Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bob Dole votes for Trump, George Bush doesn't vote at all

That, my friends, is the difference between the greatest generation, and the generation to which it gave birth.

Last night Mark Levin almost sounded like the anti-immigration Pat Buchanan he has so often derided

Tonight he's worried the conservative panhandle of Florida isn't turning out for Trump. The guy has spent most of 2016 railing against Donald Trump. What the hell does he expect?

The fact of the matter is Donald Trump doesn't have a ground game, and the Republican Party hates the guy and isn't working for him in the absence of that. It could, but it isn't.

Meanwhile the vicious infighting among Republicans which has continued since Trump was a fait accompli has simply demoralized the rank and file, the base of the party.   

October 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan: 17th warmest on record and 8th wettest

October 2016 climate summary for Grand Rapids, Michigan

Average temperature was 54.7 degrees F. Normal is 51.3. The month ranked 17th warmest October since 1892.

The YTD average temperature was 54.2. The normal YTD average temperature is 51.1. The YTD average temperature in the hottest full year on record in 2012 was 55.8.

The lowest temperature in October was 33. The normal lowest temperature is 28. The highest temperature in October was 79, which is also the normal highest.

October 2016 was the 8th wettest on record with 6.15 inches of precipitation. Normal is 2.92 inches. YTD precipitation is 40.09 inches, normal 29.23.

There were 10 Cooling Degree Days in October. Normal is 8. YTD there were 936 CDD, the 15th warmest on record so far. Normal CDD is 694.

Heating Degree Days totaled 44 in September and 324 in October, for a total of 368 for the season so far. Normal HDD seasonally is as follows: July, 6, August, 14, September, 132 and October, 440 for a seasonal normal to date of 592.

Actual lower HDD were indicative of the warmer conditions prevailing after the end of the El Nino this summer. The Very Strong El Nino of 2015-16, averaging 1.43 on the index and 15 months long, was longer but weaker than the 1997-98 episode, which averaged 1.56 on the index and was 13 months long. The 1982-83 VSE averaged 1.3 on the index and was 15 months long.

The Michigan GOP just called me from Lansing

They asked me to vote Republican today in order to "make America great again", but couldn't bring themselves actually to mention their presidential candidate's name, Donald John Trump.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Trump has left the stage in NH and now travels to the last stop of the campaign right here in Grand Rapids, MI

But I am old and tired and to bed I must go.

You, however, can watch him here.

Trump in NH: Massachusetts is represented by Pocahontas

In NH Trump mentions Obama is using Air Force One to campaign for Hillary . . .

. . . but never mentions it's at your expense.

Obama is illegally using tax dollars to electioneer.

Mike Pence told NH tonight it could decide the election tomorrow

And he's right: Just 4 Electoral College votes in NH could put Trump at 270 tomorrow.

Trump in NH: Restore honesty to government by getting rid of Clinton

Lock her up! they yell.

On the eve of Election 2016, Trump now needs just 4 Electoral College votes to win this thing tomorrow

Here is the No Toss-Ups map from Real Clear Politics, at 1940 hours.

As you can see, Trump just needs NH (Clinton +0.6) or PA (Clinton +1.9) or VA (Clinton +5) or MI (Clinton +3.4) or CO (Clinton +2.9) or NM (Clinton +5) to win this thing.

Come on people. Say No! to the establishment on both sides. Give Trump the chance to turn America around! Take the country back for the people!

This is undoubtedly your last chance. If Hillary is elected, your guns will go away, along with your ammo, freedom of speech will be curtailed, law and order will continue under assault as liberal appointees fill the judiciary, you will become dependent on government for healthcare, foreigners will flood the land even worse than before, your good paying jobs will fly away to cheaper markets abroad, taxes will soar, economic growth will continue to stagnate, and you'll be lucky to inherit your parents' house because you won't be able to afford one of your own. All because of "pussy". 

The Michigan Kent County Republicans just interrupted my posting with a recorded call from Mike Pence asking me to vote for Donald Trump

It's about time.

It's the only call I've received AT ALL asking me to vote for Trump.

It's called CYA, covering your ass.

Yeah, well, I'll be voting for Trump happily, but not for that prick Justin Amash, or any other Republican where there's a US Taxpayers Party candidate to vote for. Republicans don't care about me, only about themselves.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the Republican Party is finished. You don't nominate someone and then betray him.

Vote Trump: Government work usurped real manufacturing work under liberal Republican George H. W. Bush in 1989

Bill Clinton's killer of 76 at Waco in 1993 Janet Reno has died at 78

She was diagnosed with Parkinson's already in 1995, two years after the infamous deed.

