Thursday, August 1, 2019

Rush Limbaugh can't even get the differences between the Declaration and the Constitution right

He reveres them, just never reads them.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness aren't in the preamble to the Constitution, not now, and not in 2009 when he first made the mistake:

We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
CROWD: (louder applause)
RUSH: We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life.
CROWD: (cheers and applause)
RUSH: Liberty, Freedom.
CROWD: (wild cheering and applause)
RUSH: And the pursuit of happiness.

Hey Rush, you miserable grifting idiot, tell the British enemy in 1775 that the Continental Colors flag wasn't political

First hoisted on the colonial warship ALFRED in December 1775

And, see, we don’t think the flag is political. We don’t think the flag deserves equal time to people that don’t like it. We don’t think that Betsy Ross is political. We don’t think people need or deserve equal time to respond to Betsy Ross. These are symbols of our founding and our freedom and our liberty. They’re symbols. The left has politicized them, and they’re not political. They shouldn’t be by any stretch of the imagination. So we came up with the Stand Up for Betsy Ross T-shirt for people to push back — and in under three weeks, we sold enough $27 T-shirts to be able to donate $3 million and counting.

Trump today, bright and early: There is always plenty of time to cut

There's always plenty of time to cut spending, by definition, just not right now.

NEVER right now, always later. And when later comes, NEVER right now.

What a fool, and what fools we.

You know the division among Democrats is serious when Obama's wingman has to step in and tell his critics to stfu

This is about 5x the price the coverage would cost him now had Obamacare never passed

Too bad Americans didn't give Republicans control of both chambers of Congress and the White House in 2016 to fix this and gave all that to Democrats instead. 

Biden should absolutely run on deportation of illegal crossers because it will be easy to show how Trump is all talk about it and no action

[T]he only reason this particular part of the law is being abused is because of Donald Trump. 

Making money from China is more important to Trump than freedom for autonomous Hong Kong

“It was made clear down the chain that we need to be measured on Hong Kong,” one administration official said, noting that the guidance came from “the top” over concern that fragile talks with China might be jeopardized by any outward show of support for the protests.

Hey Rod Dreher: In the summer of 1967 159 race riots swept the country, but somehow America is still here

You were just a little baby then.

The fevered brow of fanaticism always fears the worst, immanentizing the dystopia

For wasted space, try between Damon Linker's ears

America is nothing if it is not about seeing how a presumptive candidate handles all the hyenas and how he fleshes out his positions and promises in response. America is entitled to form its opinion and express it in the form of actual votes taken at actual primary elections in actual places, like Iowa. What matters is representative democracy selecting the candidate, not the punditocracy.

It's always revealing to see progressives dismissive of the democratic process.

Obama no Reagan, no FDR: Democrat candidates for 2020 attack Obama legacy less than four years after he left office

It wasn't a scandal that Obama and Biden failed to withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014 as promised, and it still isn't

That elephant in the room which no one wants to talk about is that Donald Trump is going to be re-elected in 2020.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

That was a typo, they meant 2024, not 2014. Weak pinkie finger is unpredictable.

Thank God CNN's Brian Stelter warned us that The Babylon Bee is a fake news site

Still can't figure out why he deleted that tweet about it, though. Rumor has it it had something to do with someone explaining to Brian that The Babylon Bee was in reality the intelligent man's The Onion. Oh, as Rush might say.

Marianne Williamson wins Drudge poll

Marianne Williamson captured the nation's imagination like no one else in last night's debate

Marianne Williamson was last night's clear winner, and the left immediately goes to DEFCON 1: NBC attacks saying her real name is Marianne Individualism

Marianne Williamson's Democratic debate performance raised eyebrows. But she's no friend of the left. :

The self-help guru’s supposedly empowering rhetoric masks a mean-spirited individualism that would lead to harmful policies if she were somehow elected. ... Williamson is a good illustration of how a creeping hippie Reaganism can actually hurt progressive ideals. ... Williamson's approach is not an accident or an aberration. It's the natural outgrowth of an individualistic, reactionary ideology which calls first for internal spiritual renewal rather than for systemic cultural and political change. There's a direct line from such thinking to blaming poor people for their poverty or insisting that welfare payments corrupt recipients. Neoliberalism, whether of the left or the right, ends up blaming marginalized people for their own oppression. And once you've blamed them for their own suffering, you shuffle off any obligation to change things to help them, or to make the world more just.