Monday, July 26, 2021

Why is the US Vaccine Church pushing mandatory jabs instead of celebrating its amazing success?

TL;dr: fascism.

The data are clear.

Deaths from COVID-19 have been in free-fall from the January peak when over 95k perished to just over 10k dead in June, with July poised to come in even lower than that, near 6.5k.


The Vaccine Church should be CROWING over this success, especially when it accomplished this feat with just 36% vaccinated with one dose and only 22% fully vaccinated on April 13, the date of peak US vaccination.
April's not quite 24k deaths were equivalent to last year's lows in June, September and October.
And May, June and July 2021 are coming in even lower than that, now that vaccination levels have reached about 50% of the population.

Instead the Vaccine Church is wringing its hands about the Indian variant and preaching, preaching, preaching to the people to get vaccinated, and using borrowed funds by the billion to do it, too.
The Vaccine Church knows the vaccines had damn little to do with this decline in deaths, and has too much invested in this fascist scheme to look back now.