She did not reproduce.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein warns Hillary is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen

Comey lets Hillary off the hook, the stock market cheers for corruption

Hillary can't claim she'll continue the good economy because it isn't a good economy

From the macroeconomic point of view of GDP, jobs and homeownership, the economy under Obama has been a bad joke.

Economic growth is lagging, lagging I say, the horrible, awful George W. Bush . . . by $2 trillion. Current dollar GDP under Obama has grown a paltry 28.2%. Under Bush, the worst in the post-war until now, it at least grew by 41.7%. Obama should kill to have George Bush's economic growth, and Hillary probably will, by starting another war. Nothing boosts GDP like war-spending.

Meanwhile job growth as measured by monthly total nonfarm has slowed in 2016 by over 20% compared with 2015, to 181,000 new jobs monthly vs. 229,000 new jobs monthly last year. Is that a hopeful trend?

And if you think 2015 was so great, it wasn't. If the same percentage of the population had been working in 2015 as worked in 2007, there would have been 7 million more employed than there were. There has been a huge contraction in employment, which explains the GDP problem. Without work there is no product.

You can see this vividly in full-time jobs. Compared to October 2007, we have just 2.6 million more full-time jobs in October 2016 than we had in 2007. Think about that. Just 2.6 million more full-time jobs but population has increased by 22 million. After recessions, full-time has always recovered to the previous highs in 2-3 years, but not under Obama. This time it took 8 years, a terrible stain on the economic record.

Next consider housing. There have been 6.4 million completed foreclosures since September 2008 even as the Feds have done everything they can to get housing prices to recover, distorting the economy to the point that today the typical $247,000 existing home is unaffordable for 90% of individual wage earners. No wonder the homeownership rate, at 63.5%, has plunged to a level last seen in 1985.

In the end about all Hillary surrogates have to boast of is the stock market. Larry Kudlow featured one on his radio program this weekend doing just that. But estimates of how many Americans own stocks vary considerably. Gallup recently put it at 52%. Pew in 2013 put it at 45%. Shockingly, the Federal Reserve itself estimates it's more like 13-15%. In the best case only half the country is reaping benefits from stocks, and probably a lot less than half.

Those people who had the foresight to invest in March 2009 have done extremely well. On average the S&P 500 is up over 17% per year since then through September 2016.

But how have long term investors done, people who buy and hold in retirement accounts? Since the last stock market boom peaked in August 2000, they are up only 4.32% per year. That's almost 64% worse than the historical post-war performance of 11.9% with little upside on the horizon as the market has made new all-time highs and is obscenely valued.

Nothing Hillary Clinton is proposing looks remotely likely to improve any of these measures, except maybe by starting a new war.

My boy will be 18 next year. Please don't vote for her.

With polls opening in about 24 hours, 12 states and one congressional district in Maine are Toss Ups

Maine confuses the math because it awards Electoral College votes by congressional district. The race is a toss-up in congressional district 2 where Trump is slightly ahead. If he wins it he gets one Electoral College vote. Congressional district 1 will go to Clinton and she will get its one EC vote, based on the polling data there. Maine is unaccountably listed twice in this table from Real Clear Politics, making it not real clear. "Maine (2)" shouldn't appear in the list, only "Maine CD2 (1)". You'll notice Wisconsin isn't in this list. Why Trump spent valuable time and resources there in the last couple of weeks I don't understand. Virginia would have made more sense, but it too is now absent from the Toss-Ups.

So, with 241 EC votes already projected in the Trump column, if Trump ran this table he'd win overwhelmingly with 320.

If Trump simply keeps what he's got but turns Florida, he wins with 270.

If he doesn't win Florida he'll have to win Pennsylvania and Colorado to win with 270.

Alternatively a win in Pennsylvania and long shot Michigan would give him 277 to win it.

Trump plans to make his last stop of the 2016 campaign tonight in Michigan, right here in Grand Rapids.

Even though polling looks slightly better in New Mexico than in Michigan, New Mexico seems like an even bigger long shot.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Liberal dipshit at CNBC John Harwood asked Clinton campaign's John Podesta: What should I ask Jeb tomorrow?


Usually the media already know what to ask, but Harwood is too dumb to know.

In my opinion.

Trump is a machine

He's speaking in Michigan right now, then flies to an appearance in Pittsburgh, and finishes in Virginia.

It's 8 frickin' PM people. It's going to be a very long night yet for Donald Trump. 

The Donald is working for us like no one else.

The man is indefatigable.

So, the FBI's had a search warrant to investigate Weiner's 650,000 e-mails for 5 days and announces today it's got bupkis

Yeah, bupkis, that's the ticket.

Story here.