Wednesday, January 24, 2024

New Hampshire primary exit polling on the illegal alien invasion shows Nikki Haley's vote came overwhelmingly from Democrat voters

New Hampshire primary exit polling shows Nikki Haley's vote is overwhelmingly in the bag for the new crazy asylum gimmick for illegal aliens flooding the border under Biden, which means her voters were mostly from Democrats. 

 . . . two-thirds of Haley voters said that undocumented immigrants should be given the chance to apply for legal status.


The gimcrack redefinition of the asylum system under Joe Biden is simply the latest Democrat m/o at work about everything: Find a work-around around the law when you don't have the votes to change the law.

That explains the National Popular Vote Compact, Obamacare, student loan bailouts, et cetera. Redefining millions of illegal aliens as asylum seekers is simply the latest example.