Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Un-American Memorial Day Sentiments

"[O]ur freedoms, our ingenuity, our faith and our entrepreneurship . . . all of these virtues ha[ve] been purchased on battlefields, with the blood of those whom we commemorate on Memorial Day."

-- The Washington Examiner, here

What unadulterated rubbish. If the Founders could hear it, they'd roll over in their graves.

The rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, among other things, are inalienable. No military can purchase them for me, nor take them away from me. I own them already and always, despite my circumstances. That is what the founding generation believed most passionately, and which no one in America seems to believe anymore.

Therefore despotism surely awaits, for only free men who believe such things remain free, come hell, high water, or even chains. Servility begins, and ends, within.