Saturday, November 10, 2018

43 years ago tonight

Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!

'Camp Fire' incinerates Paradise, the "most destructive wildfire since record-keeping began" in California

Reported here:

Not a single resident of Paradise, California, can be seen anywhere in town after most of them fled the Northern California community that may be lost forever. Most of the town's buildings are in ruin. Entire neighborhoods are leveled. The business district is destroyed.

In a single day, the Sierra Nevada foothill town of 27,000 was largely incinerated by flames that moved so fast there was nothing firefighters could do. Only a day after the "Camp Fire" began, the blaze had grown on Friday to nearly 140 square miles and destroyed more than 6,700 structures, almost all of them homes -- making it California's most destructive wildfire since record-keeping began.

Authorities said at least nine people were killed by the "Camp Fire," which as of early Saturday morning was 5 percent contained.

It is one of three major blazes that firefighters are battling across the state.

In Southern California, the 35,000 acre "Woolsey Fire" was 0 percent contained early Saturday. It has forced over 200,000 evacuations. The "Hill Fire" was holding at 6,000 acres.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Why we love him still: Trump rips Moochelle right back

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for October 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for October 2018:

Max temp 84, Mean Max temp 79
Min temp 27, Mean Min temp 28
Av temp 50.4, Mean Av temp 51.3
Precip 5.69, Mean precip 3.00 (year to date 39.73, 5.21 above the mean annual 34.52)
Cooling Degree Days 20, Mean CDD 9, Season to date 1003, Mean Season to date 690.

The cooling season to date as measured by CDD has been 45% warmer than the mean to date.

Season to date 2018 is 7th warmest on record for total CDD:

1921: 1200
1931: 1061
2012: 1039
1936: 1022
1934: 1007
1933: 1004
2018: 1003
1939:   972.

There have been five months in a row in 2018 with max temps in the 90s, the first time that has happened since 1991.

Money in politics: Democrats spent $14.2 million per seat on average in the ten costliest US House races

And your average US Senate win just recently cost only $10 million (every six years, not every two).

For jobs which pay only $174,000 a year.

There's something funny going on here, Lucy.

Democrats and their allies in the 10 costliest House races spent $142 million to Republicans' $96 million, Reuters' analysis found.

For a good time, call CNN (ask for Jim)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Not even a dog whistle to Antifa: Rachel Madcow openly promotes street action today

Marijuana legalization is the spearhead of America's anti-conservative libertarian tide and ultimately of America's decline

Eventually there will be no place left to hide from marijuana users in America. And they are going to be the end of America as we once knew it. Marijuana legalization is coming to every state in the country, for the reason that a shared version of libertarianism is now America's dominant ideology, irrespective of political party. The consequences of extreme individualism are about to assert themselves like never before. Formerly, self-control and self-denial as practised by countless millions of America's original inhabitants and their descendants had been key to making America the great country which it became. Those values made possible the hard work and savings which were the necessary predicates of that greatness. But all that is in the rear view mirror now. As Baby Boomers squandered  the achievements of their parents, their children have learned from them only too well and have drunk deep from their well of narcissism. People like this will never make the country great like it was. A country full of laid back mellow folks  will never work hard and save, nor even acknowledge its need to do so. It is not a coincidence that the most hated men in America in 2012 and 2016 didn't even drink.

Marijuana Won The Midterm Elections :

Michigan voters approved a ballot measure making their state the first in the midwest to legalize cannabis. Missouri approved an initiative to allow medical marijuana, as did Utah. Voters in several Ohio cities approved local marijuana decriminalization measures, and a number of Wisconsin counties and cities strongly approved nonbinding ballot questions calling for cannabis reform. While North Dakota's long-shot marijuana legalization measure failed, cannabis also scored a number of big victories when it came to the results of candidate races. ... In Illinois, Democrat J.B. Pritzker won the governor's race after making marijuana legalization a centerpiece of his campaign. ... Minnesota Gov.-elect Tim Walz (D) wants to "replace the current failed policy with one that creates tax revenue, grows jobs, builds opportunities for Minnesotans, protects Minnesota kids, and trusts adults to make personal decisions based on their personal freedoms." ... In New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham (D), who won the governor's race, said legalizing marijuana will bring “hundreds of millions of dollars to New Mexico’s economy." In New York, while easily reelected Gov Andrew Cuomo (D) had previously expressed opposition to legalization, he more recently empaneled a working group to draft legislation to end cannabis prohibition that the legislature can consider in 2019, a prospect whose chances just got a lot better in light of the fact that Democrats took control of the state's Senate. In Wisconsin, Democrat Tony Evers supports decriminalizing marijuana and allowing medical cannabis, and says he wants to put a full marijuana legalization question before voters to decide. He ousted incumbent Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Tuesday. ... Last month, a national Gallup survey found that 66 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana, including a clear majority of Republicans.


