Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Delegates to the Democratic Convention in Chicago can't speak freely in the Democrat Party for fear of being removed by the gang leaders


 The fix was in already on Sunday after Biden withdrew and endorsed Kamala Harris. 

All 50 state chairs of the party quickly asserted their endorsement of Harris, according to Reuters.

But the blessed GRAUNIAD found out the truth: Delegates who aren't down for the Harris Cause fear having their delegate status revoked by those state chairs.

It's a gang, not democracy.

Delegates are, by and large, local volunteers expected to spend thousands of dollars to fly to Chicago and attend the convention. It’s often viewed as a reward for activism and dedication, but it’s typically a far less consequential role than it might be next month.

One delegate who isn’t yet old enough to drink expressed his mounting anxiety about how things are unfolding and how little has been predictable.

“I’m a young, young person,” said the delegate, who requested anonymity because he feared being replaced by his state chair. “This is my first convention … And this is scary. It’s super anxiety-inducing, and crazy, and so much.”


Democracy dies in darkness.