Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Monica McLean denies Ford prepped her on polygraph exams

Reported here:

“I have NEVER had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at anytime,” Monica McLean said in a statement Wednesday.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for September 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for September 2018

Max temp 90, Mean Max temp 89
Min temp 40, Mean Min temp 37
Av temp 66.1, Mean Av temp 62.7
Precip 5.93, Mean precip 3.57 (quack quack, another gullywasher)
Cooling Degree Days 135, Mean CDD 76, Season to date 983, Mean Season to date 690

The cooling season to date as measured by CDD is now 42% warmer than the mean to date. Season to date 2018 is now 7th warmest on record for total CDD. The warmest year on record was 1921 with 1200 CDD. The 2nd warmest year on record was 1931 with 1061 CDD. It is highly unlikely that 2018 will finish warm enough to crack the number two spot but will be firmly in the top ten warmest years by CDD. There have been five months in a row in 2018 with max temps in the 90s, the first time that has happened since 1991.

Ford's ex-boyfriend isn't simply a case of he said, she said: He names Monica L. McLean, whom Ford prepared for a polygraph test

I'm sure the Senate Judiciary Committee, or the FBI, is following up on her to corroborate the boyfriend's sworn testimony.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Smells like teen perjury

Ex-boyfriend of Christine Ford contradicts much of her sworn testimony in new letter in evidence

The New York Times makes us relive high school with Brett Kavanaugh

Here, where nothing in particular jumps out except the thought that the biggest problem for many Americans is that they remain teenagers.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Buzzi Ginsburg passed out at State of the Union after drinking too much

Beto O'Rourke is also pre-qualified for opprobrium from the #MeToo movement

Politico quotes him from 1991, here:

“Basically, the show documents the life of Will Rogers, the ‘lassoing fool,’ who rose from being an insignificant side show attraction to one of the more prominent political pundits and cultural statesmen in our history. Yet it is produced and directed in such a showy, glitzy, and ultimately, tacky manner, that one cannot help feeling disgusted throughout the show. Keith Carradine in the lead role is surrounded by perma-smile actresses whose only qualifications seem to be their phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks.”

The Democrat answer to Ted Cruz is having a tough week.

Beto O'Rourke is pre-qualified to be the next drunken senator to say No to the Brett Kavanaughs of the world


NBC thinks it can edit things out of existence and no one will notice, you know, like Matt Lauer, or Leon Trotsky

Employers have loved all the extra, cheap female labor since the 1960s: Median weekly real earnings for all are up just 0.12% per year since 1979 . . .

. . . but were still flat as recently as 2014 (35 years)

Why we drink

Monday, October 1, 2018

Cool, Brett Kavanaugh got in a bar fight in 1985

This guy's a fighter yesterday, today and forever!

Meanwhile, the pantywaists say it shows he doesn't have the temperament to be a judge, ignoring his decade plus on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, where he's done just fine thank you very much.

Confirm Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was involved in bar brawl at Yale

Yet another lying story from NBC omitting how Ramirez first called Kavanaugh's friends for weeks trying to get dirt on him

Hey Mark Levin, it doesn't help that fools like Donald Trump called Ford credible

Trump set the narrative, sorry to say . . . again.

Rachel Mitchell's verdict is simply drowned out by that.

We need a better leader.

The new puritans at CBS News flatly lie about Kavanaugh's testimony

"Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland."

That's a flat out lie. Kavanaugh never testified that he was "legally allowed".

He copped to drinking beer while under age, that's all, and that seniors were legal . . . at the time about which he testified.

That's how every under age drinker gets it to this day.

Hillary needs to get out there and campaign for Democrats

"Key allies" persuade Trump to rescind declassification order for FISA materials involving Carter Page

"The guards of a tyrant are foreigners" cuts both ways.

The English aren't worth it, Mr. President, and neither are your "key allies". End the disease of secret courts.

