Saturday, January 9, 2016

Randy Barnett in WaPo completely ignores the distinction between citizens and natural born citizens in Article II

Randy Barnett here.

Instead he gives us another one of those forays into individualism for which libertarians are infamous for their obscurantism. That he had to correct his post to acknowledge state constitutions used "natural born" shows that he has hardly looked into the matter adequately:

'UPDATE: My post erroneously stated that the phrase “natural born citizen” was devised by the framers of the Constitution, when in fact it had been previously used in state constitutions after the founding of the United States.  See, for example, here. Although this does not affect the substance of my point about how the change from “subject” to “citizen” results from a shift from monarchical to popular sovereignty at the founding, I do regret the error (now corrected), which was based on my misrecollection of an article on the subject.'