Wednesday, January 15, 2020
With the budget deficit topping $1 trillion again, Larry Kudlow promises a middle class tax cut proposal for later in the year
The American people are for two incompatible things, spending and tax cuts, and Trump is giving it to them, good and hard.
Speaker Pelosi snubs Justin Amash for impeachment manager, names some unknown Democrats instead
- Pelosi names Reps. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Hakeem Jeffries, Zoe Lofgren, Val Demings, Jason Crow and Sylvia Garcia to manage the House impeachment case against Trump.
I sure hope the job comes with a map so they can find the US Senate chambers, and a pocket copy of the constitution.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The idiots at Vox don't know that the constitution specifies a minimum congressional district size of 30,000
"Literally nothing in the Constitution prevents Congress
from admitting the Obama family’s personal DC residence as a state — a
state which would then be entitled to two senators, one member of the
House, and exactly as much say on whether the Constitution should be
amended as the entire state of Texas."
Article I, Section 2.3:
The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for
every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one
You can't have two per thirty thousand, that is, one per fifteen thousand, let alone one representative for just four people.
It doesn't occur to the idiots at Vox, nor Harvard Law whence the idea comes, that the main problem with the federal government is that the US House concentrated power in its hands decades ago by stopping the growth of representation. It's been on a spending spree ever since, picking the taxpayers' pockets.
Why do you think we have a $23 trillion debt?
Giving Obama his own representative just makes the Obama family more like Wyoming, our least populous state, which already has too much representation relative to California according to these liberals.
The feds grabbed this power by fixing the number of representatives at 435 way back in 1929, contrary to the intent of the constitution, which required a census every ten years in order to add representatives to the US House as the country grew in size. The original First Amendment to the constitution would have fixed the formula at one per fifty thousand, giving us over 6,000 representatives by today. It failed ratification by just one vote. The bastards finally realized this loophole in 1929 and pulled a power play.
Yes, maybe some mega states like California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Ohio should be carved up to add states to the union and increase representation that way. Northern Californians and Southern Illinoisans already feel this way.
But carving up DC into a bunch of states? Really? It has about 705,000 residents total, less than the current average size of one US congressional district. If it were a state, the most representatives it should have today would be fourteen, but under the current way it's done, just one.
And the Obama family doesn't get its own private Representative to the US House, not while we're alive anyway. He got to be president for eight years. He can cast his useless vote now like everyone else.
What a farce is Vox.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The death yesterday of British conservative Roger Scruton reminds us why conservatism in America is such a fraught enterprise
Scruton was what American conservative and fellow Burkean Russell Kirk might have styled a conservative of enjoyment, a person wedded to the vicissitudes of a local history come what may, with all the comforts, misfortunes, oddities and delights bound up in it, to whom it would never occur to be separated from it.
To be sure many Americans have been and still are people of such places, lovers of their new! ancestral homes, their communities, their churches and all the other institutions which over time they have come to make and make their own. This has been true especially in rural America, the bastion of Republicanism.
But this has always been in conflict with the idea and the reality of immigrant and industrial America, whose people are traitors to their birthplaces, homes and communities not just whence they came, but also here. Coincident with modernity's forces, these Americans willingly and happily move frequently for employment and new experiences, and abandon old places, old laws, old books, old boots and old friends whenever the winds of change blow strong enough in whatever direction. The great problem now is most never even bother to learn the old ways before they abandon them.
These libertarians now have the upper hand in America, making a sorry spectacle of the cause once known as conservatism. Most know nothing of what conservatism even means. Reading Scruton could teach them, but they would recoil in horror.
Jobs 2020,
libertarian 2020,
Roger Scruton,
Russell Kirk
Wacky Bernie wants prisoners to be able to vote, wacky Pocahonky wants to put the tranny women in with the women, where I'm sure nothing bad will happen to the women
Right Chief, we'll protect the women-men by endangering the women-women. Got it.
Democrats are insane.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Millions of older workers aged 55-64 have also been driven out of the labor force in the last 20 years by greedy corporations hungry for cheap, foreign labor, aided and abetted by Bush, Obama and now Trump
Average number aged 55-64 "not in labor force"
1999: 9.382 million
2019: 14.638 million
+5.256 million in the last 20 years
There's plenty of labor available, Mr. Trump.
We don't need your cheap foreign scab labor.
Trump insists to Laura Ingraham that we don't have enough workers even though over 3 million more prime age workers aged 25-54 aren't even in the labor force 20 years on from 1999
Average number "Not in labor force" aged 25-54
1999: 18.785 million
2019: 22.102 million
+3.317 million after 20 years, despite recent declines
The last 20 years have been a disaster for American workers with Bush and Obama outsourcing good middle class jobs to cheaper labor markets around the world, especially China.
