Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Number One Reason No One Would Even Think Of Assassinating Obama

No one would want a mental case like this running the country:

Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) said “we have negotiated with terrorists,” and the story quotes Biden agreeing, saying: “They have acted like terrorists.”


Picking Biden actually was a sign of intelligence in the young president, though it kind of makes you lonesome for the days of the nattering nabobs of negativism.

The Veep only seems like a loose cannon on the ship of Obama, but his penchant for screw loose partisanship and outrageously inaccurate comments both get to fly under the dim pall of his brain aneurysm in 1988. He possesses a kind of sacrosanctity because of his illness, which consequence Obama skilfully exploits in order to push the radical envelope.

Obama may very well not know what to do in the positive sense, and even if he did he would choose against it, but he does know what he needs in the negative sense: unapologetic, partisan rhetoricians on whom no one can lay a finger.

Which also helps explain the choice of Jewish female Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, who possesses double sacrosanctity.

Caligula picked a horse.