Saturday, September 23, 2023

Bankruptcy estate of FTX sues Barbara Fried, Stanford Law ethics expert, for encouraging son to skirt disclosure rules


Very amusing.

We’re law experts, see. This is how you get around the law.

From the story,

FTX sues Sam Bankman-Fried’s parents, aims to claw back some of the $26 million in gifts and property :

The filing characterizes the correspondence as Bankman lobbying his son to “massively increase his own salary.” Within two weeks, the suit claims that Bankman-Fried had collectively gifted his parents $10 million in funds coming from Alameda, and within three months, the couple was deeded the $16.4 million property in The Bahamas.

According to the partially-redacted filing, Bankman-Fried’s parents also “pushed for tens of millions of dollars in political and charitable contributions, including to Stanford University, which were seemingly designed to boost Bankman’s and Fried’s professional and social status.” Fried is also accused of encouraging her son and others within the company to avoid, if not violate, federal campaign finance disclosure rules by “engaging in straw donations or otherwise concealing the FTX Group as the source of the contributions.”

Bankman-Fried’s parents are legal scholars who taught at Stanford Law School. His mother is an expert on ethics, while his father specializes in taxes.

Trump threw a tantrum on January 6th, blaming mommy for not stopping it is pathetic


Trump: Nancy Pelosi Is Responsible For January 6th

There's an old saying which says don't get in the way of your enemy while he's busy destroying himself.

And she didn't.

Trump is indeed responsible because he scheduled the event for that particular day. He could have chosen any other.

No one is responsible for the crowd getting out of control but the crowd, but Trump is responsible for the unique intersection between the crowd and the Congress on January 6th.

The Democrats’ prosecution of the trespassers has been wildly excessive, just to make an example of Trump for his childish stunt.

We are children behaving like children, and we have the government we deserve, on all sides.


The ugly Americans' ugly children


Overall, adults in the U.S. are least likely to say that kids having good manners is an especially important quality — just 52% of them said so in 2017, according to a report released this month by King’s College London. That makes the U.S. the country least likely, of the 24 countries surveyed in recent years, to believe good manners are crucial for kids.

This is a significant drop from 1990, when 76% of U.S. adults said it was a very important quality for children to possess, the data shows. …

Another factor that falls under the broader idea of kids being well behaved is if they listen to their parents or other adults. But even fewer U.S. adults said that obedience was a key quality for kids — in fact, it fell far behind in all countries compared with having good manners.

The country that values obedience the most is Nigeria with 58%, followed by Mexico and Egypt with 57% and 56% respectively. The U.S. falls into the second half of the table with 21%.

The whole thing is here.

The decline was inevitable, I suppose, with the decline of religion.

But things were already bad enough in 1958.

They isolate themselves socially. They live pretentiously. They are loud and ostentatious:




Sunday, September 17, 2023

Trump's Miss Universe trans policy in 2012 was endorsed by GLAAD lol

 '“For more than two weeks, the Miss Universe Organization and Mr. Trump made it clear to GLAAD that they were open to making a policy change to include women who are transgender. We appreciate that he and his team responded swiftly and appropriately,” they said in a statement.'

The story from June is here.

We've had an unprecedented three consecutive years now where inflation has remained higher than the 10-year UST yield on an average annual basis, and our hapless FOMC looks set to make it four

 There were just two years of this in the 1970s inflation, and they too were consecutive.

Anyone who calls Jerome Powell an inflation fighter is an idiot, or a stooge for the status quo of inflation profiteers.

This is all on the backs of the people, but where is the angry mob?

So medicated, so drugged, and so otherwise anesthetized by bread and circuses that the elites don't even bother to hide the truth.


Core inflation higher than DGS10 yield in 2020, 2021, 2022 (annual average)

Core inflation higher than DGS10 yield January through July 2023 (monthly view)

Let's check in on the US Treasury yield curve and year to date performance of selected Vanguard funds

The UST yield curve aggregate closed up a net 0.68% week over week on 9/15, to an average of 5.006923, the first Friday close this cycle in the 5s.
As expected, fixed income isn't doing well in this rising-rate environment. Stocks have done surprisingly well this year, and even cash has beaten bonds.
YTD performance:
Treasury VFISX 0.68% VFITX -0.26% VUSTX -4.12%;
Investment Grade VFSTX 2.21% VFICX 1.73% VWESX 0.00%; 
Total Bond VBTLX 0.44%; Cash VMFXX 3.48%; Total Stock VTSAX 16.45%.
Other popular vehicles: 
$SPX 16.37%
$AGG -2.12%
$TLT -8.38%. 


