Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Senator Ben Sasse, race-baiting, lying liberal suck-up who believes in amnesty for illegal aliens

Interviewed here:

CHUCK TODD: I believe you are the only Republican [senator] right now who was said you will not vote for Donald Trump under any circumstances...

SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE): . . . This guy believes in abortion on demand, this guy says that he hates the concept of guns, this guy's been for single-payer health care, he's for a $6 trillion tax increase. ... [W]hen you listen to Donald Trump, all you really hear is more Donald Trump, more tear it down, and a lot of praise of foreign dictators. ... [Y]ou did a great service to people by talking about the history of the Whigs and the Republicans. This is, in some ways, an 1860 moment. ... [I]f this becomes the Donald Trump/David Duke party, there are a lot of us who are out.

Mark Levin's Conservative Review gives Ben Sasse an "A" rating:

Sasse also supports legal status for illegal immigrants. 

Marco Rubio violates his pledge to support the party's nominee

WaPo reports here:

Rubio and his aides have been promoting a #NeverTrump campaign on Twitter. Trump said Sunday that the opposition was the latest slight against him from party insiders and a “total violation” of the Republican National Committee pledge each candidate signed vowing to support the party’s eventual nominee.

Trump grows support to 49% in CNN/ORC poll

Monday, February 29, 2016

This stupid bitch almost became your First Lady four years ago

Dumb shit Senate absentee Marco Rubio doesn't realize decades-old oil export ban was already rescinded last December

Noted here:

Rubio told supporters he would lift the ban as president at a private fundraiser in Texas Friday, and his campaign website has an entire page devoted to the need to lift the ban. “I would also allow American oil producers to be able to export,” Rubio said, when asked what he would do about poor oil prices as president. “Right now we’re not allowed to export.”

Congress lifted the ban in December as part of the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill it passed. “Oil companies rush to exploit end of U.S. crude export ban,” reported Reuters in the wake of the vote that ended a 40-year ban on crude oil exports. ...

Rubio missed the omnibus vote, opting to campaign for president instead. He later chalked up his absence to a vote against a bill full of “garbage.” “The outcome is already predetermined,” he told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News in December.


Rubio is so out of touch he doesn't even realize Republicans gave away the store just to get the export ban lifted.

Laugh of the Day: With Jeff Sessions Trump now has more Senate support than both Cruz and Sanders!

Whites outperformed for Obama in 2012 despite 2009 Porkulus and 2010 Obamacare, stiffing Romney by 18%

Romney received 59% of the white vote nationally in 2012 according to CNN Politics exit polling figures (which do not exist for 19 states), but underperformed that with whites in 21 states, losing the white vote outright in 8 of them:

California 53%
Colorado 54%
Connecticut 48%
Illinois 52%
Iowa 47%
Maine 40%
Maryland 55%
Massachusetts 42%
Michigan 55%
Minnesota 49%
Nevada 56%
New Hampshire 47%
New Jersey 56%
New Mexico 56%
New York 49%
Ohio 57%
Oregon 44%
Pennsylvania 57%
Vermont 33%
Washington 46%
Wisconsin 51%.

On an average percentage basis, Romney garnered just under 50% of the white vote in these states, losing them all to Obama, underperforming his own national showing among whites by 18% on average.

The white vote is especially interesting in the four states in the east which Romney lost by just 429,522 votes in the aggregate (2.3% of the total votes cast), which together with his 206 electoral college votes would have given him the 270 necessary to win the election:

Florida, lost by 74,309 votes (0.87% of the total vote cast there in 2012)
Virginia, lost by 149,298 (3.87%)
New Hampshire, lost by 39,643 (5.57%)
Ohio, lost by 166,272 (2.97%).

In Florida Romney outperformed himself with whites, getting 61% of the white vote (67%), but needed 62.4% of it to win. In Florida Romney needed to do 2.3% better with whites to win than he did.

In Virginia Romney also outperformed himself with whites, getting 61% of the white vote (70%), but needed 66.53% of whites to win. That meant doing 9.1% better with whites in Virginia than he did.

In New Hampshire Romney severely underperformed himself with whites, getting just 47% of the white vote (93%). He needed to increase that to 53% to win it. In other words, Romney needed to do 13% better with whites in New Hampshire than he did.

And in Ohio Romney also underperformed himself with whites, getting 57% of the white vote in 2012 (79%). To win it he needed 60.8%. In other words, Romney needed to do 6.7% better among whites in Ohio to win than he did.

So on average Romney needed to do about 8% better with whites than he did in order to win these four states and with them the election. But overall it was Romney's severe underperformance with whites from California to Vermont which meant that even that was highly unlikely to happen in the end.

Marco Rubio and his drug-dealing brother-in-law spotted taunting Trump

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Hannity and Limbaugh deserve the beating administered in re Marco Rubio @AnnCoulter

Both care more about their brands than they do about the country.

@Mickey Kaus: Marco Rubio didn't lie just to Rush Limbaugh but to all of Rush's listeners

@AnnCoulter: Except for Laura Ingraham

Why Marco Rubio sweats: The New York Times details how he tried to convince conservative talk radio to accept the Gang of Eight bill

It's worth remembering the full court press Rubio made on behalf of his bill, especially now that he's running away from it as fast as he can.

