Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Though 13% less deadly in the US overall, both Alpha and Delta in 2021 have been much more transmissible than the 2020 virus types
The UK variant dominated in the US from April-June 2021. It spawned an average of 34,793 cases per day, 28% higher than the 27,128 cases per day average for Apr-Jun 2020.
The India variant dominated in the US from July 1, 2021, and still does. Average cases per day for the five months Jul-Nov 2021 were 97,449, 35% higher than the 71,932 cases per day average for Jul-Nov 2020.
The data is once again consistent with the theory that viruses evolve to survive at the expense of killing ability.
People who credit the vaccines for killing fewer people, however, must face the fact that the vaccines did nothing to reduce the increased spread of either variant.
That point needs to be underscored. Vaccinated people who abandoned all precautions are just as culpable as unvaccinated people who abandoned all precautions for making themselves vectors for the disease. US authorities at every level have failed to emphasize this, but especially the CDC, which has known since the July 4th Provincetown incident that vaccination does nothing to stop transmission. Instead they have treated the vaccines as a panacea, when they obviously are not.
For all we know, deaths are down because the variants are less deadly, or because of improved treatment methods in hospitals and outpatient settings, or because of slight but effective changes to behavior, or because the low hanging fruit is already dead, or because of some combination of these.
But one thing is for sure, the variants are spreading like crazy despite mass vaccination.
US COVID-19 deaths from Alpha and Delta April-November 2021 were 13% lower than Apr-Nov 2020
229,185 vs. 263,727
The UK variant dominated in the US April-June, and the India variant dominated from July 1 and still does.
The data is consistent with the theory that viruses evolve to survive at the expense of killing ability.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Stephen L. Miller, aka redsteeze, prefers alternative C19 facts when it suits his rhetorical purposes against Anthony Fauci
He’s not referring to the science of, say, the human manipulation of viruses that can lead to a global pandemic, research Fauci once said he believed was worth the risk. Or to the science that has possibly led to eleven million deaths worldwide and altered the lives of every citizen of every industrialized nation on the planet. ... He’s not going to be prosecuted. He’s not going to prison, no matter how many Twitter users crow about it. He will, however, be judged by science, real science, when this is all over. And the real science shows that eleven million people and counting have died so far.
The guy is nothing if not weird. It's almost like he has 6 million on the brain or something. 6 million + 5 million = 11 million. I dunno.
Canada's phony Native American Carrie Bourassa, aka Morning Star Bear, exposed as of Russian, Polish, and Czechoslovakian heritage, not Métis, Anishinaabe, or Tlingit
Carrie Bourassa, a public health expert who served as scientific
director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of
Indigenous Peoples’ Health, was suspended on Nov. 1, five days after the
state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation published a lengthy expose on her background. ...
But when pressed to provide evidence of Native American heritage, Bourassa suddenly changed her story — saying that she had been adopted into the Métis community by an unnamed Métis friend of her deceased grandfather, Clifford Laroque.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Michigan, last 30 days: Breakthrough cases 28%, breakthrough hospitalizations 29%, breakthrough deaths 25%, yet the author and the doctor quoted in the very same article just lie about it
They're all pretending the vaccines aren't failing:
"It's almost exclusively unvaccinated," Dr. Matthew Sims, director of infectious disease research for Beaumont Health, told The Detroit News during a Sunday break of caring for COVID-19 patients. "And I can tell you the numbers that we've seen by me and my partners in the last couple of days have gone up." ...
The vast majority of COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated, according to the state. In the last 30 days of data (Oct. 14-Nov. 12), 72% of cases, 71% of hospitalizations and 75% of deaths were among individuals who were not fully vaccinated.
"Mostly critically ill, just like most of the patients admitted, are unvaccinated," Sims said. "We certainly know how to treat it better than we did at the beginning. We have new medications, but once a person gets sick, there's only so much we can do." ...
About 71% of residents aged 16 and older have received first doses of a vaccine.