The Orange County Register comments here:

Trump has now asked the DOJ’s inspector general to review the unreleased classified material quickly. The president said he still may declassify the documents, and there’s good reason to do so. If government power was misused to spy on an American citizen and a political campaign, Congress should look at reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, at a minimum.

Hey Rush Limbaugh, you stupid party shill: It's still THE WALL

It has a certain ring to it: Liberal principles change by the hour in pursuit of political power

But they already possess the cultural power, no?

The guards of a tyrant are foreigners: Merkel more popular among refugees than Germans

Sunday, September 30, 2018

We can't see the therapist's notes but Democrats want an FBI investigation

Christine Ford's brain got tired trying to keep her story straight, Kavanaugh was fueled by endless resources of truth

Ford's lawyer Katz agrees in principle that therapist's notes and medical records should be released to FBI

More of this please: Senator Cornyn mocks Senator Feinstein for withholding "facts"

Ruth Buzzi Ginsburg's angry political attack taints the impartiality of the Supreme Court: She should resign

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Christine Ford may have changed the date of alleged assault from mid-1980s to 1982 after reading Mark Judge's book

Ford's original claim in her therapist's records was that she was in her late teens in the mid-1980s when an assault occurred involving four boys, as reported by WaPo.

Margot Cleveland here thinks Ford changed this to 1982 when she was fifteen involving two boys after reading Mark Judge's book, which may be the reason why Ford has refused to turn over the therapist's records.

Julie Swetnick allegedly has a history of filing slip-and-fall lawsuits as well as serious problems with state and federal tax authorities

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Detail of Ford testimony about seeing Mark Judge at Safeway comes straight out of Judge's own book

Evidence builds that Ford's story is fabricated to ruin Kavanaugh. The possible motives include politics, ideology, and perhaps an actual perceived slight when a teenager now blown up out of all proportion into this sad affair.

An all male Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, making it illegitimate

Christine Ford misrepresented herself as a psychologist under oath, Stanford hastily scrubs her faculty page

Testifying under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford identified herself as a ‘psychologist,’ but records indict this is a false statement under California law. Someone at Stanford University also appears to have caught the blunder and edited Ford’s faculty page.

Just one sentence into her sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have told a lie.

After thanking members of the committee on Thursday, and while under oath, Ford opened her testimony saying, “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”

The issue lies with the word “psychologist,” and Ford potentially misrepresenting herself and her credentials, an infraction that is taken very seriously in the psychology field as well as under California law.

Portland company Webtrends claimed Kavanaugh accuser Swetnick made false sex allegations against employees

In the suit, Webtrends alleged Swetnick claimed to have graduated from Johns Hopkins University but the company said it subsequently learned the school had no record of her attendance. Webtrends said she also "falsely described her work experience" at a prior employer.

The suit also alleges Swetnick "engaged in unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct" while at Webtrends and "made false and retaliatory allegations that other co-workers had engaged in inappropriate conduct toward her."

The suit alleges Swetnick "engaged in unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct" directed at two male employees during a business lunch, with Webtrends customers present. Swetnick claimed two other employees had sexually harassed her, according to the suit.

Webtrends' suit said it determined Swetnick had engaged in misconduct but could not find evidence to support her allegations against her colleagues. Later, the company alleged, Swetnick took medical leave and simultaneously claimed unemployment benefits in the District of Columbia.

Ford became "popular figure on the Dewey Beach bar scene" in the summers after alleged assault

DEWEY BEACH, Delaware — Christine Blasey Ford grew up in Washington’s affluent Maryland suburbs, graduated from an expensive all-girls private high school and spent summers immersed in the wild nightlife of this Eastern Shore resort town. ... Longtime residents of Dewey Beach, a Delaware resort known in the late 1980s as a place where the college students who worked the other resorts lived and partied, remember her nights waitressing at the Waterfront, a raucous bayside bar. ... Ms. Blasey Ford was a popular figure on the Dewey Beach bar scene.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Uganda prepares to vaccinate as Ebola threatens from Congo

From the story here:

Uganda, which has had five Ebola outbreaks since 2000, says it is preparing to begin vaccinations as needed. The health ministry in Congo, which is facing its 10th outbreak, says more than 12,000 people have been vaccinated so far.

