Thursday, February 6, 2020

In this precinct in Fayette County Iowa 69 appeared to vote in round one, 70 in round two

And then for viability to get to round two 69 is crossed out and 70 penciled in, but for assigning delegates after round two it's back to 69 again even though 70 voted in round two!

The extra vote appears to come from the final "t" in "Bennet", which is scratched out in round one, where the "t" appears to have been misread as "1".

Two conflicting methods of rounding are also used. Any decimal is rounded up to the next whole number for viability purposes, but for apportioning delegates the traditional .5 or above rule is used. BootyJudge got only 3 delegates this way, leaving one delegate of the 8 unassigned, but he was given the extra delegate, correctly, because he was the overall winner.

Democrat math, where every vote counts until it doesn't.

Good enough for government work.