TL;dr: fascism.
The data are clear.
TL;dr: fascism.
The data are clear.
But Californians see Texas as a mortal threat not merely to their state’s business model and way of life but to humanity itself. Drilling is killing. Texas cannot be allowed to be Texas because if Texans get their way, the planet will superheat, destroying us all. You may think that’s ridiculous hyperbole, and maybe it is, but Californians believe it and will not be talked out of it. Hence peaceful coexistence is, for them, possible only on their terms.
The Golden State is no longer down with living and letting live but must impose its will, against the express wishes of others, in fundamentally transformative ways. There’s a word for that.
But Michael Anton can't see how this is just like Lincoln in the North imposing his will on the South in 1861. A Lincoln worshiper in denial.
California is nothing if not Lincolnesque.
Claremont Review of Books, here.
But as it was revealed that the FBI had at least a dozen informants heavily involved in the Watchmen — including that Iraq veteran — critics say the G-Men did as much to prod the plot as they did to prevent it from happening in the first place.
The agents took an active part in the scheme from its inception, according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews examined by BuzzFeed. Some members of the Wolverine Watchmen are accusing the feds of entrapment. ...
Since the 9/11 attacks, the FBI has reportedly recruited thousands of informants. Some, according to a recent investigation in The New York Times that centered on the dubious arrest and conviction of the so-called “Herald Square Bomber” by the use of an informant, said they were retaliated against if they refused. ...
Coulson said he and others are “very upset” the FBI hasn’t arrested anti-government and anti-fascist protesters who have been leading violent demonstrations in Portland and Seattle for more than a year — yet are bearing down so hard on those arrested for the insurrection at the Capitol.
Read it all here.
Looks more and more like a replay of the FBI's Michigan Hutaree Militia fiasco from 2010.
The so-called “Proud Boys,” often
cited as a “far-Right” organization and said to be somehow responsible
for January 6, was led by one Enrique Tarrio, an FBI informant. The
so-called Oath Keepers, the group most cited and said by government
sources to be most involved in that day’s events, is led by one Stewart
Rhodes, another FBI asset.
In fact, the Justice Department lists some 15 participants in the event against whom it brings no charges, either for “insurrection” or even for trespassing, because these individuals are paid infiltrators. They work for the FBI or other U.S. intelligence agencies. The U.S. government refuses to expose what these persons did because they did it on the government’s behalf.
The FBI never changes. Its sting operations are legion, without which it would have no successes. It should be abolished.
Michigan testing positivity peaked 4/9/21 |
Michigan second wave cases peaked 4/13/21 |
Michigan C19 hospitalizations peaked 4/17/21 |
Michigan vaccinations peaked 4/11/21 |
Nationally there was a case spike peaking 4/13/21 |
Peak vaccination nationally occurred on . . . 4/13/21 ! |
Testing was low but had popped to 5.2% nationally on 4/13 |
And hospitalizations nationally briefly stopped months of progress by 4/20 |
Enjoying a comfortable retirement and a lucrative pension, this is the disgraced FBI chief who is accused of chasing a $400,000 Olympic security job instead of pursuing pedophile doctor Larry Nassar.
William Jay Abbott, the former Special Agent in Charge of the bureau's Indianapolis field office, was alerted to Nassar's sickening abuse of young athletes in summer 2015.
But a recent report by the Justice Department's inspector general revealed Abbott failed to take the complaint seriously or warn authorities at Michigan State University, allowing the former USA Gymnastics physician to continue molesting patients for a further 13 months.
We keep hearing in FBI's defense that all the problems are at the top, but that the rank and file are God's gift to America.
Well, not in Kalamazoo.
An FBI agent at the center of the investigation
into the plot to kidnap and kill Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is accused of
smashing his wife's head against a nightstand and choking her after a
dispute stemming from their attendance at a swingers' party, according
to court records.
June 2021 was very warm, and about as wet as it gets. The month was the 12th warmest on record by average temperature, and the second wettest, behind only June 1892 when 13.22 inches of rain fell.
Climate Update for KGRR: June 2021
Now, in the year 2021, the iron curtain has come down hard. With Big Internet Tech and the White House now admittedly colluding to identify and suppress dissidents, even completely nonviolent dissidents, we no longer have a Constitution.
