all she's gotta do is . . . act naturally


Thee horror

Megan Thee Stallion accused of harassment by cameraman, said forced to watch her have sex...


Abraham Lincoln was no Socrates, pretending that a man can be neither slave nor master

 "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy."

If a man is not a master of himself, however, he will be a slave . . . to his passions, which include the desire to rule others.

In The War Between The States we exchanged the one tyranny over the Negro for a still more universal and thorough-going tyranny of the self.

The only free man who exists is the one who can say No to himself.

Fine people on both sides hoax in the news: Biden says bad people on both sides lol

 Dershowitz: Biden Made "Same Moral Equivalence He Complained About In Charlottesville" On Hamas Protests

Scott Adams spearheaded exposure of the hoax from the beginning. There is hardly a constituency left in this country for preserving the statues and history of The Confederacy, except maybe in Donald Trump and people like YT.

Meanwhile the anti-Trump right like Stephen L. Miller and his ilk are happy to use fine people on both sides against Biden:

This is quite the concession about Abraham Lincoln

 Lincoln’s principled stance was one of the causes of the Civil War.

In other words, Lincoln forced the issue, which is what tyrants do.

Lincoln was not a peacemaker.



It's too bad Nikki Haley didn't say Lincoln was a cause of the Civil War during her failed presidential run. That would have been REALLY fun to watch.

Washington Free Beacon lol: "Abraham Lincoln could not conceive of wonder drugs"

Um, he took blue-mass, which made him angry as all hell but did alleviate his depression.

He could not conceive of "wonder drugs," which (had they been available) might have saved his son from dying of pneumonia.

Biden DOJ under Garland and FBI under Wray vigorously prosecute non-violent pro-lifers under the Face Act while turning a blind eye to hundreds of violent pro-abortion attacks


My organization has been highlighting this dangerous double-standard, warning Americans that the Justice Department and FBI are exploiting the FACE Act to target and harass individuals like Eva who stand in the way of their extremist agendas. 

Just this month, a man named Elliot Bennet set fire to a Catholic Church in New Jersey. This was the third time Bennet had committed acts of violence or vandalism against the church since 2018, the 21st attack on a Catholic Church in 2024, the 274th attack since May 2022 and the 412th attack since May 2020. 

Yet the same Justice Department that is fighting to throw Eva in jail failed to prosecute Bennet for these multiple and obvious FACE Act violations. It has also failed to federally prosecute a single one of the more than 400 egregious FACE Act violations against Catholic Churches since May 2020, or to meaningfully address the 90 attacks on pregnancy resource centers across the nation since May 2022. 

These attacks don’t involve prayer and hymns. They’ve involved fire-bombings and arson, vandalism of pregnancy clinics and churches, spray painted threats on clinic and church walls, decapitated statues, smashed glass, disrupted masses, blocking of church entrances and even physical attacks on priests and parishioners. They have cost at least $25 million in damages to Catholic Churches, while intimidating hundreds of peaceful Catholic and pro-life communities. 


Monday, April 22, 2024

American utilities have used the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war to price gouge the consumer for natural gas

American utilities have used the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war to price gouge the consumer. 

Natural gas prices have nosedived 73% since 3Q2022 but utility prices stopped declining a year ago and are down just 14% from peak.

Utility gas actually increased in 4Q2023 and again in 1Q2024.

Look at all that air under the red line.  First time that's happened in decades.

People should be MAKING A STINK!


Barack Obama, austere religious scholar, has nothing to do with the current outbreak of anti-semitism at Columbia University


 “mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of study . . . I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk.”


Bill Gertz: US speeds up development of new, lighter W93 warhead for US Navy's new Columbia class boomers to help counter Chicoms' new ICBM fields

 The story is here.

Tucker Carlson commits seppuku on the ash heap of history


Joe Biden was just fine being the VP to the president who openly embraced the anti-semite last employed by the "Best Remnant of the Liberal Media"


ADL names most anti-semitic colleges: Harvard, MIT, MSU, Princeton, SUNY, Stanford, Swarthmore, Tufts, Universities of Chicago, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Virginia


Just two of 85 institutions met the minimum standard, meaning most institutions of higher learning in the United States are Not Safe For Jews.