His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama has Europe for Europeans moment: Refugees have to go back

Well naturally. Tibet for Tibetans. Germany for Germans. Hungary for Hungarians.

Justice Anthony Kennedy is to blame for much of the polarization now evident everywhere in America

The Kennedy pick was supposed to calm the waters after the storm generated by the Robert Bork and Douglas Ginsburg nominations. ... His subsequent 30 years of judicial decisions literally redefined things as basic as life and marriage. His calamitous three decades on the court will be followed by an endless maze of legal-cultural wars and church-state battles dealing with the disastrous dust-up of what he unleashed. ... Kennedy led the majority with one of the most breathtakingly outrageous statements in the history of jurisprudence: “At the heart of liberty,” averred Kennedy, “is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

In short, Anthony Kennedy spearheaded America's turn into the Libertarian Party in convention, but where no one can agree about anything.

Justice Anthony Kennedy's extreme libertarianism made him the enemy of anything "civic"

Justice Kennedy’s view [is] that each of us must be “left alone” in a radical sense to define all that is important for ourselves. ... The paradigm motivating Justice Kennedy’s jurisprudence is of an individual who must be protected by the courts from all outside pressures. ... For many decades, Justice Kennedy has stood for the proposition that courts should protect individuals from interference from the outside—whether by the government or by the associations (religious or otherwise) they choose to join—in their “mystical” notions of personal identity. The price of this fanciful theory of human liberty and the ability of individuals to define reality for themselves, is the breakdown of social order, the deaths of millions of innocent children, and the further marginalization of God and religion from public life. ... This accidental jurist has caused very real damage to our nation’s institutions and its very soul.

Hey Justice Kennedy: A generation of vipers can't be magically taught to use enlightened civic discourse

Anthony Kennedy, miserable cretin, quoted here:

"Perhaps we didn't do too good a job teaching the importance of preserving democracy by an enlightened civic discourse," he said. "In the first part of this century we're seeing the death and decline of democracy."

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

-- Matthew 12:34

Friday, September 28, 2018

Like Trump, Joe Biden was taken over by the body snatchers long ago

Trump says Christine Ford's a credible witness

About as credible as he is promising never to sign another spending bill without funding in it for the wall.

One lameduck Flake holds entire confirmation process hostage to one more week of redundant investigation by incompetent FBI

And a fine way to be remembered in opprobrium forever it is, too.

Maryland cops tell Democrats TODAY that statute of limitations expired in 1983 for alleged assault in 1982

Feinstein doesn't care about women: She betrayed Ford and then blamed Ford

Frank Quattrone reminds James Comey that lying about Quattrone on TV gives us the right to distrust Comey's testimony

Bill Kristol alienates another one, this time over Kavanaugh

Pretty soon NeverTrump will simply be spelled Bill Kristol.

Kavanaugh's anger problem: Arguably possesses too much self-control to become the sword of the Lord

Laugh of the Day: Democrat lunatics alter climate in hell

If this is an economic boom how come new home sales are at 1982 recession levels for a year and a half?

(h/t Jeffrey Snider)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ford was a cheerleader and party girl at Holton-Arms, apparently had the nickname "Easy Blasey"

Republicans got her yearbooks, which had been scrubbed from the web, but never used them today.

From the story here at Real Clear Investigations:

Other evidence indicates Ford, a popular cheerleader at the time, was immersed in an alcohol-fueled party culture and no stranger to “keg parties” in the D.C. area — or the "bar scene" along the Maryland and Delaware coast. In fact, Ford was known as a "party girl” on the Delaware shore during summer breaks, another source with direct knowledge of the congressional investigation said.

One report, moreover, recounts how Ford once got caught in "a romantic triangle" at Dewey Beach that ended with the two men getting into a fistfight over her.