LOL Kevin Williamson: He had a such good sermon going and then suddenly took the inevitable left turn with it and crashed it into a ditch filled with gobbledygook
We who have been exiles must be the new mothers and new fathers to exiles. We who have been poor and hungry, who have been powerless, who have been dependent on the kindness of others, must be splendid in our own generosity. And we who have benefited from the example of the meekest of all the men who were upon the face of the Earth — we must not forget our true heritage — must not consent to be called the sons of Pharaoh’s daughter. This pilgrim republic, fearfully and wonderfully made, was made for better things and higher things. Wealth, power, reputation — these are, at best, means to some higher end, to be used judiciously and with gratitude but never with awe. These are our instruments — they must not be our gods.
Come out from among them, and be ye separate, Americans. Come home.
It never occurs to Williamson that America as the New Israel pretty much did what the Old Israel did, invading the land flowing with milk and honey where they slew all the Canaanites.
Well, almost all of them. The failure of nerve which plagues America still, most obviously in Williamson, was present already at the beginning. Now the roles are reversed and it is the Injuns who ply US with alcohol and take all our money at the casinos.
Some analogies just shouldn't be pressed too hard unless you want to join the left in wringing your hands over what our forefathers did. Doing so only leads in one other direction: The Biblical imagery coheres better with the alt-right vision of America.
Cancel, or keep getting canceled until the country is no longer yours and your posterity's.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Michigan's growth of breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths through August has made it the poster child for vaccine failure as it sits atop all other states in the autumn outbreak
Aug 26: More than 20% of recent COVID cases, hospitalizations have been among Michigan’s fully vaccinated:
In the last 30 days, vaccinated individuals in Michigan have represented 23.4% cases, 28.1% of hospitalizations, and nearly 15.4% of COVID-19 deaths, according to data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
Even without reporting cases in the last two days Michigan remains #1 in the nation for daily new cases over the last two weeks.
Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties around Detroit remain ground zero for daily new cases.
The lack of reporting during Thanksgiving week is emblematic of Michigan's underlying laissez-faire attitude to life. It is under-vaccinated compared to the rest of the nation, and gave up on social distancing and masking months ago.
That's as true of its so-called conservatives as it is of its liberals, including the Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel who got ignominiously drunk in public at the Michigan football game at the end of October, sans mask.
The government we deserve!
Suddenly 25% of C19 victims in Michigan are vaccinated, but WaPo won't say it that way
The unvaccinated made up about three-quarters of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the 30 days ending Nov. 5, according to the state health department. About 54% of Michiganders are fully vaccinated, trailing the national figure of 59%.
About? Sounds like it could be fewer than 75% unvaccinated, which would mean the vaccinated are more than 25%.
And why conflate cases, hospitalizations and deaths that way?
Because it's WaPo, that's why.
World Health Organization protects Xi Jinping's feelings, adopts Omicron for new South African variant B.1.1.529 instead of Nu or Xi
alpha beta gamma delta epsilon
zeta eta theta
iota kappa lambda mu nu
xi omicron pi
rho sigma tau upsilon
phi chi psi omega
This is the first thing you learn in Greek 101, the alphabet. You've got it down when you can say it from memory after lighting a match and you don't burn your fingers, which you will need to write all the funny letters.
Looks like WHO needs to retake the course, however.
This new South African variant, B.1.1.529, will be very confusing since almost a year ago there was a South African variant everyone got hysterical about but it didn't take over the world. The India variant did instead.
That South African variant (B.1.351), was beta, retroactively so designated at the end of May 2021 with all the variants, which is probably why no one remembers it.
The UK variant (B.1.1.7), dominant in the US in April, May, and June, is alpha.
The gamma variant (P.1), from Brazil, never amounted to much in the US, though that was fear-mongered, too.
The India variant (B.1.617.2) is delta, dominant in the US from July 1.
Epsilon covers variants from California, B.1.427/B.1.429.
Zeta is another Brazilian one, P.2.
Eta and iota cover variants from New York, B.1.526/B.1.525.
Theta was first detected in the Philippines, P.3.
Kappa's another one from India, B.1.617.1, as is B.1.617.3, which oddly hasn't its own Greek letter designation even though it's on radars.
Lambda is from Peru, C. 37.
Mu variants come from Colombia, B.1.621/B.1.621.1.
The WHO made the announcement about the B.1.1.529 variant out of Johannesburg, South Africa, passing over a letter many observers presumed would be next — “Nu” — as well as the subsequent letter, “Xi,” which composes part of Chinese leader Xi Jinping‘s name.