Maybe that's why he sweats so much.

Rush Limbaugh comes off looking like a total dupe, but the truth is Limbaugh remained skeptical of yet another promise to secure the border first. As I remember it Rush had to have Rubio on a second time to clarify that.

More generally, the only conservative talk radio show to oppose the Gang of Eight bill consistently and forthrightly was Laura Ingraham's. Nobody on radio has done more to prepare the way for Trump's message on the issue, and to kill the terrible reform efforts of Bush in 2007 and Rubio's in 2013.

Elite conservative opinion about Hillary Clinton translated into working class

From Conrad Black, here:

Clinton carries the baggage of the Obama administration and has scarcely uttered a sentence of unchallengeable truthfulness since she was first noticed in the crucifixion party that bustled Richard Nixon to his Golgotha more than 40 years ago.


That cunt Hillary Clinton has been a liar for 40 fucking years.

Coulter in July 2015: Trump's enormously popular with the working class, people who need the jobs being given to illegal immigrants

"He’s enormously popular with the working class. He’s quite popular with black people who want those jobs.”

Trump in August 2013: The people I resonate best with, my base, are poor people and blue collar people, working class people

Here, with Greta Van Susteren during one of Obama's sumptuous, too long vacations in August 2013.

Trump is winning today because he has long understood who is his base, what to say to it, and how to keep it.

The histrionic invectives against Trump by elites in the political parties, government,  the media, entertainment, the academy and the church are really invectives against the people who still work, who make this country work.

If elites want to stop Trump, the only way they can do it is to co-opt the support of the working class, and unfortunately for the elites, they've erected an entire system over decades designed explicitly to screw the working class.

The chickens . . . have come home . . . to roost.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Marco Rubio's new instructions to his robot army

In Marco Rubio's bubble world he only imagines that he unmasked Donald Trump in the Houston debate Thursday night. Just because he says so, it must be true.

I said it last night, if he had not inherited $200 million, right now he would be selling watches in Times Square or doing a Saturday morning infomercial where he teaches you how to flip properties. So we unmasked him last night. It's time for you to unmask him as well. You all have friends, you all have friends thinking about voting for Donald Trump. Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.

So repeat after me Rubio Robot Army:

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald Trump inherited $200 million".

"Donald . . .  

John O'Sullivan: Rubio is the poster boy for the liberal immigration policies which Trump launched his campaign to oppose

Green card holder John O'Sullivan at National Review prefers Trump to the ever mendacious Marco Rubio, here:

[N]one of the three leading Republicans have been exactly models of truth-telling in this campaign. So the relevant question then becomes “Compared with whom?” Let’s compare Trump’s boastful and evasive untruths with the very different lies of Marco Rubio on various immigration bills he has tried to sell to conservatives (as detailed by John Fonte on NRO on Wednesday.) These amounted to a long campaign of deliberate mendacity intended to deceive allies on a matter of the greatest public interest so that they would unknowingly support what they really oppose.

O'Sullivan correctly acknowledges that Trump's is a non-ideological conservatism which is widely shared among Americans:

Conservatives in practice accept that their realism about human nature shouldn’t (or can’t) stop at the door of the voting booth. What there is of Trump’s conservatism seems to be of that kind. And that seems also to be true of “ordinary” conservatives outside Washington, as several writers such as Rod Dreher have pointed out. They tend not to have highly consistent ideologies but to tolerate contradictions within a broadly conservative outlook. One very likely effect of a GOP conservatism influenced by Trumpery, therefore, is that it will remain conservative but in a less consistently ideological way. It is likely to be more spasmodically interventionist in economic policy, more concerned with directly protecting the interests of Americans (and especially the voting groups who have surged up to back Trump), more anxious about how to solve the problems identified by Charles Murray in Fishtown without spending too much more on them, more protective of entitlements, and more loudly patriotic in general. As a fully paid-up Thatcherite, I will find a lot of this irksome and mistaken. It will remind me of the pre-Thatcher Tory party and its bumbling resistance to economic rationality. And I’m beginning to feel grouchily that I want to hear a little less about American exceptionalism until the U.S. manages not to lose a war. 

Gov. Chris Christie's endorsement of Donald Trump pisses off fake conservative Jennifer Rubin, impresses Newt Gingrich

From the story here:

The decision drew a sharply worded critique from Washington Post conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin, who quickly penned a rebuke of “Christie’s despicable endorsement.”

Other GOP figures described the endorsement as a big move coming ahead of Super Tuesday next week, when Trump seems poised to increase his delegate lead.

“This is a huge step for Trump and will impact Super Tuesday [big] time,” 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said on Twitter. 

“This Chris Christie endorsement of Trump is real signal to GOP establishment that they had better begin thinking about Trump as the future.”

During a commercial break in the Houston debate, Cassius and Brutus met to conspire behind Caesar's back

The video is here.

For a two-faced lying phony, you can't beat badly aging Michael Medved and his smear job of Trump

From the story here:

In 2012, Medved called Sen. Harry Reid a scumbag the worst man in politics for using Romney's tax returns as an attack on the candidate. Medved said Reid was using the tax return attack as a "distraction" from President Obama's failed administration. 

"This attempt to smear and distract, and what is this all about?" Medved rhetorically asked.