Either that or he's threatening us.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 2019
Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 2019
Max temp 92 Mean Max 94
Min temp 54 Mean Min 49
Av temp 75.4 Mean Av 72.3
Precip 3.92 Mean 3.13
Precip ytd 26.85 Mean ytd 19.78 (36% wetter than normal)
[Snow Jan-Jun 2019 63.7 Mean Jan-Jun 43.5 (46% more than normal)]
[HDD Jan-Jun 2019 were utterly normal, not even 0.7% higher than the mean]
CDD 332 Mean 241
CDD ytd 449 Mean ytd 425 (5.6% warmer than normal)
The surfeit of moisture first from snow and then from rain in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 2019 year-to-date is characteristic of much of the continental United States, more than 80% of which isn't even abnormally dry at the height of summer at the end of the first week of August 2019. Drought is isolated to pockets making up less than 5% of the Lower 48, particularly near Seattle.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Joe Biden in 1976: Diversity is not our strength, that's a bunch of poppycock, differences drive us apart
Speaking at an annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Boise in February 1976, Biden said: ”I told you [in a previous speech] about my view that the uniqueness of America didn’t lie in the fact that we’re a great melting pot. We hear that all the time, about it being black and white, rich and poor, Christian and Jew — therefore we’re strong. I told you then, I thought that was a bunch of poppycock.
“The fact we are black and white doesn’t bring us together as a nation. The fact that we’re Christian and Jew doesn’t send us running into one another's embrace to herald our differences. The fact is that people fear differences. The fact that the reason this nation is able to be the most heterogeneous nation in the history of mankind is not because it’s a melting pot. It’s because unlike any other nation in the world, we are uniquely a product of our political institutions.
“If France tomorrow, for example, were to turn in a monarchy, I told you, I did not believe that France would substantively change. Because in France there’s an ethnicity that binds them together, a cultural tie. You don’t have that in America,” he added.
"Just look around this country to see how different we are. Unless we get the American people from Delaware to Idaho, Massachusetts to California, believing that the political system can produce results for them, this country is going to spin apart like a gyroscope out of kilter,” said Biden.
“You were saying, ‘No, it can’t happen here, this is America, we’re unique, we are something different.’ Well, the Lord ain’t made a new brand of man in a long time. It can happen here, we can split apart, and we’re moving in the direction of doing just that.
“Without [the public’s] confidence, without their participation in the system, this nation will not see a tricentennial, this nation will not see the year 2000 in a way in which we now think it is composed." ...
“We hear time and again that we are uniquely a melting pot. Because we’re black, white, rich and poor, therefore we’re strong,” said Biden. “The fact that we are black and white, rich and poor drives us apart in America,” he said.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Not in labor force averaged a RECORD 95.86 million in the first half of 2019
Rush Limbaugh's favorite group to mock every month under Obama as "all eating but not working".
Now you never hear about them.
The biggest fraud and grifter ever to hit the big time, right behind Trump.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Future President Tulsi Gabbard plays ukulele in honor of Lord Krishna
Sounds like any Christian charismatic worship service I've ever heard, just a different god.
She's very beautiful.
Hank Paulson, who championed the crackpot TARP as Treasury Secretary under Bush 43, is a Christian Scientist
From the story:
But the reality of the existential crisis remained elusive to church
officials. In 2005, Nathan Talbot and J Thomas Black, longtime church
leaders who had promoted recklessly irresponsible policies encouraging
the medical neglect of children, endorsed ambitious plans for raising
the dead. Black argued that Eddy wanted to keep alive the possibility of
defeating mortality, saying, “What would set us apart as a denomination
more than raising the dead?” What indeed? Black himself has had ample
opportunity to demonstrate it: he died in December 2011, and hasn’t been
seen since. ...
So did the softening of some Christian Science attitudes suggest that
the church was undergoing a genuine change of heart? Or were they
trying to save their jobs, their pride and the institution? At that
time, officials were grasping at relationships with ecumenical groups
and New Age alternative healers – anything to boost membership. Shirley
Paulson, for example, sister-in-law of former US treasury secretary Hank
Paulson (also a Christian Scientist, taught by Nathan Talbot),
contributed to a series of summit meetings – known as “Church Alive” –
which sought to jazz up services with ideas fresh from the 1950s:
reading from recent translations of the Bible (more recent than the King
James version, that is), singing hymns a cappella, and urging Sunday
School students to rap their narcotic weekly “Lesson Sermons”.
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