Friday, February 14, 2020

Is George Will dead? 5 more years of Trump will mean more utter gridlock, the very definition of his brand of conservatism.

But George Will is nowhere to be found, and is seldom discussed.

Is he dead?

He of all people should be ECSTATIC that Trump and the Democrats keep fighting, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. After all, he continuously praised gridlock to high heaven when Barack Obama was president.

But George never appears in my copious, daily reviewing of who's who, saying what's what.

OK, I'm too cheap to pay for WaPo.

I also have standards.

The truth is the more the two sides fight, the fewer the opportunities they have to come together, "get something done" for the American people, and pick our pockets.

We've had way too much pocket picking.

Surely George Will must be keeping quiet these days, repentantly pondering the Ineffable Truth of Trump?

If you plan to vote for Trump in November, dear KAGA, remember to make sure you split your vote to keep Republicans from controlling the US House.

It is under the circumstances Nancy Pelosi at the helm in the House who makes Trump great again, every frickin' day after all, along with Cocaine Mitch in the Senate.

Little new bad spending should pass if this arrangement is maintained indefinitely.

Honestly, don't make me laugh. Kevin McCarthy is not an alternative.

Chuckie Schumer?

A horror show on two legs.

We need more of the current gridlock so that the US Senate judge confirmation machine keeps on spitting out Trump appointments, the only thing Trump seems relatively good at.

So vote for Martha McSally in AZ, for example, who beat Bernie Sanders to the punch when she recently called CNN's Manu Raju a political hack.

Times that try men's souls bring out the best in heroes, and Martha has risen to the occasion. Yes, a brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! from the gun of her A-10 Warthog would have been better, but hey, politics is war by different means.

The best part of Martha winning won't simply be warming a seat along with loser Bernie in the US Senate, but when every time he votes not to confirm a judge she does, and nothing much else gets done.

We must continue to keep George happy, and silent.