Antifa gunman massacres at least 11 in California country bar late last night

Man dressed in all-black let off at least 30 shots from a pistol with extended mags and threw smoke grenades

Gunman was dressed in all-black, wearing a trenchcoat, glasses, baseball cap and a mask covering his face

The shooter stormed the Borderline Bar and Grill, wearing a black trenchcoat and armed with a pistol equipped with an extended magazine and smoke grenades, and began targeting people as young as 18. 

The perpetrator, dressed in all-black, wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and a mask covering the bottom part of his face, walked up to the entrance at 11.20pm and shot the doorman before making his way into the venue. 

Trump fires another one: CNN's Jim Acosta loses White House press pass

The Ted Turner founded outlet added that Acosta’s pass was pulled “in retaliation for his challenging questions at today’s press conference” . . ..

Hillary's thugs in masks immediately go after Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity et alia

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Despite record turnout in Election 2018, Democrat hurricane falls far short of 63-seat Republican wave in 2010

Despite Democrat sweep of state offices in Michigan, Republicans still control the Senate and Legislature

Senate: 22-16
Legislature: 58-52

Jeff Sessions sent resignation letter to Trump yesterday, and he's outta there

Reported here.

There goes drug enforcement, and immigration enforcement, and action against sanctuary cities, and . . ..

Rush is wrong: Of 23 seats qualifying as "pure" Republican resignations in the US House according to 538, just 7 flipped to Democrat

That's just 30% of Republican seats resigned flipping to the Democrats.

But of all 35 projected total pickups by Democrats, that's just 20%.

You can't blame resignations, Rush:  

CA-49 (66% of the vote counted)
WA-08 (64% of the vote counted).

What matters to Rush Limbaugh is that Trump get reelected in 2020, not that we get jobs, pay raises and The Wall

Politics, not people, is what matters to Rush Limbaugh.

We now face two years of gridlock, attacks, investigations and impeachment because feckless Republicans lost the US House.

Trump and the Republicans squandered their first year, and delivered nothing consequential for average Americans in their second, and now they've paid the political price. Losing 30+ seats and not even running in 30+ more is retreating, not fighting.

Meanwhile we get bupkis, as usual.

The only redeeming thing is that we might get some good judges because Republicans still control the US Senate, but that doesn't pay the mortgage.

Hm, now 14 US sailors in reactor room of aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan face drug abuse charges

Gee, where'd they ever get the idea that drug use was ok?

Taylor Swift loses in Tennessee

Marsha Blackburn: 1,224,042
Phil Bredesen:           981,667

Buh-Bye Beto, buh-bye $70 million

Ted Cruz: 4,228,832
Beto O'Rourke: 4,015,082

Hillary civility watch starts now: "If we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again"

Already ranked tenth in the nation for drug addiction, drug wave in Michigan sweeps Democrats into power

Proposal One legalizing recreational marijuana dragged the druggies out of the woodwork yesterday, sweeping Democrats into power in Michigan in the offices of governor, attorney general and secretary of state on the coattails of nearly 2.2 million Yes voters.

In addition they propelled other liberal propositions to victory including redistricting reform and motor voter, attracting 2.3 million and 2.6 million Yes votes respectively.

These voters also rewarded the liberal Republican-endorsed Supreme Court Judge Elizabeth Clement with reelection, who controversially voted to put George Soros' Proposal Two on the ballot this summer.

Democrats were swept into office on the coattails of these ballot proposals by vote totals nearly as large as for the proposals themselves.

Despite giving up 7 governorships to Democrats, Republicans look set to control 27 nationwide

Democrats captured governorships in Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, and Wisconsin in Election 2018.

DeSantis narrowly defeated the radical Gillum in Florida for a Republican hold there, while Kemp appears to have staved-off gun-grabber Abrams in Georgia.

In a bad sign for Trump's immigration agenda, Kobach in Kansas lost to the Democrat in the general after only narrowly winning his own primary.

What's the matter with Kansas?

Scott Walker finally lost an election in Wisconsin, by the slimmest of margins.

Republican Rauner in Illinois got creamed by Pritzker. They'll have to erect a wall around Illinois now just to keep the people in.

