Thursday, April 4, 2019

LOL Incompetent WOOD Radio 1300 in Grand Rapids has run Wednesday's weather report today at 1230pm, 100pm and just now at 130pm

And then "Want to hear it again?" they advertize right after that.

Can't make this stuff up, but hey, it's the station of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in Grand Rapids.

Wednesday's weather report was better anyway, sunny and windy. Today it's cloudy and less windy. I like how they help me remember yesterday.

Update 203pm: We're tracking a sunny but very windy Wednesday!

Update 232pm: We're tracking a sunny but very windy Wednesday!

Update 303pm: Fixed it! Chucky took over the microphone from Megan at 230pm and didn't like the tape he was hearing! "Hey, this is Thursday! Why are we playing yesterday's weather?"