Sunday, October 1, 2023

Three of 9 Target store closings are in progressive shit-hole Portland OR, CNN story gives them just 4 paragraphs at the end


Nobody wants to talk about the shit-hole progressives have made out of Portland, which first came to light nationally when the place erupted after the death of George Floyd.

The hallmark of progressive rule in Portland is that the justice system in their hands won't prosecute crimes, so the police are demoralized and now have interminable staffing problems. Who wants to arrest the same people over and over again knowing they'll just have to arrest them again over and over?

Crime has exploded :

The murder rate in Portland is 1.85 times the US rate.

The robbery rate is 2.85 times the US rate.

The assault rate is 1.8 times.

The burglary rate: 2.56 times.

The theft rate: 2.7 times. 

The motor vehicle theft rate is 5.3 times the US rate.

There are nearly 11 times the crimes per square mile overall in Portland than the national median.