How long before they have backscatter scanners like the airports and mobile vans have to see through the roof of your home to search you without a warrant?
These aerial robots from England can hover silently for hours, and at only 3 feet in diameter can conceal themselves easily. Equipped with cameras and thermal imaging scanners, they can see you hiding in the bushes. They can track you as you drive, mow the lawn, go for a walk, or have a picnic. All your comings and goings, and those of your associates, can be tracked, recorded and studied without your knowledge or consent.
The story here says they're coming to the US.
Your freedom and privacy are being destroyed as we speak!
What are you going to do about it?
Start by boycotting every place where scanners are installed. That means not flying. And complain, loudly, until this is brought to a halt.