Friday, April 19, 2019
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Black woman, 25-35, still sought in 2:25 AM smash-up of Rally's Hamburgers March 27 after it ran out of chocolate ice cream
The St. Louis area’s two busiest criminal prosecution offices are undergoing a much-needed review of cases involving low-level offenders with an eye toward reducing incarceration as the preferred instrument of deterrence. Kimberly Gardner and Wesley Bell promised reform when they campaigned for their respective jobs as chief prosecutors in St. Louis city and county. ... Bell told the editorial board last month that he wants to reserve criminal prosecution and imprisonment for the “worst of the worst.”
Methinks 'twill be a hot summer in the city this year.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Western civilization wasn't built on the "Judeo-Christian" heritage until the "Judeo" was added in the mid-20th century
The addition of "Judeo" is largely due to the post-war victors' response to and feelings of guilt for the Holocaust, but is also bound up with the post-war enthusiasm for ecumenism which remembered how Protestants and Catholics of many stripes fought side by side with Jews in the allied forces of the west to defeat Hitler.
The France which started to build the Notre Dame Cathedral in about 1160 thought so little of Jews it took away their property and expelled them from time to time.
Pete Bootyjudge is turning out to be not the sharpest knife in the drawer
So sorry, Indiana. So sorry, US Naval Intelligence. So sorry, Harvard, Oxford, Cecil Rhodes.
Hm, so it was the Republicans who knocked off Scalia! Amazing! Only a US Naval Intelligence officer could know that.
Monday, April 15, 2019
National Review's Kevin Williamson goes all-in for thorough-going materialism
By any meaningful standard of measurement, these are, materially speaking, the best years the human race has ever experienced—and the best years the American people have ever experienced, too. Health, wealth, safety, freedom, opportunity—never better.
Unless you were one of the approximately 1.5 billion aborted in the world since 1990.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
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