Bill Schuette lost decisively in Michigan in part because the NeverTrump Republican Governor Rick Snyder wouldn't endorse him.

Republicans look set to capture decisive control of the US Senate 55-45 in Election 2018

Republicans have captured US Senate seats in Florida, Indiana, Missouri and North Dakota while Democrats have taken Nevada.

Republicans appear headed for victory by narrow margins in Arizona, Mississippi and Montana.

Republicans failed even to run a candidate for US Senate against Dianne Feinstein in California, who is so disliked there by Democrats that she is winning unopposed with just 54% of the vote at this hour.

Election 2018: Democrats projected to take the US House 226-209 in the final tally

With 21 races still outstanding this morning, Democrats have captured a net 26 seats from the Republicans so far, for a total of 219-195.

Democrats lead in 7 more of the 21 outstanding races for a total projected win of 226 seats in the US House.

Republicans didn't even field candidates in 38 districts nationwide.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Members of Montana's Crow Tribe were in the crowd recently cheering on President Trump

Kavanaugh accusers now subject to criminal referrals for making false allegations of sexual assault which Democrats insisted we believe

The Boston Herald reports here:

Democrats insist we must “believe women” regardless of the facts, evidence — or lack thereof — when the rest of us smell a rat.

On Friday one of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers, Judy Munro Leighton — a left-wing activist who opposed his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court — admitted to congressional investigators she made up the lurid back seat rape tale as “a tactic” and to get attention. She now admits she’s never even met Kavanaugh. She, along with Julie Swetnick and lawyer Michael Avenatti, are all subject to criminal referrals by the Senate Judiciary Committee on allegations of false sexual misconduct charges.

These are the despicable frauds that Democrat lawmakers insisted we believe.

Mitchell poll in Michigan now shows Republican John James just 3-points behind Stabenow after being down by 13

Detroit News: George Soros-funded Sixteen Thirty Fund really is behind Michigan Proposition 2 just as it was behind the anti-Kavanaugh campaign

From the story here:

The Sixteen Thirty Fund is a 501(c)(4) based in Washington D.C. It recently funded Demand Justice, a social welfare organization that executed a massive campaign to oppose the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh, airing 3,200 ads against Kavanaugh and receiving $2 million from George Soros to further their efforts. Is this the kind of organization we want meddling in Michigan affairs of such lasting importance?

Monday, November 5, 2018

Republicans take 1-point lead in final Rasmussen generic congressional poll before tomorrow's election

Reported here this morning:

The final Rasmussen Reports Generic Congressional Ballot before Election Day shows Republicans edging ahead by one point, but in essence, the two parties are tied. The survey has a +/-2 percentage point margin of error.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that 46% would choose the Republican candidate if the elections for Congress were held today. Forty-five percent (45%) would vote for the Democrat. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) remain undecided.

Clintonite Mark Penn: Trump has ideas, Democrats have only attacks, investigations and impeachment

Trump has also deployed more specific issue ideas than anyone in a long time. ...

Other than investigations and impeachment, what are the Democrats running on? They have made an issue of health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. Trump has said he too would cover them. The Democratic idea is not a health-care plan, but an attack.

Nor do Democrats have an economic plan many people can remember. Nor a plan on immigration. Nor a plan to deal with jobs migrating to China and Mexico.

President Trump taunts the Democrats, calling them the “open borders” party. And yet the Democrats have absolutely no plan for dealing with illegal immigration. In response, they attack the president personally – exactly how Hillary Clinton handled Trump in the last presidential campaign.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Don Lemon: No, I'm not really happy to see you, that's just my phone

Wow, Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally has one hell of a set of lungs, belts out Star Spangled Banner at ASU football game

Ann Coulter talks dirty to Evan McMuffin

Hm, developing pattern: CNN's gay anchor Don Lemon demonizes white men even though his boyfriend is one, proposes doing "something" about them

So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban on -- you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban.

Hillary activist and lesbian Amy Siskind dreams the fascist dream of troops stopping whitey

Twitter thinks Democrats would believe their voting day is next Wednesday, not Tuesday

I'm sick of headlines from Democrats claiming to defend the republic when they're out to destroy it

Like this one from the prince of liars Andrew Sullivan, the spokesman for the freak zone of democracy, not republicanism: Can the Republic Strike Back?

They don't care about the republic. If Democrats had their way, all the bulwarks of the republic would be gone already: the electoral college, the US Senate, the Supreme Court, borders, citizen-only-voting, law and order, the presumption of innocence, and on and on. They'd replace it all with a two-headed monster of populism, a country led only by the US House and a popularly-elected president, creatures of the mob. 