At Holton-Arms, the source added, she was known by classmates, and even some parents, by a sexually derogatory nickname playing off her maiden name Blasey, suggesting she was promiscuous.

“She was not the wholesome Catholic girl they’re trying to portray her as,” the source said, making her claims of victimization at the hands of Kavanaugh "harder to believe."

Uh oh, Jennifer Rubin must have just seen her search results, or WaPo is paying bonuses today

Kavanaugh unites Trump and NeverTrump

Brett Kavanaugh: Gabba Gabba Hey

Mollie Hemingway has incisive thinkers for friends (conservative Lutherans have good taste)

So-called conservative Jennifer Rubin earned her WaPo paycheck today (somebody's having a little fun with her search results tonight)

Kavanaugh hearing was Democrats' #MeToot moment

When Republicans redact to protect identity, they redact AND PROTECT

Perfect ending to this charade, indeed: Democrats blame the victim

Feinstein just blamed the victim for leaking her story!


Oh, so this is political.

If these cowards and slime in the US Senate refuse to confirm Kavanaugh, I hope he runs for president

Brett Kavanaugh is the great man Donald Trump only dreams he could be.

Stephen L. Miller and Sean Davis are providing on-going commentary on the hearing on their Twitter feeds

Donald Trump fights for Brett Kavanaugh like he fights for his wall

"I'm going to see what happens tomorrow. I'm going to be watching," he said during a rare solo news conference. "I'm going to see what's said. It's possible they will be convincing." "I can be persuaded also," the President went on. "I can't tell you if they're liars until I hear them."

Brett Kavanaugh's deeds are plain for all to see, his accusers' dark and filthy

Nor need I speak my deeds, for these you see:
The sun and day are witnesses for me.

-- John Dryden

Tim Walberg just blamed no funding for the wall on Democrats Chuck Shumer and Debbie Stabenow

Just now on the Steve Gruber Show.

Walberg knows damn well Republicans control the Congress and can pass such spending if they want to. Spending bills don't require supermajorities.

Republicans simply don't want a wall.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ford took polygraph Aug. 7 in MD, told Feinstein she'd be back in CA after Aug. 10: How'd she do it if afraid to fly?

She protested Grassley's invitation to testify so quickly partly on the grounds of fear of flying.

Julie Swetnick was thick as thieves with Ford's attorney Katz already A DECADE AGO

NBC lies about Senate probe of recent anonymous allegation dating to 1998

The Senate has already dismissed the anonymous allegation. There is no "probe", just hysteria.

Julie Swetnik's former boyfriend briefly got restraining order against her

Julie Swetnick, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted, had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend.

Trump wimps out again under cover of Brett Kavanaugh story, signs spending bill he said he wouldn't sign absent Wall funding

Ford polygraph (4 boys, 2 girls at party), Ford letter to Feinstein (four others), Ford to WaPo (four boys)

Julie Swetnick was in college when Brett Kavanaugh was 17: Maybe she supplied them the alcohol and drugs

[A]ccording to the New York Times, “Ms. Swetnick grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before attending college at the University of Maryland, according to a résumé for her posted online. Judge Kavanaugh graduated from Georgetown Prep in 1983.” That means she would have met Kavanaugh while she was 17 or 18, and he was 15 or 16 years old. It also would mean that she was attending high school parties while in college.

Julie Swetnick was a zealous participant, attending 10 parties, and maybe committed statutory rape herself

Brett Kavanaugh's girlfriend when he was 17 backs him up

The Wall Street Journal reports here:

Maura Kane, who dated Judge Kavanaugh for several months when they were both 17-year-old high-school students, said in an interview Wednesday that she didn’t know Ms. Swetnick and didn’t believe such parties occurred. “The allegations are so outrageous and insane,” Ms. Kane said in an interview. “It’s absolutely ridiculous, and we stand by Brett.”

Rasmussen Generic Congressional Ballot Wednesday 9/26/18

