Friday, January 10, 2020

Rush Limbaugh's biggest lie yet: When Trump came down the elevator and gave that speech, I was all in

Just now.

Rush Limbaugh was Ted Cruz' best friend on radio in 2015 and 2016, just like Levin and Hannity.

These shape-shifting grifters flipped on the dime. They know a cash cow when they see it.

Rush Limbaugh, June 16, 2015:

And the Drive-By Media, by the way, they’re already scoffing, they’re already discounting it, already calling it a circus act and this kind of thing. And it was.... You know me, I’m not endorsing, haven’t endorsed. I’m nowhere near any of that. I’m not even jazzed yet, folks. I have to tell you that this is all so premature, and it’s all so early, that whatever polling numbers there are just do not interest me because where we are right now is nowhere near where we’re gonna end up. ... I just ask people to remember that when Trump gets going here today, because what if Trump goes third-party?