There is just one big corporate–government–IngSoc superstate running everything. Goodbye, America. The GOP, with 50 senators, does nothing. The state legislatures, by far a majority GOP, and the spineless Supreme Court do nothing. And so goodbye to the greatest experiment in the history of the world.
Gee, what's the problem, Ben?
“Liberals don’t understand that corporations are people,” columnist Ben
Stein wrote back in 1974. “They are the people who work for the
corporation, buy its products, and own its stock. There is no mechanical
person who is benefited if corporations make a good profit. Real people
benefit, just as real people lose when corporations lose money.” True enough. But it is also true that corporations have as much of a vested interest in the political system (if not more) . . ..
The corporation in America was the creation of the King of England. Virginia was but one example of thirteen. The damn things rebelled. Samuel Johnson tried to explain it to us, but it, shall we say, kinda went over our heads, and where it didn't was met with what they would come to call a generous demonstration of disapprobation.
And so, what goes around comes around. Or as Reverend Wright would put it, "America's chickens . . . have come home . . . to roost!"
Something called the "environment manager" from Worcestershire has circulated these charts on Twitter, as if they say something profound about "how things have changed".
Oh really.
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. |
June 1976 vs. June 2021 are compared for temperature anomaly relative to what amounts to a microscopic baseline, 1951-1980. This baseline was doubtlessly cherry-picked because average temperatures were conveniently cooler during this period than both before it and after it.
Illegal immigration in the first six months of the Biden administration has EXPLODED. The news is out that there have been ONE MILLION apprehensions at the US border with Mexico just in the first six months of 2021, affectionately spelled "boarder" by the MAGA idiots.
What the news reports don't tell you is that most of this is "catch and release". They aren't deported. Biden is presiding over an invasion of his own making. It's intentional.
Meanwhile in Cubar (h/t Rush), the people are fed up with the free medical care under Castroism, which can't seem to cope with COVID-19. Cuba ranks EIGHTH in the world RIGHT NOW for cases per million, two spots below number six United Kingdom, which also has socialized medicine. The difference is the UK has vaccines which don't work vs. Cubar which has no vaccines which don't work.
Anywho, people want out of Cuba, but BIDEN doesn't want them. Only with the Cubans does he get tough on immigration. The reason, obviously, is that Cubans with the good sense to try to get the hell out of there hate communism and make unreliable future Democrat voters.
The DHS Secretary under Biden is the son of a Cuban refugee, but there he is telling the Cubans fleeing the island that they will not reach the US. It reminds one of nothing so much as the infamous case of Elian Gonzalez in 2000, who was forcibly repatriated to Cuba by another Democrat administration.
Biden is a joke alright, but no one is laughing at the punchline.
Imagine Ronald Reagan in 1975 reading this about himself as he's coming off the governorship of California and preparing to run for the Republican nomination against sitting President Gerald Ford.
"Oh my God. The burden! And I signed that damn abortion legislation in California and if anyone finds out, I'm toast! What oh what should I do?"
If Ronald Reagan were alive today he would laugh out loud at redsteeze. Like any skeleton lurking in DeSantis' closet could possibly hold a candle to the smoldering wreckage left in the wake of the SS Trumptanic.
Ron DeSantis should definitely run against Trump, the biggest LOSER and biggest PHONY to ever make the big time.
Just win reelection in 2022 in Florida first, Ron. And then do run run.
What a cohencidence!
Republicans' trust has not recovered since [2016], while Democrats' has risen sharply. In fact, Democrats' trust over the past four years has been among the highest Gallup has measured for any party in the past two decades. This year, the result is a record 63-percentage-point gap in trust among the political party groups.
While majorities of Democrats have consistently expressed confidence in the media since 1997, this has not been true of independents since 2004. Republicans' last majority-level reading for trust in the media was in 1998.
More from Gallup.
Last week, the Taliban said they now control 85% of Afghanistan’s territory — a claim that is impossible to verify but that was considerably higher than previous Taliban statements that more than a third of the country’s 421 districts and district centers were in their control.
