Monday, August 1, 2011

Let's Index the Federal Budget to Existing Housing Prices

Existing housing prices are down roughly 32 percent from the highs (see here). Many are underwater on their mortgages, but people are making do, muddling through, because they have no other choice.

Why can't government do the same?

A 32 percent cut to federal spending currently at $3.819 trillion dollars would be $1.22 trillion. That would reset the budget to $2.6 trillion.

Freeze the federal budget there and index it to the Case-Shiller housing price index. When housing recovers in value, the feds can have a similar raise. If housing values continue to decline, the feds get a similar cut.

Linking the federal budget to the health of the American dream?

Sounds fair to me.

Maybe those SOBs might do their jobs for a change.