The white supremacy over blacks and Jews the Democrats keep warning us lurks in the fever swamps of rural America is endemic to the most prestigious institutions Democrats control. 

The Hamas wing of the Democrat Party thrives in academia in the United States.

Reported here:

The campuses that received an "F" grade include Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, Princeton University, SUNY Purchase, SUNY Rockland Community College, Stanford University, Swarthmore College, Tufts University, University of Chicago, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and the University of Virginia.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The $26.4 billion Israel/Gaza et alia Security Supplemental Appropriations Act passed yesterday 366-58-0-7, with Nay votes from 21 Republicans

 The roll call vote is here.

The 21 Republicans voting Nay:

The $60.8 billion Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act passed yesterday 311-112-1-7, all the Nay votes being Republicans

 The roll call vote is here.

Just a hypothetical here: $60.8 billion / $1.3 billion per night of Russian air assaults (compare Iran attack on Israel) = 46 nights.

The $8.1 billion Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriation for Taiwan et alia passed yesterday 385-34-1-11, all the Nays being Republicans

 The roll call vote is here.

I would have reported in real time but Blogger had a major outage yesterday afternoon lasting several hours.

When little learning is a dangerous thing


Coming to a retail store near you: The Home Depot deploys security with dogs to PARKING LOTS to protect customers from Joe Biden's illegal aliens

 A New York Home Depot has deployed a guard dog — and other stores may be close behind — to protect shoppers from aggressive migrants and thieves flooding their parking lots, The Post has learned. 

Two men wearing MSA Security caps and bulletproof vests with a German Shepherd in tow patrolled the Home Depot in New Rochelle on Tuesday.


Diversity is our strength.

Democrat media are not covering this story: If re-elected Joe Biden promises to let Trump 2017 tax cuts expire

 President Biden vowed Friday that former President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts would lapse next year if he’s re-elected and “stay expired” — meaning higher taxes for middle class and low-income Americans — prompting a hasty walk-back by aides.

Biden, 81, lambasted Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which permanently lowered corporate taxes from 35% to 21% and temporarily lowered personal income tax rates through 2025, as a giveaway to the rich in a speech to electrical union members in Washington.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Ouch, my eyeballs just hit the back of my head again

Paragraph twelve:
More than 650,000 people are estimated to be homeless.
This is a small problem of incompetent liberalism in places like California, Oregon, and Washington state, where the drug laws are lax and the weather is good. It is pathetic that the Supreme Court has to be pestered with the consequences of liberalism's never-ending quest to turn every place into a shithole.

Mother Teresa: Abortion is a direct war, direct murder by the mother herself, the first and greatest destroyer of peace in our time


Here, 1979:

I was surprised in the West to see so many young boys and girls given into drugs, and I tried to find out why – why is it like that, and the answer was: Because there is no one in the family to receive them. Father and mother are so busy they have no time. Young parents are in some institution and the child takes back to the street and gets involved in something.

We are talking of peace. These are things that break peace, but I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing – direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the Scripture, for God says very clearly: Even if a mother could forget her child – I will not forget you – I have carved you in the palm of my hand.

We are carved in the palm of His hand, so close to Him that unborn child has been carved in the hand of God. And that is what strikes me most, the beginning of that sentence, that even if a mother could forget something impossible – but even if she could forget – I will not forget you.

And today the greatest means – the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here – our parents wanted us. We would not be here if our parents would do that to us. Our children, we want them, we love them, but what of the millions. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today.

Because if a mother can kill her own child – what is left for me to kill you and you kill me – there is nothing between. And this I appeal in India, I appeal everywhere: Let us bring the child back, and this year being the child’s year: What have we done for the child? At the beginning of the year I told, I spoke everywhere and I said: Let us make this year that we make every single child born, and unborn, wanted. And today is the end of the year, have we really made the children wanted? I will give you something terrifying. We are fighting abortion by adoption, we have saved thousands of lives, we have sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations – please don’t destroy the child, we will take the child. So every hour of the day and night it is always somebody, we have quite a number of unwedded mothers – tell them come, we will take care of you, we will take the child from you, and we will get a home for the child. And we have a tremendous demand from families who have no children, that is the blessing of God for us. And also, we are doing another thing which is very beautiful – we are teaching our beggars, our leprosy patients, our slum dwellers, our people of the street, natural family planning.