The rest of the republic has to go, and its defender, Donald Trump:

Congress has real power. The press can’t get his tax returns. Congress can. The press can’t truly discover the depth of the corruption in his administration. Congress can. The press can’t publicly cross-examine Cabinet members, order functionaries to answer questions, kill proposed legislation, and air everything where it should be aired — on Capitol Hill. ...

One-party rule has strained this democracy. The Electoral College, gerrymandering, the structure of the Senate, and demographics have given us a government actively indifferent and even hostile to half the country. That single party has now taken firm control of the Supreme Court as well. It will very likely retain control of the Senate in January. Capturing the House is the only way the republic can strike back.

Seats in toss-up move up to 37 at Real Clear Politics, seats likely/leaning Democrat drops to 202, Republican 196

Democrats now need 16 seats from the toss-ups to win the majority, Republicans need 22 to retain the majority.

This assumes Democrats win all 14 seats which only lean Democrat (part of their 202 tally) and Republicans win all 27 seats which only lean Republican (part of their 196 tally).

That puts 78 seats in play 48 hours before the election on Tuesday, 68 of which are Republican seats.

The 114th Congress ended with Republicans in control of the US House with 246 seats. The current 115th Congress began with Republicans in control of the US House with 241 seats.

Republicans currently control 235 seats, Democrats 193, with 7 vacancies, as of the end of September.

My no good dirty hippy Michigan Republican Party is libertarian, not conservative

The robocalls from the Michigan Republican Party are going out this weekend, urging the voters to vote against liberal proposals to "reform" gerrymandering and to allow "automatic" and same day voter registration.

The calls notably mention these as proposals 2 and 3, but never mention proposal 1 which aims to legalize possession, use and cultivation of marijuana.

It's just like term limited Republican Governor Rick Snyder's robocalls urging votes for lowly state senate and house candidates without once mentioning Republican Bill Schuette for governor, John James for Senate, or Tom Leonard for Attorney General, the Donald Trump and NRA endorsed candidates.

To be sure, a Yes vote on proposals 2 and 3 would give Michigan liberals the victories they can't achieve at the ballot box. The strategy is to make an end run around their decades of electoral failure in order to get control of redrawing district lines to favor Democrats. Flooding the zone with their dubious voters is simply the second part of the one-two punch strategy. And if their voters are high on election day, so much the better.

Not recommending a No vote on proposal 1 is simply more proof that the Michigan Republican Party isn't conservative and doesn't deserve the votes of conservatives. After decades of the war on tobacco, somehow smoking marijuana is suddenly supposed to be OK when the evidence is pouring in that it's not.

Combined with the large number of anti-Trumpers among their ranks, Michigan Republicans doubly don't deserve our votes when they run as libertarians in Republican disguise. There's a party for that. It's called the Libertarian Party. They should join it, especially you, Justin Amash, you faker.

We can't vote for Democrats, but we can vote US Taxpayers Party in many instances, and failing that, for hamburger condiments like ketchup, mustard, pickles and onions.

And on the proposals, I'll make it easy for you. Just vote No on all of them, including the Early Childhood proposal and the Caledonia operating millage. 

US troops lay down symbolic amount of razor wire along the Rio Grande

A thousand feet when what we need is two thousand miles.

I'm voting for Viktor Orban on Tuesday.

Friday, November 2, 2018

The Nerd is a Jerk: My asshole NeverTrump Republican governor in Michigan, Rick Snyder, just robocalled me asking me to vote for a lowly state senate candidate

But he never mentioned his fellow Republican running to replace him, Bill Schuette, to fill his term-limited seat.

Snyder's failure to back Schuette is a green light in Michigan for Republicans to withhold their vote from Bill Schuette, the candidate for governor endorsed by Donald Trump.

Just for that I'm voting for "Ketchup" instead of for Chris Afendoulis.

And in the race for MI-3, Justin Amash's seat in the US House, I'll be voting for "Mustard".

In many states Democrats are trying to fool the voters by running against their leaders Pelosi and Schumer

But once in office they'll vote as their leaders require, just as Rahm Emanuel's 2006 "Blue Dog" victors did, including for Obamacare. Not one of these people save for Manchin would or did vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.

In Missouri, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) has a radio ad declaring she’s “not one of those crazy Democrats.” She’s in a razor-tight race against Josh Hawley, the state’s attorney general.

