Friday, July 12, 2024

Gallup: For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans want immigration levels to the U.S. reduced rather than kept at their present level or increased


Significantly more U.S. adults than a year ago, 55% versus 41%, would like to see immigration to the U.S. decreased. This is the first time since 2005 that a majority of Americans have wanted there to be less immigration, and today’s figure is the largest percentage holding that view since a 58% reading in 2001. The record high was 65%, recorded in 1993 and 1995. ...

The shifts in attitudes have come after monthly illegal border crossings reached record levels late last year. ... Gallup’s monthly measure of the most important problem facing the country finds immigration consistently ranking among the top issues this year. ...

A slim majority of 53% favors expanding the construction of walls along the U.S. border, the first time a majority has been in favor of that policy.