Sunday, July 19, 2020

Deaths from COVID-19 in CA, AZ, TX and FL remain a phenomenon overwhelmingly affecting those 50 and older just as they did in New York City, but so far they represent only 1/3 of the pandemic in those states vs 3/4 in NYC

In New York City, older people were the chief death victims by far as in most places, but there they represented 75% of the pandemic.

Less fuel in the south so far means we're going to see less fire, and already have.

You still do not want to get this disease, unless you want to risk permanent impairments to your health. Nearly 10% of people 0-49 in AZ as in NYC are still dying from COVID-19.

Wear a mask and avoid crowds.

Data in FL comes from reliable news reporting through July 11. Data for CA, AZ and TX come from state dashboards. TX data is based on completed death investigations, which are far fewer than total deaths to date. CA straight up tells you what you want to know without having to calculate it. NYC data comes from the city's dashboard.