Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trump's RNC strong-armed the GOP platform committee, weakened its abortion provisions, pared it down from 66 pages to 16

“The 2024 platform is a decent statement of campaign priorities, but not necessarily the enduring principles of a party,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. “Unfortunately, the process was unbecoming of constitutional conservatives which did not allow the document to be amended or improved.” ...

Gayle Ruzicka, a platform committee member from Utah, said the RNC staff “didn’t allow” a discussion on the language the platform used on abortion.

“I had planned to go up there to try and make an amendment and they said we could make amendments,” she said, adding that she had been on platform committees several times and found it “very unusual.”

“They didn’t even give us a chance to read it before we voted on it,” Ruzicka said. She didn’t know exactly how long they had before voting — staff had taken her watch, phone and laptop — but it was “maybe a couple of hours” filled by speakers.

“I’m very frustrated. I think we were treated very poorly. We spent a lot of money to get here. We were supposed to have the opportunity to study it and read it. We didn’t get even a chance to read it first,” Ruzicka said. “They gave it to us, but we kept waiting to go to our committee and then they didn’t ever do committees.”