Let's check in on inflation protected securities

 VIPSX, nominal return

Inception 6/29/2000 to August 31, 2023: 4.43% per annum


SPX, average nominal return, dividends fully reinvested

June 2000 through August 2023: 6.90% per annum (4.93% without dividend reinvestment)


It's been 23 years of not a bull market

 Average real return per annum from $SPX, dividends fully reinvested:

August 2000 to August 2023:  4.23%
August 1977 to August 2000: 11.35%

Thursday, September 14, 2023

DACA again declared illegal by federal judge


A federal judge in Texas on Wednesday ruled -- again -- that the federal government's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is illegal, but he refrained from taking action to remove protections for the hundreds of thousands of young immigrants shielded under DACA.

The program, which began in 2012 under the Obama administration, currently covers around 600,000 young adults, commonly referred to as "Dreamers," who were illegally brought to the U.S. as children.


TSA: Taking Stuff Actually

 Miami TSA officers seen stealing from passengers in released footage...

Midwest expert: Whatever


European Central Bank hikes main interest rate to 4% with core inflation running at 5.3%


Yeah, that'll work.

Oil market reports suggesting tighter supply and higher prices through the rest of the year and beyond have fueled inflation fears; 

Mitt Romney's takers still in the news


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The inflation adjusted average price of ground beef in the United States

 In January 1984, ground beef was $1.29/pound.

Adjusted for inflation to August 2023, it should be $3.89/pound, according to the inflation calculator at

Ground beef is actually $5.08/pound, 30.5% higher.


Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, 76, will not run for re-election

 No word on whether he plans to join antifa in retirement.


Overall inflation reversed course and ticked higher in August 2023 on a monthly jump in overall energy prices

 Overall inflation jumped up to 3.7% year-over-year and 0.6% month-over-month on a 5.6% jump in overall energy inflation month-over-month in August 2023.

Month-over-month, electricity was up 0.2%, gasoline was up 10.6%, piped utility gas was up 0.6%, fuel oil and other fuels were up 8.4%. Meanwhile food was up 0.2%.

Core inflation (overall inflation less food and energy) increased mom 0.3% and is still running 4.4% yoy.

Services inflation is still running high at 5.4% yoy, less rent of shelter at 3.1% yoy.

Shelter inflation rose mom 0.3% in both measures, and 7.2% yoy seasonally adjusted.

Going forward I expect inflation pressures to persist because of Biden administration green energy fantasies and hatred of fossil fuels combining with OPEC+ production cuts continuing indefinitely. 

The purchasing power of the US Dollar fell again in August 2023, down 0.3%, now down 15.1% since December 2020


The inflation adjusted average price of white potatoes in the United States

 In March 1986, potatoes were $0.21/pound.

Adjusted for inflation to August 2023, they should be $0.59/pound, according to the inflation calculator at

They are actually $1.09, 85% higher.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Housing affordability drops for a third straight year, now the most unaffordable on record in 2022, surpassing the 2021 record


Real median household income has contracted for a third year in a row in 2022


Emerson shows Trump beating Biden by 11-points in Iowa, by 13-points with Cornel West on the ballot

 The poll is here.

34% of Iowa Democrats want someone other than Biden,  16% either Marianne Williamson or RFK Jr.

Yesterday Joe Biden claimed he was at Ground Zero the day after 911, plagiarizing Hillary Clinton 2021, when he was actually speaking in the well of the US Senate on September 12, 2001

 Biden Falsely Claims He Was at Ground Zero the Day After 9/11

I remember standing there the next day, and looking at the building. And I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell, it looked so devastating . . ..

Clinton 2021:

Clinton visited ground zero in Manhattan one day after the attacks, flying in with Senator Chuck Schumer. She described to "CBS Mornings" co-host Tony Dokoupil the level of catastrophic damage she saw. "We landed at LaGuardia, we took a helicopter, and we circled over ground zero. And I cannot imagine anything that looked more like the gates of hell. I thought I'd be prepared because I'd seen it on TV, but the TV screen contained it. And circling over it was something that I think about and will never forget," Clinton said.


