Saturday, January 5, 2019

Michael Savage calls AOC "Alexandria Occasional Cortex", which is just . . . savage

I'm going to miss his three hour show. He's moving to one hour plus a podcast starting Monday. He'll be 77 this year. He's getting a little tired, phoning it in so to speak. You can tell when that happens because he'll occasionally get simple facts wrong.

I suppose of all the talkers I've listened to over the years, Savage has been my favorite. For his general positions on borders, language and culture, yes, but more so because he's an independent thinker. It's not just that he's independent. It's that he thinks. No thinking man is a party man. Which is probably why he's out the door.

Not sure I'm a podcast guy, but there's that for those who are more active than passive listeners. I like the radio because it's (mostly) live. Anything big which could happen you hear about almost instantly. And anyone could call in. It's more spontaneous and more exciting.  I like to listen while I'm cooking dinner. 

Radio certainly is changing. Laura Ingraham hung up the headset in November after many years carrying the baton on immigration. Burning the candle at both ends she was. Chris Plante out of DC is a very welcome alternative to Laura in the mornings. He's very quick upstairs, trenchant and funny.

It would be nice if Mark Steyn replaced Rush Limbaugh one of these days, but somehow I think the Rush Limbaugh show goes away when Rush goes away.

But all of them need to take more callers, and let them talk, dammit. Which is probably too much to ask. Most of the callers aren't any good.

But there was that guy, Geno from The Bronx . . ..