Average temperature year to date: 49.58 degrees F.
Mean year to date: 46.62.
Departure from normal: +2.96, or +6.3%.
Average of maximum temperatures monthly year to date: 76.28 degrees F.
Mean year to date: 73.57.
Departure from normal: +2.71, or +3.7%.
July had 8 days 90+ degrees. June, 6 days.
Mean annual maximum temperature is 95.
Maximum temperature so far in 2016 is 93.
Average of minimum temperatures monthly year to date: 23.14 degrees F.
Mean year to date: 21.14.
Departure from normal: +2, or +9.5%.
There have been no days below zero so far in 2016.
Mean annual minimum temperature is -7.
Minimum temperature so far in 2016 is 1.
Cooling degree days year to date: 557.
Mean year to date: 423.
Departure from normal: +134, or +31.7%.
Heating degree days year to date (January -- June): 3762.
Mean year to date: 4226.
Departure from normal: -464, or -11%.
Snowfall year to date (January -- June): 55.1 inches.
Mean year to date: 43.3 inches.
Departure from normal: +11.8, or +27.3%.
Rainfall year to date: 23.57 inches.
Mean year to date: 19.69.
Departure from normal: +3.88, or +19.7%.