Clinton 2016:

"it was as close to depiction of hell that I’ve ever personally seen.”


Monday, September 11, 2023

Abraham Lincoln started The War Between The States while under the influence of blue-mass, which gave him mercury poisoning and made him really angry

He took the pills for depression before the war, and didn't quit them until approximately June of 1865.
Wikipedia, here, so it must be true right?
For several years before his election to the presidency, Abraham Lincoln is known to have taken blue-mass pills for treatment of chronic melancholia.[5]
It’s been reported that during this time, Lincoln was known to have experienced neurological symptoms, including insomnia, tremor and rage attacks, which suggests he may have been suffering from mercury poisoning.
However, a few months after his inauguration, Lincoln reportedly stopped taking the medication because he perceived the pills made him "cross".[5]
In 2001, a study led by renowned public-health investigator Norbert Hirschhorn recreated a typical formulation,[6]concluding that the quantity of blue mass that Lincoln likely took would have delivered "a daily dose of mercury exceeding the current Environmental Protection Agency safety standard by over 9000 times,"[5] which may have adversely affected his health.
5."Lincoln's Little Blue Pills"(Press release). ScienceDaily: University Of Chicago Medical Center. 19 July 2001. Retrieved 2021-09-10.
6.  Hirschhorn, Norbert; Feldman, Robert G.; Greaves, Ian (Summer 2001). "Abraham Lincoln's Blue Pills: Did Our 16th President Suffer from Mercury Poisoning?". Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. Johns Hopkins University Press. 44 (3): 315–322. doi:10.1353/pbm.2001.0048. PMID 11482002. S2CID 37918186. Retrieved 2021-09-10.

This is my face, bitch


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Yikes, he thinks he's Robin Williams


Good, maybe he'll lose some weight


I'm sure everyone will be just thrilled to know that the Secret Service detail protecting the Kennedy family had been out "socializing" until 5 a.m. the day JFK was assassinated

 Mr. Landis said he was surprised that the Warren Commission never interviewed him, but assumed that his supervisors were protecting the agents, who had been out late the night before socializing (Mr. Landis until 5 a.m., although he insisted they were not drunk). “Nobody really asked me,” he said.

Many pictures of those days of mourning show Mr. Landis at Jacqueline Kennedy’s side as she endured the rituals of a presidential farewell. Night after night, those seconds of violence in Dallas kept replaying in his head, his own personal Zapruder film on an endless loop. “The president’s head exploding — I could not shake that vision,” he said. “Whatever I was doing, that’s all I was thinking about.”

With Mr. Landis and Mr. Hill still protecting her, the former first lady was in constant motion in the months afterward. “She’d be in the back seat sobbing and you’d want to say something but it wasn’t really our place to say anything,” Mr. Landis recalled.

After six months, he could not take it anymore and left the Secret Service. Haunted, he moved to Cape Cod in Massachusetts, then New York, then Ohio near Cleveland. For decades, he made a living in real estate and machine products and house painting, anything as long as it had nothing to do with protecting presidents.


That's what caught my eye about this man's story that the so-called magic bullet didn't injure Governor Connally. Landis says he found it "in the presidential limousine lodged in the back of the seat behind where Kennedy was sitting" and later put it on Kennedy's stretcher, which corrects his written testimony from the time.

Sanctuary in Name Only: Illegal aliens are damned inconvenient when plopped down in the backyards of liberal land


Saturday, September 9, 2023

She's 83: What's two more years after 36 years of turning the place into a shit-hole?

 Pelosi: The "Needs" Of San Francisco Really Call For Me To Stay Another Term

November 5, 2024: Groundhog Day all over again


Friday, September 8, 2023

Mukasey: Trump was never an "officer" of the US and the Supremes have said so twice, ergo, they'll have to defeat him at the ballot box

Trump can't be excluded from the election on the grounds that he was an officer under the 14th Amendment.


In U.S. v. Mouat (1888), the Supreme Court ruled that “unless a person in the service of the government . . . holds his place by virtue of an appointment . . ., he is not, strictly speaking, an officer of the United States.” Chief Justice John Roberts reiterated the point in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2010): “The people do not vote for the ‘Officers of the United States.’ ” ...

 Mr. Trump took an oath as president pursuant to Article II, not as an officer pursuant to Article VI. Because the Insurrection Clause applies only to those who have taken an oath “as an officer of the United States,” he can’t be barred by that clause from serving in any capacity. ...

