Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 2019
Max temp 92 Mean Max 94
Min temp 54 Mean Min 49
Av temp 75.4 Mean Av 72.3
Precip 3.92 Mean 3.13
Precip ytd 26.85 Mean ytd 19.78 (36% wetter than normal)
[Snow Jan-Jun 2019 63.7 Mean Jan-Jun 43.5 (46% more than normal)]
[HDD Jan-Jun 2019 were utterly normal, not even 0.7% higher than the mean]
CDD 332 Mean 241
CDD ytd 449 Mean ytd 425 (5.6% warmer than normal)
The surfeit of moisture first from snow and then from rain in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 2019 year-to-date is characteristic of much of the continental United States, more than 80% of which isn't even abnormally dry at the height of summer at the end of the first week of August 2019. Drought is isolated to pockets making up less than 5% of the Lower 48, particularly near Seattle.