In Montana, Sen. Jon Tester (D), whose race against Republican Matt Rosendale has tightened considerably, told The Hill that Democrats “botched” the debate over Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

He also criticized Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D) use of DNA results to claim Native American heritage, saying it doesn’t “pass the test.” 

In Tennessee and Arizona, former Gov. Phil Bredesen (D) and Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) are telling voters that they will not back Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) for Senate Democratic Leader. Trump won both of those states in 2016, too.

In West Virginia, Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) broke with his party and backed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.

In Indiana, Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) has a television ad warning of “socialists” who “want to turn health care over to the government “ and of the “radical left” wanting to eliminate U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. ...

In Nevada, where Clinton won a victory, Rep. Jacky Rosen (D) has an ad touting her clash with House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) to reform the Veterans Affairs Department. 

“Jacky stood up to Nancy Pelosi to reform the VA,” a veteran tells viewers.

Rosen is in a tight race against Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.). 

With 4 days to go to the midterm elections, toss-up races in the US House increase to 36 at Real Clear Politics

As of this morning, Republicans are likely to get 196 seats plus 12 seats polling in their column in the last poll taken in the toss-ups for a total of 208.

Democrats are likely to get 203 seats plus 19 seats polling in their column in the last poll taken in the toss-ups for a total of 222.

Just 4 seats remain tied, and there is no poll in 1 toss-up race.

Fully 25 of 36 toss-up races are polling tied to +2, or 69% of the toss-ups.

For 32 of the toss-up races, the average margin of error is 4.88 points.

Polling is a form of campaigning!

The only poll that counts is 96 hours away.

Remember that giving Democrats control of the US House means two more years of relitigating the 2016 election.

Move on!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Investors Business Daily has a sensible editorial on birthright citizenship

As Daniel Horowitz recently noted, the only legal justification for granting citizenship to illegals comes in a footnote to the Supreme Court's Plylor V. Doe decision. In it, ultra-liberal Justice William Brennan claimed that illegal aliens had a right to claim jurisdiction under U.S. law. But it's never really been decided as a separate issue by the Supreme Court.

So on strictly constructed constitutional grounds, Trump is right. Whether you hate him or not.

Of course, the counter-argument to that is: We have allowed this system to go on for so long without direct challenge it now has the force of law. That is a legitimate legal argument. It deserves serious consideration, either by Congress or the courts.

And that's our point. As bad as we think birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants is, any decision should be a matter of law and democratic process, not of screaming and name-calling. We have a Congress. We have a court system. The president has, in effect, challenged them to do their job. So they should do it.

If they don't, then Donald Trump, as the nation's chief executive, is well within his rights to issue an executive order if he thinks birthright citizenship represents a violation of the Constitution and threatens harm to the nation. It's his duty.

He has precedent. quoted Trump telling reporters Wednesday that, if President Obama can "do DACA, we can do this by executive order."

Real Clear Politics predicts Republicans taking the Senate 52-48 in its no toss-ups map with 5 days to go

Hard as it is to believe, AZ has gone wobbly with Democrat wack job Kyrsten Sinema ahead in the average of the polls by 0.7 points. AZ deserves the military pilot who never crashed her plane to be its next senator, Republican Martha McSally.

Evidently Arizona is suffering from too many Californians. Let's hope they're all high on meth next Tuesday.

In ND Republican Kevin Cramer is well ahead of the Democrat incumbent by an average of 11.4 points.

In MO Republican Josh Hawley is ahead of Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill by an average of 2 points. A Republican victory would be sweet revenge against the dirty trickster.

Toss-ups other than AZ and MO include the following:

Republican Dean Heller is ahead by 2 points on average in NV.

Democrat John Tester is ahead in MT by 4.2 points on average.

Democrat incumbent Joe Donnelly is in trouble in IN, hanging by a thread by 0.8 points on average.

And Democrat Bill Nelson is still ahead in FL with a 2 point advantage over popular governor Rick Scott.

Republicans are otherwise longshots in New Jersey, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The corrupt do-nothing Democrats in New Jersey and Michigan especially deserve to be unseated.

With 5 days to go to the election, US House races too close to call now number 34 at Real Clear Politics

Based on the latest dated poll in each race, US House races as of this morning shake out as follows:

Of 34 toss-ups, Democrats are polling ahead in 18 races by an average of +2.83;

Republicans poll ahead in 10 races by an average of +2.50;

5 races are tied, and 1 race has no polling at all.

Democrats are otherwise slated as likely to take 203 seats and Republicans 198.

If the voters vote as the polls predict in the toss-ups, Democrats would take 221 seats, Republicans 208, with 5 tied and 1 unpredictable.

