Sunday, February 9, 2020

Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 2020: We're all going to die :)

Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 2020

Max temp 49, mean 48
Min temp 11, mean -3
Average temp 31.3, mean 23.8
Precipitation 3.65, mean 2.07
Snowfall 11.5, mean 18.5
Heating degree days 1036, mean 1270
HDD season to date 3436, mean 3756

Minimum temperature was tied for 7th highest ever for a January.
Average temperature was the 6th highest ever for a January.
Precipitation was the 14th highest ever for a January.
Heating degree days were the 6th lowest ever for a January.

Season to date the winter has been 8.5% warmer than the mean using heating degree days, but still 7.9% colder than the 2011-2012 season to date of 3183 HDD. The 2011-2012 full season was the warmest winter on record in Grand Rapids using HDD.