“The most significant change in military posture in 2021 is the
appearance of Chinese special mission aircraft and helicopters at Subi
and Mischief Reefs, indicating the PLA may have commenced routine air
operations from those airfields,” Mr. Dahm said in an interview. ...
Beijing officials on Monday denounced a statement by Secretary of State Antony Blinken hailing the fifth anniversary of an international tribunal ruling that ruled against China’s claim to own 90% of the sea under the “Nine-Dash Line” boundary.
Mr. Blinken reaffirmed Sunday a year-old policy shift announcing that any Chinese military attack on Philippine military or civilian vessels or aircraft in the South China Sea would trigger the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.
Global debt finished 4Q at $281 trillion: 3.56x = $281 trillion, so x = $78.93 trillion global GDP.
US GDP in 2020 was $20.9 trillion, TCMDO was $83.49 trillion (almost 400%).
What could go wrong, right? You are fully invested in stonks, amirite?!
From the story:
North Carolina has been “ground zero” for the wood pellet industry, said Danna Smith, co-founder and executive director of the environmental advocacy group Dogwood Alliance. One hundred and sixty-four acres of the state’s forests are cut down by the biomass industry every day, according to an analysis by Key-Log Economics.
Limbaugh did signal that Levin’s role was to rally the conservative base, as he does on his shows and through his books. “He signed something for me, which I'm really a little bashful to talk about, I haven’t said it to anybody,” said Levin. “It says, ‘To my dear friend Mark, the spirit of the movement. God bless you, Rush.’”
Can anything good come out of Oregon?
This garbage from a Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Oregon State University, is anti-white anti-capitalism rearing its ugly head, not "historical scholarship". It's what Oswald Spengler warned us about in 1934.
OK, maybe it was the second time, but still.
The Clay and Buck Globohomo Show.
Just now on the show which replaces Rush Limbaugh.
In 2018, Kotkin was still tip-toeing around the obvious, but not anymore:
Mussolini’s notion of fascism has become increasingly dominant in much of the world . . .
Mussolini, a one-time radical socialist, viewed himself as a “revolutionary” transforming society by turning the state into “the moving centre of economic life”. In Italy and, to a greater extent, Germany, fascism also brought with it, at least initially, an expanded highly populist welfare state much as we see today.
Mussolini’s idea of a an economy controlled from above, with generous benefits but dominated by large business interests, is gradually supplanting the old liberal capitalist model. ...
fascism — in its corporate sense — relies on concentrated economic power to achieve its essential and ideological goals. ...
China, in many aspects the model fascist state of our times, follows Il Duce’s model of cementing the corporate elite into the power structure. ...
But in the battle between the two emergent fascist systems, China possesses powerful advantages. Communist Party cadres at least offer more than a moralising agenda; they can point to the country’s massive reduction of extreme poverty and a huge growth in monthly wages, up almost five-fold since 2006. At a time when the middle class is shrinking in the West, China’s middle class increased enormously from 1980 to 2000, although its growth appears to have slowed in recent years.
Like Mussolini, who linked his regime to that of Ancient Rome, China’s rulers look to Han supremacy and the glories of China’s Imperial past. “The very purpose of the [Chinese Communist] Party in leading the people in revolution and development,” Xi Jinping told party cadres a decade ago, “is to make the people prosperous, the country strong, and [to] rejuvenate the Chinese nation.”
Kotkin recognizes at least that American right-wing libertarianism is part of the problem, not part of the solution:
the consolidation of oligarchic power is supported by massive lobbying operations and dispersals of cash, including to some Right-wing libertarians, who doggedly justify censorship and oligopoly on private property grounds.
Regrettably, however, Kotkin still does not connect this failure of the old liberal order in the West with the failure of the old moral order which gave it birth and on which it depended. This is because Kotkin still sees things in primarily materialistic terms.
Kotkin is oddly politically correct when he denounces possible recourse to nativism, which blinds him to the nativism which is at the heart of Chinese state capitalism and gives it much of its appeal and strength. He calls for "a re-awakening of the spirit of resistance to authority" in the West, not realizing that it was Protestantism which made that even possible in the first place.
The problem of the West is spiritual, and Catholicism will never be able to rise to the occasion of refounding it as long as globo-homo defines Rome. The whole idea is inimical to the notion of founding a nation "for our posterity".