Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Stephen L. Miller, aka redsteeze, prefers alternative C19 facts when it suits his rhetorical purposes against Anthony Fauci

OK Stephen.

He’s not referring to the science of, say, the human manipulation of viruses that can lead to a global pandemic, research Fauci once said he believed was worth the risk. Or to the science that has possibly led to eleven million deaths worldwide and altered the lives of every citizen of every industrialized nation on the planet. ... He’s not going to be prosecuted. He’s not going to prison, no matter how many Twitter users crow about it. He will, however, be judged by science, real science, when this is all over. And the real science shows that eleven million people and counting have died so far.

The guy is nothing if not weird. It's almost like he has 6 million on the brain or something. 6 million + 5 million = 11 million. I dunno.