Friday, July 26, 2024

The affluent white female liberals are upset about being called cat ladies by JD Vance

Meanwhile the Hamas wing of their party just yelled "Puto!" at America.



Commie Broadcasting System wants you to know Kamala Harris herself never gave any money to bail out 2020 rioters, looters, and arsonists, even though she promoted giving donations for just that purpose

What they're not saying: Core pce inflation actually ticked up in June to 2.63% yoy from 2.62% in May 2024

 Looks like we're skidding into a "soft-landing" of significantly higher inflation than under Trump.

The 1H2024 average was 2.8%, still much higher than under Trump, and not in evidence since the early 1990s.

Seven months of the measure below 3% starting in Dec 2023, but we're stabilizing at 2.6%?

C'mon man.

Progress has been GLACIAL.

inflation in 2024 still as bad as the early 1990s

10-year comparison

5-year comparison

Kamala Harris wants to build the middle class by throwing $3,000 rent-subsidies at people instead of making this an economy which provides full-time jobs at potential

 Building the middle class may be a ‘defining goal’ under a Harris presidency — how that may shape a key tax credit

53% working full time today would mean 8 million more people working full time than do. 

Full time jobs are the indispensable key to homeownership.


53% worked full time in 2000

49% worked full time in 2024

CNN: Kamala Harris repeatedly supported the violent "Defund the Police" movement in the streets in June 2020 on the radio, MSNBC, The View, and Good Morning America, and then clammed-up about it

 She's the violent threat to democracy they claim Trump to be.

“This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning” on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were “militarizing police” but “defunding public schools.”...

In an interview a day earlier, Harris also lauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for his decision to slash $150 million from the police budget and move it into social services. ...

“We need to have this conversation and critically examine and understand this is not working,” Harris said on “Ebro in the Morning.” “It’s not working. So, this is an important conversation and not just a conversation – cause to your earlier point, can’t just be about talk. It has to be about forcing change.”

“And this is why, you know, I was out there with folks and we’ll, any movement, any progress we have gained has been because people took to the streets,” Harris added. 

A day before her “Ebro in the Morning” radio interview, Harris appeared on MSNBC where she explicitly called to “demilitarize police departments” and said it was “backward” to think more police officers created more safety.

“Part of what we have to do here is also look at the militarization of police departments and, and the kind of money that is going to that. And we need to demilitarize police departments,” Harris said. “At its core, one of the issues that I think we should all agree on is that it is old thinking. It is outdated and is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety.”

In another interview on “The View” on June 8, 2020, Harris engaged in an exchange on defunding the police where she directly suggested the funding for police could be used in other social programs.

“In many cities in America, over one third of their city budget goes to police. So, we have to have this conversation. What are we doing? What about the money going to social services? What about the money going to helping people with job training? What about helping with the mental health issues that communities are being plagued with for which we’re putting no resources?”

Also on June 8, 2020, Harris praised the mayor of Los Angeles for removing money from police and investing it in social services in an interview on “Good Morning America." 

“I applaud Eric Garcetti for doing what he’s done,” she said. ...

After June 2020, Harris rarely if at all mentioned the “defund the police” movement. The Biden campaign later tried to clarify after adding her to the ticket that she supported funding the police. ...


Yes, not one single person voted for Kamala for president in the 2020 primaries because she wasn't in them, just like she wasn't in the primaries this year


Because they're not


She's toast because the label stuck long ago and they can't get it off


James Piereson: Trump will win by six points and both houses of Congress


Notwithstanding the euphoria today, Trump will win the election by six points—forty-nine to forty-three percent—winning 339 electoral votes, including all of the so-called swing states, plus the Democratic-leaning states of Virginia, Minnesota, and New Hampshire.  Republicans will pick up three or four seats in the Senate and perhaps twenty seats in the House, giving them safe majorities in both chambers. This will give Trump the margins he needs to implement a good piece of his agenda in 2025 and 2026.

For The New Criterion here.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Border Czar Kamala Harris


What a hoot, man: 46% of U.S. EV owners claimed they were likely to switch back to internal combustion engine vehicles, well above the 29% global average







In addition to the McKinsey data on current EV owners, a recent Gallup poll found fewer non-EV owners in the U.S. saying they might consider an EV purchase, down from 43% in 2023 to 35% in 2024. The percentage of American adults who do not intend to buy an EV went up from 41% to 48% year over year.

More ✔

Trump says he's still against the electric car mandate, Musk says he's giving money to promote Trump, just not $45 million a month

“I have a good relationship with him, I think he’s a nice guy,” Trump said of Musk during a call-in interview on Fox News.
“Somebody told me he was going to give me 45 million [dollars] a month. I said, ‘That sounds like a lot, even for Elon, that’s a lot,’” the Republican presidential nominee said.
But Musk “never told me he was giving [$45 million],” he said.
“But he did say, ‘I strongly endorse you,’ despite the fact that I’m against the electric car mandate,” Trump said, referring to the Biden administration’s policies aimed at prioritizing electric vehicles over gas-powered vehicles. ...

But Musk, in an interview with conservative public figure Jordan Peterson, said the figure reported by the Journal was “simply not true.”
“I’m not donating $45 million a month to Trump,” Musk said in that interview, which was posted Monday on X, the social media site he owns. ...

In an X post Tuesday night, Musk wrote, “I am making some donations to America PAC, but at a much lower level.” He asserted that most Republicans align with the PAC’s key values of “supporting a meritocracy & individual freedom.”

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fetterman really knows how to troll the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party


A lot of Kamala Harris information is being scrubbed from the internet as we speak, like govtrack's 2019 assessment of her as the "most politically left compared to all Senators"


Senator John Fetterman, D-PA, wears a suit to honor Bibi Netanyahu at speech to joint session of Congress boycotted by Democrats


AXIOS caught contradicting itself about Border Czar Kamala Harris was epic this morning on X


Wisconsin swing voters don't trust Kamala Harris because she hid the truth of Joe Biden's condition, just like she hid evidence from defense attorneys in 2010 resulting in 600+ cases tossed out

Lying by omission, a Democrat specialty.

The New York Post, August 12, 2020, here:

One of Harris’ worst scandals came in 2010 when a technician was caught skimming cocaine from a crime lab and mishandling evidence. A judge ruled her office failed to disclose that information to defense attorneys, causing more than 600 drug-related cases to get tossed out.


GM again delays EV truck plant, this time to mid-2026 after delaying it to late 2025 lol


 DETROIT – General Motors said Tuesday it is again slowing its plans for all-electric vehicles by further delaying a second U.S. electric truck plant and the Buick brand’s first EV. ...

GM’s U.S. EV deliveries increased 40% during the second quarter compared with a year earlier to 21,930 units. Still, EVs made up only 3.2% of its total second-quarter U.S. sales.


And here:

Adoption of EVs, which remain costly to produce and purchase, has been slower than many expected.

CNBC: Kamala rally draws 3,000! . . . excitement is palpable! lol

 . . . the single-biggest rally of the 2024 cycle for a Democratic presidential candidate! lol.