Trump was supposed to fix this, and now he's parroting the arguments of the people he ran against.
It's pitiful and awful.
Watch Ingraham grill Trump here. Unfortunately Laura's command of the data is merely derivative and shallow, which leaves her simply to argue against Trump that he didn't campaign on bringing in foreign labor, which is an excellent political point by itself, but she didn't own the president on this one the way she could have with the facts. She's smart enough to understand that lack of wage pressure refutes the idea of a labor shortage, but didn't dig deeper to find the surplus labor.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Rush Limbaugh's biggest lie yet: When Trump came down the elevator and gave that speech, I was all in
Just now.
Rush Limbaugh was Ted Cruz' best friend on radio in 2015 and 2016, just like Levin and Hannity.
These shape-shifting grifters flipped on the dime. They know a cash cow when they see it.
Rush Limbaugh, June 16, 2015:
And the Drive-By Media, by the way, they’re already scoffing, they’re already discounting it, already calling it a circus act and this kind of thing. And it was.... You know me, I’m not endorsing, haven’t endorsed. I’m nowhere near any of that. I’m not even jazzed yet, folks. I have to tell you that this is all so premature, and it’s all so early, that whatever polling numbers there are just do not interest me because where we are right now is nowhere near where we’re gonna end up. ... I just ask people to remember that when Trump gets going here today, because what if Trump goes third-party?
Rush Limbaugh, June 16, 2015:
And the Drive-By Media, by the way, they’re already scoffing, they’re already discounting it, already calling it a circus act and this kind of thing. And it was.... You know me, I’m not endorsing, haven’t endorsed. I’m nowhere near any of that. I’m not even jazzed yet, folks. I have to tell you that this is all so premature, and it’s all so early, that whatever polling numbers there are just do not interest me because where we are right now is nowhere near where we’re gonna end up. ... I just ask people to remember that when Trump gets going here today, because what if Trump goes third-party?
Donald Trump 2020,
Mark Levin,
Rush Limbaugh 2020,
Ted Cruz
Ah, Pelosi delayed sending the impeachment to the Senate to rig Iowa for Joe Biden
Senators Pocahonky and Bernie Stalin gonna be conspicuously absent from either Iowa or Senate because Speaker of the House spun her evil web.
Joe Biden 2020,
Nancy Pelosi,
Under Trump the big jobs growth has been for 55s and over
Importing cheap labor immigrants only hurts young Americans who need work experience. Older Americans are actually working longer to support their kids who can't get adequate employment.
This is insane.
Employment levels since Trump election in November 2016 through December 2019, seasonally adjusted:
55+: +8.9%
25-54: +3.4%
20-24: +0.4%
18-19: -0.2%
Actual increases in levels:
55+: +3,086,000
25-54: +3,335,000
20-24: +55,000
18-19: -7,000
Fake jobs boom: After 8 slow years of full time jobs recovery we're STILL not back to where Reagan got us in 4 years
Full time jobs are the sine qua non for family formation, births, homeownership, car sales, durable goods orders, retail, tax revenue and good schools.
You wanna know why all that sucks? Joe Biden's THREE LETTER WORD, J.O.B.S., right here:
You wanna know why all that sucks? Joe Biden's THREE LETTER WORD, J.O.B.S., right here:
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Housing update: Case Shiller National Home Price Index hit 212 in October 2019, 51% above 140
The Case Shiller National Home Price Index hit 212 in October 2019, 51% above 140. The full data at the new iteration of the index since February 2018 is behind a registration wall.
The 140 level was the level around which the index tracked for most of the post-war until the year 2000, in a range between 120 and 160.
Since then it's been as high as 235 in 2005 and 2006 during the housing bubble, and as low as 151 in February 2012 after the bubble sort-of popped. A real correction might have taken prices to 120 or even below.
Clearly the index never returned to the post-war experience, which was mostly slightly below 140. Keeping housing prices high became a Federal Reserve objective and bragging point after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, achieved by manipulating interest rates lower.
The median sales price of an existing home in the US is currently $271,300 through November 2019, a price which is traditionally considered affordable to any individual making $104,346 per year and up.
Seeing that's just 8.5% of individual wage earners in 2018, the median sales price of an existing home is currently UNAFFORDABLE to 91.5% of wage earners.
Most people have to put together two incomes to afford such a house. But in a country where the median wage is south of $33,000 per year in 2018, two incomes only gets you to $66,000, which affordably buys you a house worth about $171,600 or so, $100,000 less than the current median sales price.
In my immediate vicinity, there's exactly two such single family homes on the market right now which are affordable to a couple making $66,000. Everything else costs much, much more.
This is a picture of declining equal opportunity.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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