Thursday, July 29, 2021

All the scare tactics and non-stop advertizing to persuade people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 have budged senior citizens barely three points

Maybe seniors are wiser to the game.

Senior citizens from 2010-2020 underwent flu vaccination at an average rate of 65.6%, the highest of any age group.

As of May 22, they underwent COVID-19 vaccination at a rate of 69.3%.

Since seniors are by far the most likely to die of C19 infection, you might think they would be taking this somewhat more seriously than that. In California 73% of the deaths have been 65+.

But seniors constitute roughly 16.6% of the US population, or about 55 million people, 3.7% of which is an extra 1.6 million seniors vaccinated for C19 than for flu. The hype doesn't appear to be moving them much, but it is moving them.

The same can't be said for younger people.

People 50-64 are sort of holding up their end to get vaccinated for C19 at 44.5% vs. an average of 45% for flu.

But people 18-49 are way behind, getting vaccinated for flu at an average rate of 32.3% vs. only 25.5% for C19.

Younger tranches represent a far richer target environment for the pharma-companies, which is why billion$ are being spent to reach them, interminably and everywhere.

flu vaccine coverage per CDC

COVID-19 vaccine coverage per CDC