Even a criminal conviction wouldn’t bar him from seeking and winning the presidency. The Constitution specifies only that a person seeking that office be at least 35, a natural-born citizen and a 14-year U.S. resident. If Mr. Trump is to be kept from office, it will have to be done the old-fashioned way, the way it was done in 2020—by defeating him in an election.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

I can see it now: Edward Snowden foe Mike Rogers will be the Republican candidate for US Senate from Michigan and Justin Amash will run as the Libertarian Party spoiler to help Democrat Elissa Slotkin win

 Former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, a Michigan native and former FBI agent who rose to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee before leaving Congress more than eight years ago, announced Wednesday he is running for the Republican nomination for the state's open U.S. Senate seat next year.

The story, here, never mentions Rogers' strong opposition to what Edward Snowden did to reveal illegal US government surveillance of US citizens.

Fourth Amendment libertarians are certain at least to take note.

Rogers is ex-FBI.

Chris Christie credits Fed interest rate policy for denting government-spending-induced inflation but misses the role of collapsing energy prices

 Chris Christie is a smart guy with many of the right ideas about government spending, taxes, inflation, energy, and the environment.

But it's a real stretch to think that the timid interest rate increases of the Fed are responsible for this year's so-far moderating inflation indicators when it's falling energy prices since the winter which deserve the real credit. Christie himself admits that outrageous government spending hasn't been curbed at all.

His is a simple binary view which, while conventional and correct as far as it goes, doesn't get to the heart of the current matter. 

Low energy prices have always been and remain key to a successful economy, and it was the spike in natural gas cost inputs because of the Russia-Ukraine war which accelerated inflation globally, not just in the US.

Fed chair Jerome Powell was correct in June of 2021 to believe that inflation would be transitory for "weak supply" reasons, but the Fed rate increases didn't actually commence until the start of the war in Ukraine, which compounded those reasons with the cutoff of European natural gas supplies.

But since the winter the natural gas price is down 73% from peak, coal is down 70%, and gasoline is down too, but a comparatively modest 24%. 

Americans consumed in 2022 the energy equivalent of 26.9 billion kWh/day of natural gas, 13 billion kWh/day of gasoline, and 7.9 billion kWh/day of coal.

Natural gas is twice as important as gasoline in the overall American energy picture, primarily for heating, and as a substitute for coal in electricity generation.

Natural gas produced 4.6 billion kWh/day of electricity in 2022, the top source of electricity, vs. coal at 2.3 billion kWh/day and nuclear at 2.1 billion kWh/day.

Chris Christie is right though. We must "uncap" US oil and gas production and be energy independent.

Europe's natural gas storage, by the way, is presently 93% full as the war in Ukraine drags on. They are ready.

The US used 88.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day in 2022. We presently have about 35 days in storage.

Crude oil consumption in 2022 was about 20.3 million barrels per day. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is down to about 17 days of supply, from about 35 in 2011.


Watch CNBC’s full interview with GOP Presidential Candidate Chris Christie

Christie lets Fed off the hook for inflation, blames Trump and Biden for overspending



Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Democrat National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison is selling the same old Obama hopium for Election 2024

While they try to use fear to divide us, we use hope to move our communities forward. ...

It is a race between hope and fear. Hope must always prevail. ...

We’re going to use hope to build a country where we all have the opportunity to reach our full potential.



Flashback lol: Look fat












December 5, 2019


Saturday, September 2, 2023

The unemployment rate rose to 3.8%, but not because people lost jobs

 The unemployment rate rose to 3.786% from 3.495% on a bigger 736k increase to the size of the labor force than to the employment level, not because people lost jobs.

The employment level actually made a new high in August 2023, but up a smaller 222k. 

The unemployment rate went up in August because record new high employment in August, 161.484m, is a smaller percentage of a new larger labor force in August, 167.839m than was the case in July: 96.2% in August vs. 96.5% in July = 3.8% and 3.5% unemployed respectively. 

And do not mix the limited Establishment Survey (122,000 businesses and agencies) total nonfarm jobs oranges (156.419m) with the unemployment rate Household Survey (60,000 households) whole universe of jobs apples and try to make them agree. They don't, and never will.

The Establishment Survey went up 187k in August, but the unemployment rate is not derived from that survey.