Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Government Intervention Reduces Amplitude At The Expense Of Longer Wavelength

And we're all pretty sick of it, too.

Macroeconomic wisdom from Joe Calhoun, here:

Government intervention in times of recession is seen as the compassionate thing to do but it doesn’t accomplish what it purports to. Intervention – monetary or fiscal – can reduce the amplitude of the business cycle but only at the expense of a longer wavelength. Fiscal policies that provide temporary income support during unemployment only work until the benefits inevitably run out. Bailout programs that rescue badly managed companies only work until further mismanagement destroys the capital provided by the bailout. Monetary policies designed to distort asset prices have no lasting effect and only work as long as the Fed is actively intervening in the market. All interventions may be well meaning but there is no free lunch. Eventually, economic reality must be accepted and the excesses purged.