The margin of error in these polls, however, is quite high, often 4 to 5 points.

24 of the 34 races are as close as 0-2 polling points.

218 is needed for a majority.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Ann Coulter remembers what day this really is

Rasmussen generic Congressional survey has Democrats at 47%, Republicans at 44%, 3% for other, 6% undecided

The stated margin of error is plus or minus two points.

Reported here:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters would choose the Democratic candidate if the elections for Congress were held today. Forty-four percent (44%) would opt for the Republican. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

One week out, Democrats are very narrowly set to take the US House 219 to 210 with 6 races tied

With 204 seats already likely going Democrat according to Real Clear Politics, 15 toss-up seats tonight are favoring Democrats in the very latest polling, but only by the slimmest of margins, +2.46 per race on average:


Five of these are one-point races, six are two-point races.

For their part Republicans are set to take 199 seats, with 11 toss-ups in their column with an average polling advantage per race of +3.27 in the last poll:


Five of these also are one-point races, with just one two-point race.

Six seats remain all tied up in the latest poll in each race:

MT-at large

Monday, October 29, 2018

PA-1 goes dramatically from Democrat +7 to Republican +1 in the latest poll, UT-4 remains tied

The Utah poll previously showing the race tied runs through 10/26, but a different poll on 10/25 has just been reported showing the Democrat +7.

My rule is to use the latest poll for the math, so I'm making no changes. On top of that, the Democrat +7 result looks really suspicious given the large number of likely voters it claims to have polled, all in just one day! The untimely release is also a flag. They can poll nearly a thousand people in one day but it takes them four to report the results? Looks more like polling as publicity for the candidate in the final week of the campaign than anything else.

The Pennsylvania poll showing the big flip to the Republican is noteworthy because it's the very same poll which showed the Democrat so far ahead just two weeks earlier.

The math had been 220 Dem, 210 Rep, 5 Tied.

So PA-1 shifts that to 219 Dem, 211 Rep, 5 Tied.

Every Jew a .22, and every Christian a Smith&Wesson

NM-2 goes from Republican to tied in latest poll, CA-25 flips dramatically to Republican +4, VA-7 goes Democrat +1 from tied

The electoral math based on the last poll in each toss-up race had been 220 Dem, 210 Rep, 5 Tied as of last night.

So the new tie in NM-2 means the math becomes 220 Dem, 209 Rep, 6 Tied.

But CA-25 changes that to 219 Dem, 210 Rep, 6 Tied.

And VA-7 changes that to 220 Dem, 210 Rep, 5 Tied.

Real Clear Politics this morning shows 30 toss-up races, and otherwise gives the Democrats 205 to the Republicans' 200.

5 of the toss-ups are polling tied, 10 are polling Republican, and 15 are polling Democrat.

The average polling lead in the 15 Democrat toss-ups is 2.73 points.

The average polling lead in the 10 Republican toss-ups is 2.9 points.

These polls typically have a margin of error much higher than 2 to 3 points, so this is shaping up to be quite the narrowly fought contest rather than a wave election.

Democrats would be doing better had they not fielded so many extreme candidates.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Drudge is wrong: The deadliest anti-Semitic attack in US history didn't occur in Pittsburgh, not by a longshot

The deadliest anti-Semitic attack occurred in 1939 when FDR refused to let the MS St. Louis of the Hamburg America Line dock with its over 900 Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany.

The ship eventually had to return to Europe and it is estimated that over 200 of its Jews ended up being exterminated in the camps.

So much for the Jewess's sonnet:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Real Clear Politics removes NC-13 and NM-2 from toss-ups column, both now lean Republican

That reduces the toss-up races to 29 but the forecast math still shows the Democrats taking control of the US House 220-210 with 5 races tied based on the latest poll in each toss-up race. NC-13 and NM-2 were already in the Republican column based on the polling and so they were already Republican in the math.

With only one full week remaining in the campaign, expect the polling to become more predictive.

But as always, the only poll that counts is the one taken on election day.

Meanwhile in Chicago, Rahm Emanuel's town, 9 shot and killed last week, 42 in October and 420 in 2018 so far

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Elizabeth who?

Obama flashes solidarity with white nationalists during anti-Trump tirade in Wisconsin

A guy just slaughtered a bunch of Jews in Pittsburgh but Twitter thinks it's still OK to give this guy a platform

Paul Gottfried has read Antifa's wunderkind Mark Bray and finds that there's no there there, just slogans

Proving once again that PhD's aren't what they used to be. Maybe it's time to draft them. 

