Monday, September 3, 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for August 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for August 2018

Max temp 91, Mean Max temp 92
Min temp 52, Mean Min temp 47
Av temp 73.5, Mean Av temp 70.2
Av temp to date 51.5, Mean Av temp to date 49.6 (actual is elevated 3.8%)
Precip 6.61, Mean precip 3.07
Total precip to date 28.11, Mean total precip to date 22.77 (actual ahead by 23%)
Cooling Degree Days 271, Mean CDD 189, Season to date 848, Mean Season to date 614

The cooling season to date as measured by CDD is now 38% warmer than the mean, up just a little from last month.

To stay cool, I've averaged 1074 kWh a month in June, July and August running the air conditioning versus 701 a month on average in the previous eight months, 53% more but for only three months. Every kWh above 600 in the summer months is billed at a rate almost 35% higher than for the first 600, but it really doesn't amount to much of a penalty. In August, for example, the kWh above 600 cost me a penalty surcharge of less than $15.00.

Overall, the price of staying cool in my case (74 degrees F) means operating anyway in the higher rate category. Even without running the AC I'm in it because I average 701 a month, 101 a month more than the arbitrary 600 ceiling. I'd pay the higher rate like it or not simply by running floor fans and ceiling fans. Running the toaster in summer makes breakfast slightly more expensive. This summer the extra 1119 kWh I've used above my non-summer average, due mostly to running the AC, have run me a relatively low additional $142.49 total, or $47.50 a month, all paid at the penalty rate.

A small price to pay to sleep well and remain fully functional, productive and healthy under somewhat less than ideal conditions in the summer of 2018.