Despite its obvious incompatibility with the dominant political culture, the alt-right seems to have rallied philosophically deeper thinkers than the slogan-chanting adolescents who swarm around [Mark] Bray. ...

Bray’s Left has nothing in common with the Left that existed in interwar Europe. His field and passion are gender studies and “fighting racism.” These were hardly the major interests of anarchists and Marxists in the 1930s. Back then the Left was serious about a socio-economic revolution and showed no noticeable interest in identity politics or LGBT self-expression. It may even be a bit of a stretch to relate antifa activism to the protests in the 1960s that I personally witnessed. The demonstrators at that time opposed a prolonged war in Vietnam into which they might be personally dragged; others protested segregation, which really existed in some parts of the country. What similarly deep cause is driving Bray and his allies? I can’t seem to find one other than seizing power or simply letting off steam.

Time Magazine article rightly speaks up for American nationalism as modeled from The Bible

The upshot is that we need to get reaquainted with the Bible in our public schools, eject opponents of our common law from the judiciary, and speaka da English.

Ancient Israel was, for generations of Bible-literate Americans, the prototype of a “nation.” ...

While biblical nations aren’t defined by race, they are also not merely “an idea.” Biblical Israel consists of a diversity of tribes, who are nonetheless bound to one another by language and law, and a mutual loyalty arising from facing adversity together in the past. ...

American nationalists used to think of their nation in just this way: Neither as a race, nor as an abstract “idea” — but rather as a diversity of tribes sharing a heritage and a mutual loyalty born of a joint history. The original American states, while internally diverse, nonetheless largely shared the English language, Protestant religion and the common law, and had fought Britain together. ... 

American nationalists sought to counterbalance increasing diversity with a carefully protected common cultural inheritance: New territories were admitted as American states only once they had an English-speaking majority and adopted the common law. The eradication of slavery in the South and polygamy among the Mormons was likewise the result of a common cultural inheritance, descended from English Puritanism, which Americans insisted on maintaining even at the price of coercion. It was not until after World War II that these core institutions at the heart of classical American nationalism — Biblical religion, the Anglo-American legal inheritance, and the English language — began to fade. 

Little-reported story about 2016 election survey found 38% of whites expressed strong feelings of white solidarity

The survey included 3,038 non-Hispanic white respondents. Among these respondents, only a minority expressed high values on any of the above questions: about 28% expressed strong feelings of white identity; about 38% expressed strong feelings of white solidarity; and about 27% felt that whites suffer a meaningful amount of discrimination in American life. A much smaller minority, about 6% of respondents, expressed all three opinions. It is worth noting that a 2017Washington Post-ABC News poll estimated that about 10% of respondents supported the Alt-Right.

In other words, the alt-right has a lot of work to do if it's going to convince the other 62% of whites to embrace their white identity.

On the other hand, the civilian non institutional white population in 2016 averaged 198.215 million people, 38% of which is 75.3 million "white aware" Americans.

From the Jews behaving badly file: Donna Zuckerberg recommends red pillers be quarantined online

That's right, put 'em in a ghetto, you know, like in Warsaw.

The sister of Mark Zuckerberg, discussed here, who doesn't "write classics" anymore than any other person does with one academic degree or another involving ancient Greece and Rome:

The classics writer said that while online anonymity allows people to spread hatred without facing repercussions, all online networks can strengthen misogynistic communities, simply by allowing more red pill members to reach each other. She suggested that misogynist groups could be quarantined, as one of Reddit’s red pill groups recently was.

Update to Cantrell Funeral Home scandal in Detroit: More than 370 bodies found dating back to 1996

Hoo wee, this story stinks.

[A]shes of more than 370 bodies, nearly two dozen of which appear to be military veterans, ... were abandoned at Cantrell in the spring. ...

A new owner, who purchased the building about a month ago, said the interior smelled horrible. The owner had removed four dumpsters of garbage as he started renovating the space to turn it into a community center. ...

[Brian] Joseph [the owner of Verheyden Funeral Homes in Grosse Pointe Park], who arrived at Cantrell even before the state investigators, was let in by the owner.

The state contacted Joseph, [Joseph] said, because in the spring, as Cantrell's financial and regulatory problems became evident, he had offered to help the operator, Raymond Cantrell II, who had inherited the business after his father died in 2016.

Cantrell then asked Joseph to honor more than 500 of his pre-arranged funeral contracts.

The money paid on the contracts is held by a third party and Joseph said he does not profit from them. He agreed, he said, because Cantrell's father had been a contemporary of the former owner of his funeral home, and he believes that he has a duty to help others in need.

In April, the state suspended Cantrell's license, citing "deplorable, unsanitary conditions." Among the problems authorities found were six decomposing bodies — three men, two women and a male fetus — in the funeral home. 

Again, to help, Joseph quietly arranged for the bodies to be buried during the summer at Mount Olivet, which donated space and services. Santieu Vaults in Livonia donated the burial vaults which protect bodies while in the ground.

Joseph is now trying to help identify the hundreds of containers holding cremated remains, some of which appear to go back to 1996. Many of the remains have names with the date the person died, Joseph said, but finding relatives and loved ones is a challenge. ...

"It's a horrible situation," said John Desmond of A.J. Desmond & Sons Funeral Directors, summing up the problems with remains that were hidden and left behind. "This is the most egregious behavior that I have ever heard of in my 50 years of being licensed in the state of Michigan."

Lesson of the Florida "bomber": They don't "x-ray" the mail at any point in the system to keep bombs out

Rush Limbaugh confidently misinformed millions of his listeners this week that the USPS scans suspicious packages in order to intercept them and keep them away from the public.

For his part, radio personality Michael Savage laughably spent most of the week wondering how all these "bombs" could be "hand-delivered" all over the place supposedly without entering the postal system, because he believed fake news to that effect. It must have been a conspiracy! The van was too clean after all that driving up and down the east coast and to California and back! The stickers on the windows were too recently affixed because they weren't yet faded!

What we learned once again, however, was that the USPS only isolates suspicious packages for scanning by outside authorities. The cost of installing such scanners in every postal sorting facility would cost billions of dollars the already bankrupt USPS doesn't have. In this instance, the USPS was alerted to the package M/O by the outside authorities after the fact, after some of the "bombs" had already been delivered. The USPS was told what to look for, not the other way around. 

This affair exposes the fact that the entire USPS system remains vulnerable to penetration by serious terrorists at any time, and that a person who really intended to harm others, say with bombs, could do so as long as the intended target isn't too famous. That's why the more serious threats are the poisoners, who can still reach their intended famous targets occasionally with letters, such as Vanessa Trump. The contents of mail are not "scanned", only the fronts and backs are imaged and the images stored. That's how the authorities, once alerted to the problem in Florida, "were reviewing mail streams in and out of Florida, attempting to pinpoint locations where the parcels may have originated", as reported in the USA Today story linked below.

A real bomber in this instance would have rigged his packages to blow up as they are opened by the designated target, as when a box lid lifted on its hinge triggers a circuit with a detonator. Of course, the difficulty of getting such a package into the actual hands of famous persons with staff protecting them from such an eventuality is a thought which cannot have escaped the mind of Cesar Sayoc.

A real bomber does not stuff active devices into padded envelope mailers as Sayoc did, where they could blow-up indiscriminately under normal, rough handling, including in his own hands. A real bomber does not leave finger prints behind on his mail bombs, especially if his fingerprints are already in the crime reporting system due to many prior arrests and convictions.

It's almost as if poor Cesar Sayoc, aged 56, suddenly homeless and forced to live in his van, intended to get caught so that he could finally escape all his problems and finally get a roof over his head and three square meals a day for the rest of his life after so many years of struggling with poverty.

CNN reported here:

Bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc had been kicked out by his parents, so he has living in the van that we have seen in pictures today, according to a law enforcement official. ... Sayoc was initially somewhat cooperative, the official said. He told investigators that the pipe bombs wouldn’t have hurt anyone and that he didn’t want to hurt anyone. 

USA Today reports here:

The total number of bombs reached at least 14 Friday after more suspicious packages were recovered: one in Florida addressed to New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, another in New York addressed to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, a device recovered at Sen. Kamala Harris’ office in Sacramento, California, and another package that was intercepted at a mail facility in Burlingame, California, addressed to billionaire Tom Steyer.

Harris’ office says it was informed that the package was identified at a Sacramento mail facility. The FBI responded to the facility in a South Sacramento neighborhood that’s been blocked off by caution tape.

A package addressed to Clapper was recovered at a Manhattan postal facility. Like some of the previous packages, the one found in New York City on Friday had the office of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the return address, a photo obtained by CBS News showed. ...

The suspicious package intended for Clapper was spotted by a postal worker at the Radio City Station facility at around 8:15 a.m. The employee contacted U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and they contacted the NYPD and FBI.

NYPD Bomb Squad officers scanned the package and saw what appeared to be a pipe bomb, NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller said at a Manhattan news conference.